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  • #336389

    In reply to: h1 tags on home page


    Hello @effess,

    Yes we can see multiple h1 tags in featured slider and featured content in your website, but when I checked in our end, I didn’t find such issues. You can also check our demo:

    I think it might be the issue of any plugin. Please check disabling plugins and let me know. Thank you.



    Hi RChalmers,

    For the featured page slider, check this
    For the featured image,



    Ok, the link is

    The front page, you will see featured pages in the slider, except #4 doesn’t change image.


    I have three of the Featured pages working well, as they scroll across the Featured Slider display, and I have all the 4 dots showing. I have actually got the four pages enabled in the setup.

    Now on the 4 iteration, the Description for the featured page shows fine, but the correct image doesn’t show. It stays on the previous image.

    I can’t for the life of me see what’s going on here.




    Hello @pixelfaenger

    Because of your image transparency, the background color given to that section is seen. Probably you have changed the tertiary background color from the customizer color option try to change the desired color on that tertiary background color to get your desired result. If this creates conflict with other sections try the below CSS for that specific featured slider section

    try this CSS snippet

    .slider-content-wrapper {
       background-color: #bcbcbc;

    Change color value with your desired value on that CSS code.






    the first image shows, hot it is displayed on the website.


    The second image shows the original image used in the featured slider.


    Kind Regards



    Hi Team,

    I am using Foodoholic Pro<span class=”theme-version”>Version: 1.7.3 and want to use the Featured Slider Theme Option.</span>

    I’ve activated it, chose some images, so good so far. The problem is, that it seems like there is a color-cast/overlay on top of the images, what ruins it for me. I can’t find an Option do deactivate an overlay or something.


    I can’t provide a link to the side yet, cause it isn’t public yet.


    Just imagine a clean white image as one slider image but it appears gray.


    Kind regards


    <p style=”font-weight: 400;”>Hello team,</p>
    <p style=”font-weight: 400;”>I just began to make a website in Alevatebiz pro and I encounter serious trouble and problems.
    After hours trying and searching without any result, you should understand I did not have a nice evening.
    Working with earlier catchthemes themes as travelore pro didn’t brought me such problems.
    I urgently need some help, knowing the catchthemes support is excellent.</p>
    First of all the header of the home page. I tried to replace the slider with an image. The result is. That the tiled celery uses half the header.
    On the catchthemes website I read that it is possible to have a full size website without sidebars.
    I used the image that I iused in the travelore theme (see and the result was an image that occurred somewhere in the header and certainly not full size. I cannot find the possibility to make a full size page without sidebars.

    Next I tried to make a standard page with a header. I tried to adjust the header, but I cannot change the color of the site title. The title is barely visible (kind of white) and while hovering the color change in a kind of brown.
    Also here it is not possible to have a full size featured image.

    Next problem: the page title stays visible no matter what I do. I used the plugin “hide page and post title”. Works everywhere except here. Tried also the css that I used in travelore pro: also no success.

    You can see the results in these links: page

    and home page

    Kind regards and thank you in advance

    Hans Hagmeijer


    Hey Sakin!

    That plugin does the job pretty god except for one thing.

    I followed your instructions. Still the featured slider displays a little grey box in the video Thumbnail as if it wants to print the post title. If I ad a post title it prints the title “over” the video thumbnail.

    How could one hide this box?

    Thanks in advance !




    Hi Bram,

    There is no option to change the slider background color as it’s coming from Script. The best option is to use the larger image or stretch the image with Custom CSS.

    If you want to stretch the image then you can add the following CSS in the “Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS” box:

    #main-slider img { width: 100%; }

    But if you want to change the background color then add the following CSS in the “Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS” box:

    .featured-slider .hentry { background-color: #5d91bf !important; }



    Hi Heinz,

    There is no option to replace the slider with the Video. So for this, you need to build a child theme and add a custom function.
    There is also a plugin called Catch Featured Video Pro which will add an option to upload a video instead of a Featured Image on a Page/post. After installing this plugin, you can add a YouTube video URL to the page/post “Catch Featured Video Pro URL box”. Finally, go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider => Slider Options” and select Slider type as “Page/Post” and then select the page/post that has a video URL.



    Hi Team –

    For the Chique Pro theme, the home page Featured Slider looks great on Desktop. But if you look at it in mobile, the 16:9 ratio is cut and the images are not fully displayed. They seemed design to display vertically opposed to horizontally. This makes the images look incorrectly framed. Is there a way to have it displayed horizontally at full width?

    Here’s the site:


    Carl & Melissa


    In reply to: Slider resizing


    @btcbtc : Please post in your site URL so that I can check for issues on your site and provide you the required fix. The above css code should fix the height issue for the featured slider.


    gary smith

    Hello Sakin,

    My homepage uses the featured slider. Below it is the static page which is one column. The full smaller image is in the column at the bottom-not shown in the photo but a crop appears full height to the left of the column, see link below

    below is the area the element appears

    Many Thanks



    @levphoto : You may disable the header media and enable the Featured slider from theme options.
    Login to your WordPress admin section. Go to Appearance => Customize => Header Media
    Under Enable on : Select disabled and click on publish.

    To enable the Featured slider. Go to Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Featured Slider
    Under Enable on : Select Homepage/FrontPage. Set the desired number of slides and select the pages containing the slider images.

    let me know if you are still having issues.



    Oh, thx for the quick answer but ‘what a pity’. There are many Slider Plugins outside, but the Mainproblem is, that I never can get a Slider or Headerimage above the top Mainmenue. The MainMenue and the Featured Content Menue are not in the page but the sliders call have to be positioned into the page. I would be very happy if someone has an idea for this.


    @rmailuhu  :  Login to your WordPress admin section. Go to Appearance => Customize => Additional css and add the following css.

    @media screen and (max-width: 768px) {
      .custom-header-content, #feature-slider .entry-container {
        padding: 180px 60px;
      .featured-content-wrapper.layout-three .hentry {
        width: 33.33%;

    Let me know if this helps you out.



    @tikaram : Thank you for your help!

    Also have a question about the Featured Slider. How can I change the image size on tablet and mobile version?
    It’s super small.
    Actually I would like to have a lay-out which will look the same as the desktop version:
    – Featured Slider
    – Featured Content: 3 columns next to each other.

    And the tagline is not visible on tablet and mobile version.

    Hope you can help, thanks.


    @florent-bruchezmac-com : Login to your WordPress admin section. Go to Appearance => Customize
    In the customizer panel you can find featured slider just below Theme Options. Click on the Featured slider option and add sliders as desired. Let me know if you are still having issues locating featured slider option.



    @steveide : You can make use of the featured slider section that is included in the theme. You can link a single slider with one URL but there is no option to link multiple links from a single slider image. I recommend you to look for a suitable plugin that fits your requirements. Let me know if you have any theme related issues.


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