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  • #127183

    Thank you for your wonderful themes, hard work, and support! I have been happily using Rock Star Pro until the last WordPress update to WP 4.9.1. I had problems with the option for the “Your homepage displays” “home” as a “static page” option disappearing from WordPress=>Settings=>Reading. The first option on top of the screen was “Blog Post shows at most [ x ] posts”. I kept getting the error 404-page…Create your first post here message on the “Home” page with no way to change the setting.

    Then I noticed that the WP Editor was telling me:

    “Heads Up! You appear to be making direct edits to your theme in the WordPress dashboard. We recommend that you don’t! Editing your theme directly could break your site and your changes may be lost in future updates. If you need to tweak more than your theme’s CSS, you might want to try making a child theme.
    If you decide to go ahead with direct edits anyway, use a file manager to create a copy with a new name and hang on to the original. That way you can re-enable a functional version if something goes wrong.

    The odd part of this is that I was attempting to edit the selected Rock Star Pro Child when I got this error! I have a screenshot.

    Also, when I got into the child theme’s style.css, There were a number of “Errors in the code which must be corrected before updating the changes. The Parent theme, (Rock Star Pro) was accused of 104 code errors (per the automagic code checker in WP 4.9.1) It also said I must correct these 104 errors before updating the changes!

    I decided that it must be corruption, so, I deleted the database and the webroot and started over. With a clean install of WP 4.9.1 and a clean install of Rock Star Pro, and a fresh new database. When I got the WP installed, created a child for twenty seventeen, then installed Rock Star Pro, and corrected the name from “Rock Star Pro Child Theme” to “Rock Star Pro Child” (inside the child style.css) and renamed the to all seemed well. I was able to see the “Your homepage displays options in the reading settings and selected the appropriate static page and home settings. No more Error 404-Page;) Then with the child theme activated, I went to the editor and it gave me the “Heads Up!” message as seen in the blockquote, above and it still found 104 errors in the Parent style.css.

    I am hoping it is just an issue with WP flagging good code as bad, but I hope you will reproduce this to see it for yourself. As I said, this is with a clean install of WP 4.9.1 and Rock Star Pro 2.4.2! I am not good enough at coding to know if it is, but I do not like seeing errors. They freak me out!

    here is my child style.css

    Theme Name: Rock Star Pro Child
    Theme URI:
    Author: Catch Themes
    Author URI:
    Description: Rock Star Pro is an incredibly sleek and responsive music WordPress theme, built for artists and bands aiming to promote their music and events. Created using HTML5 and CSS3, this aesthetically engaging theme is very easy to use. Simple modules and features are available so you can build a complete and custom website right away. Knowing the importance of the vast potential of social media, Rock Star allows you to update your followers regarding any activity, track release or event using the integrated social media support option. Its homepage is dominated by your logo, tagline, and a full-screen background image. With features like news ticker, featured content, featured sliders, templates, extensive color palette and 22 custom widgets with handpicked font options give you plenty of customizing power. You can create outstanding shopping and multi-language experience with WooCommerce and WPML plugins respectively. For more details, check out Rock Star Pro Theme Instructions. Check out Theme Instructions at, Support at and Demo at
    Version: 1.0
    License: GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPLv3)
    License URI:
    Tags: blog, one-column, two-columns, three-columns, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, custom-background, custom-colors, custom-header, custom-menu, editor-style, featured-image-header, featured-images, flexible-header, front-page-post-form, post-formats, sticky-post, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready
    Text Domain: rock-star-pro
    Template: rock-star-pro

    /* =Child Theme Custom CSS
    ————————————————————– */

    function rock_star_featured_slider() {
    global $post, $wp_query;
    // get data value from options
    $options = rock_star_get_theme_options();
    $enable_slider = $options[‘featured_slider_option’];
    $sliderselect = $options[‘featured_slider_type’];
    $enable_slidersocial = $options[‘featured_slider_enable_social_icons’];
    $imageloader = $options[‘featured_slider_image_loader’];

    // Get Page ID outside Loop
    $page_id = $wp_query->get_queried_object_id();

    // Front page displays in Reading Settings
    $page_on_front = get_option(‘page_on_front’) ;
    $page_for_posts = get_option(‘page_for_posts’);

    if ( ‘entire-site’ == $enable_slider || ( ( is_front_page() || ( is_home() && $page_for_posts != $page_id ) ) && ‘homepage’ == $enable_slider ) ) {
    if ( ( !$output = get_transient( ‘rock_star_featured_slider’ ) ) ) {
    echo ‘<!– refreshing cache –>’;
    if ( $enable_slidersocial ) {
    $sliderclass = "main-slider with-social sections";
    else {
    $sliderclass = "main-slider sections";
    $output = ‘
    <div class="’ . $sliderclass . ‘">
    <div class="wrapper">
    <div class="cycle-slideshow"
    data-cycle-fx="’. esc_attr( $options[‘featured_slide_transition_effect’] ) .’"
    data-cycle-speed="’. esc_attr( $options[‘featured_slide_transition_length’] ) * 1000 .’"
    data-cycle-timeout="’. esc_attr( $options[‘featured_slide_transition_delay’] ) * 1000 .’"
    data-cycle-loader="’. esc_attr( $imageloader ) .’"
    data-cycle-slides="> article"

    // Select Slider
    if ( ‘demo-featured-slider’ == $sliderselect && function_exists( ‘rock_star_demo_slider’ ) ) {
    $output .= rock_star_demo_slider( $options );
    elseif ( ‘featured-post-slider’ == $sliderselect && function_exists( ‘rock_star_post_slider’ ) ) {
    $output .= rock_star_post_slider( $options );
    elseif ( ‘featured-page-slider’ == $sliderselect && function_exists( ‘rock_star_page_slider’ ) ) {
    $output .= rock_star_page_slider( $options );
    elseif ( ‘featured-category-slider’ == $sliderselect && function_exists( ‘rock_star_category_slider’ ) ) {
    $output .= rock_star_category_slider( $options );
    elseif ( ‘featured-image-slider’ == $sliderselect && function_exists( ‘rock_star_image_slider’ ) ) {

    $output .= rock_star_image_slider( $options );

    $output .= ‘
    </div><!– .cycle-slideshow –>
    <div class="controls">
    <div class="cycle-prev"><span class="screen-reader-text">’ .

    esc_html__( ‘Previous Slide’, ‘rock-star-pro’ ) . ‘</span></div><!– .cycle-prev –>
    <div class="cycle-next"><span class="screen-reader-text">’ .

    esc_html__( ‘Next Slide’, ‘rock-star-pro’ ) . ‘</span></div><!– .cycle-next –>
    </div><!– .controls –>
    <div id="pager1" class="cycle-pager"></div><!– .cycle-pager –>’;
    if ( $enable_slidersocial ) {
    $output .= rock_star_get_social_icons();
    $output .= ‘
    </div><!– .wrapper –>
    </div><!– #feature-slider –>’;

    set_transient( ‘rock_star_featured_slider’, $output, 86940 );
    echo $output;

    ———————-tear line——————-

    The code looks fine to me but WP 4.9.1 seems to think there are 104 errors which must be fixed!



    @karl : Please download the child theme for Rock Star Pro from the following link.
    In your child css you have inserted the code below `/* =Child Theme Custom CSS
    ————————————————————– */` line in the wrong file. You will need to add that code to the functions.php file but you have added it to the style.css.

    I suggest you to seek professional help if you are unable to make customizations on your site.
    Please follow this link to know more about creating child theme.
    Let me know if you have any more theme related issues.


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