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  • Dirk Fritsche

    And one more last thing about this issue:

    It seems that the Settings in the post under “Bold Phtography Pro Options, are causing problems:

    For the 1. Link (see screenshot in post above – top right) the settings where:
    Select Sidebar: Default Sidebar
    Header Featured Image Options: Default
    Single Page/Post Image: Default

    For the 2. Link (see screenshot in post above – bottom right) the settings where:
    Select Sidebar: Default Sidebar
    Header Featured Image Options: Enable
    Single Page/Post Image: Slider Image 1920×954

    For this option with the breadcrumbs are above the menu, the Problem is, that the Breadcrumbs have no funtion (not clickable)

    Jerome Dorsey

    Hi Skandha,

    Please see I followed your instruction and inserted the following code in the header

    Anchor Bioresearch

    This put the banner above the website. Is there a way to insert the banner in above the menu or between the menu and the featured slider?

    Jerome Dorsey

    Hi Skandha,

    Please see I followed your instruction and inserted the code in the header

    This put the banner above the website. Is there a way to insert the banner in above the menu or between the menu and the featured slider?


    @delmak-0: Hello Andrea,
    The recommended image size for Featured Slider is 1920*822px. You can the recommended image sizes for the theme here under the Theme Instructions tab.

    Let me know if this helps you out!
    Kind Regards,


    @paulospotonlichtontwerp-nl: Yes you are right. The theme options doesn’t have transition speed option in the featured slider section as mentioned. I will inform the development team regarding the issue and let you know soon. Sorry for the inconvenience caused.


    Bastien Chilloux

    On the support page for slider, I can read this :

    How to change Transition Effect, Transition Delay and Transition Length on Slider?

    Make sure featured slider is enabled
    Go to Customize => Theme Options => Featured Slider” from your WordPress Dashboard
    To change Transition Effect, select option under “Transition Effect
    To change Transition Delay, change number of second(s) under “Transition Delay” as per your need
    To change Transition Length, change number of second(s) under “Transition Length” as per your need
    Finally, click on “Save & Publish”

    However, none of these options appears, I can only change the “transition timeout”.
    Please help.



    thank you for reply. In all sliders the links are inserted. Other problem is, that in featured slider I have 3 slides, you can see that third one looks different.

    I think all isues is the template problem.

    Should you checkt it ?

    Thank you.



    @janushka608seznam-cz: Hello Jana,

    1. You don’t seem to have inserted any links to your Featured Slider items.
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Link => Insert the link to where each of your slider items should be directed when clicked and Publish.

    2. For that you will need to create a child theme and do a little bit of customzation. Let me know if you are familiar with child theme customization otherwise I suggest you to hire a customizer.

    Let me know if this helps you out!
    Kind Regards,


    In reply to: Full Screen Width


    @bjbarker: Hello BJ,
    There is a no sidebar full width layout in the theme.

    To extend the Featured Slider to full width
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS and add the following CSS Code.

    figure {
        margin: 0;

    Let me know if this is what you want.
    Kind Regards,


    @mystagogue: Hello there,
    You don’t seem to have selected any posts in your Featured Slider section that is why the grey space is showing up. Please select some post/page in the featured slider section or if you don’t want the section please disable it.

    Let me know if this helps you out!
    Kind Regards,


    In reply to: Full Screen Width


    OK Skandha,

    If we forget about all the above can your Featured Slider be extended to full screen width?
    If so, I’ll be happy.

    See this site


    @mystagogue: Hello there,
    You don’t seem to have anything in the Featured Slider section.

    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Featured Slider =>
    Select a Type and choose the post/pages you want to display in the slider and Publish.

    For theme instructions follow this link.

    Kind Regards,


    @berlinreklame: Hello Dirk,
    Can you try using the Featured Slider Option available in the theme?

    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider and Select the suitable option for you.

    Let me know if this works out!
    Kind Regards,


    Hi Skandha,
    in both, Slider an featured Content, there is text from the page that is linked to.
    It’s the first words/sentences from this page.
    I would like to remove this text and place some other text.

    And one more question:

    How can i reduce the height of the grey background bar behind the page titles?

    Thanks a lot. Tobi


    Unfortunately the update didn’t solve the problem.
    My homepage is a static page and uses these sections:
    – featured slider
    – hero content
    – portfolio
    In total I have 17 h1 tag in homepage, which correspond to:
    – n. 1 <h1> for the page title as it should be (this is fine)
    – n. 5 <h1> for each slide title (these should be h2 tag)
    – n. 1 <h1> for the title of the hero content (this should be an h2 tag)
    – n. 9 <h1> for each portfolio title (these should be h2 tag)
    – n. 1 <h1> for the menu title (this should not be in h1 or h2)

    The tags of the section should all be in h2, with the exception of the menu title that is repeated on all pages and would generate a duplicate <h2> tag.

    As specified, I only use these sections on my homepage, but the problem also occurs with the others (for example header highlight content or logo slider).

    Thank you for your precious collaboration


    @lilleselmer: Hello there,

    The Id’s for the sections are:
    Contact Section: #contact-section
    Featured Content: #featured-content-section
    Featured Slider: #slider-content-wrapper
    Hero Content: #hero-content
    News Section: #news-section
    Portfolio: #portfolio-section
    Promotion Headline: #promotion-section
    Services Section: #services-section
    Stats Section: #stats-section
    Team Section: #team-section
    Testimonial Section: #testimonial-section
    Why Choose Section: #why-choose-us-section

    I hope this helps you out!
    Kind Regards,


    @sanket: Hello Sanket,
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS and add the following CSS Code.

    .featured-slider .entry-container {
        color: #fff;

    Let me know if this works out!
    Kind Regards,


    Thanks. That helped.
    1 more thing… How doni change the font color of post description on the slider. The one that comes below the featured image on the slider?

    Bastien Chilloux

    Ok thank you but the homepage/frontpage header cannot be disabled manually with the “excluding homepage/frontpage, Page/Post Featured Image” option enabled ?
    So I want to get the slider in homepage and then the featured image header on other pages.


    Thank you!
    There are some h1 tag in file like 404.php or page.php and they are ok, but I can find the h1 tag also in other files.
    If that can help you, these are the files and the lines in which you can find the h1 tags (both opening and closing).
    parallax-frame\inc\structure.php (2 hits)
    Line 136 (2 hits)
    parallax-frame\inc\custom-header.php (2 hits)
    Line 239
    Line 241
    parallax-frame\inc\featured-content.php (18 hits)
    Line 165
    Line 167
    Line 181
    Line 183
    Line 197
    Line 199
    Line 215
    Line 217
    Line 236
    Line 238
    Line 252
    Line 254
    Line 268
    Line 270
    Line 286
    Line 288
    Line 410
    Line 412
    parallax-frame\inc\featured-slider.php (6 hits)
    Line 103
    Line 105
    Line 122
    Line 124
    Line 231
    Line 233
    parallax-frame\inc\hero-content.php (4 hits)
    Line 85 (2 hits)
    Line 195
    Line 197
    parallax-frame\inc\menus.php (2 hits)
    Line 24 (2 hits)
    parallax-frame\inc\portfolio.php (4 hits)
    Line 460
    Line 462
    Line 557
    Line 559

Viewing 20 results - 161 through 180 (of 2,393 total)