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  • #334684

    <p style=”font-weight: 400;”>Hello team,</p>
    <p style=”font-weight: 400;”>I just began to make a website in Alevatebiz pro and I encounter serious trouble and problems.
    After hours trying and searching without any result, you should understand I did not have a nice evening.
    Working with earlier catchthemes themes as travelore pro didn’t brought me such problems.
    I urgently need some help, knowing the catchthemes support is excellent.</p>
    First of all the header of the home page. I tried to replace the slider with an image. The result is. That the tiled celery uses half the header.
    On the catchthemes website I read that it is possible to have a full size website without sidebars.
    I used the image that I iused in the travelore theme (see and the result was an image that occurred somewhere in the header and certainly not full size. I cannot find the possibility to make a full size page without sidebars.

    Next I tried to make a standard page with a header. I tried to adjust the header, but I cannot change the color of the site title. The title is barely visible (kind of white) and while hovering the color change in a kind of brown.
    Also here it is not possible to have a full size featured image.

    Next problem: the page title stays visible no matter what I do. I used the plugin “hide page and post title”. Works everywhere except here. Tried also the css that I used in travelore pro: also no success.

    You can see the results in these links: page

    and home page

    Kind regards and thank you in advance

    Hans Hagmeijer


    Hello @HansH

    Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

    About that page title, to hide those titles you can delete those titles by clicking on it. or you can try this below Css snippet

    .header-media-inner-post .wp-block-post-title {
    display: none;

    If you want another section instead of a banner and to maintain design purposes you have to replace the existing header parts with header-default parts
    follow this image below


    and about the site title color and this CSS snippet

    .header-transparent .wp-block-main-header wp-block-site-title a,
    .wp-block-navigation .wp-block-navigation-item__content.wp-block-navigation-item__content {
    color: inherit;




    <p style=”font-weight: 400;”>Hello Milan,</p>
    <p style=”font-weight: 400;”>Thank you for answering. I try to implement your advise. The result is partially ok.
    1. I inputted CSS. You can see that here. The color of header didn’t change.</p>
    2. Next thing was trying to adjust the color of header background and text. You can see that here. No result at all.

    3. The position of tailed gallery is ok now.

    4. I tried to add a featured image. This image occurred in the header now. Also page title is still visible. You can see that here. If you look, you see the featured image under the header and in full whith.

    Can you please help me with this?
    <p style=”font-weight: 400;”>Kind regards</p>
    Hans Hagmeijer


    Hello Milan,


    I see that some links are not in the forum.

    header background

    testpage for featured image


    Hello @HansH

    1. I inputted CSS. You can see that here. The color of header didn’t change.
    2. Next thing was trying to adjust the color of header background and text. You can see that here. No result at all.
    >> These two issues will be fixed after the theme update, you will notified about the theme update once we get it done from here !!
    and To change the header background you have to go to that specific header part that you are using and you can change it from there

    About Featured Image go to Dashboard > Appearance >> Editor >> Templates

    about that page title showing if this issue still exist, please share your URL so that I can check thoroughly




    Hello Minal,

    Thank you.
    The URL is
    If you need my credentials: please let me know.
    After you have looked I want to start all over again.

    I go and try now to adjust the header background.

    Besides: There is still a problem with the featured image at the top of website. Now the featured image is in the header and the menu in the featured image. What I should like is a featured image just under the header. AN example of our current website you find here
    Please go to the website and look to the page toerfietsen in the menu.
    You also see a tiny black line in the page, probably the header border.
    It seems now that the page titel is gone.

    Kind regards

    Hans Hagmeijer


    For featured image just below header, try replace the existing header parts with header-default parts like you did on homepage.




    I tried it, but pages are locked.
    I don’t understand anything of it.
    For now about seven years I made WordPress websites, but this……
    You can see it here

    Kind regards

    Hans Hagmeijer


    Hello Minal,

    I just made a bit progress.



    Hello Hansh

    To change the header you have to go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Editor and template there you  can find a single post and can change the desired header

    It will be hard but we are here to assist you with every way possible




    Thank you Mina.

    That is for sure: it is hard. But: I never give up.
    And thank you for the support.
    I Don’t make a new account for an avatar.
    It cannot be nice that you don’t know who you are supporting.
    Therefore you can see here an image.
    That is me.
    Now I gonna try everything again from the beginning.

    Kind regards




    Hello Hansh

    We should never give up that’s the main motto.

    and thank you for your kind gesture,

    Again if any issues or difficulties exist again Please feel free to ask for support we are here to assist you,




    Hello Mina,

    Troubles go on and on and on. The simplest thing should be to make a page. I did not succeed.
    At first I uninstalled WordPress from my account. Second I reinstalled fresh theme.
    I would begin to make a simple page.
    Therefore I made a new header. Still have problems with colors, but it seems I can solve this.
    This new header I would add to a new page.
    After making a new page I see three parts: title, featured image and content. All three are locked. You can see it here.
    I cannot add the new header. This occurs under the featured image.
    Now I really don’t know what to do, because I am not able even to make a page.

    Kind regards

    Hans Hagmeijer



    Hello Hansh,

    You don’t have to go to the page for featured image. Just simply go to Dashboard >> Appearance >> Editor >> and template >> and there you can see a single post and pages template just there you can change the background and in all posts or pages it will be applied.
    Follow these steps:





    Hello Mina,

    I am almost there. Only the color of menu items and the header some smaller. I replaced cover by featured image so that I can use more then one image. Now I think it is a good base for now.

    Kind regards

    Hans Hagmeijer

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