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  • #113932

    Hi, on the demo site you have a sticky post, that always stays on top of the homepage blog posts.
    How can I make a post a sticky post?

    I also would like to choose which blog post will shown as 1st, which one second, which one third, etc. But I only can choose by older/newer post, and numeric. I downloaded the plugin WP-pagenavi. But nothing changes. What should I do, to make it possible to choose in which order the blog posts are shown?


    @wouwonline: To make a post sticky, go to add/edit post page and look towards the right hand sidebar where you will see a Publish box. Look at the (Visibility: Public) field and click edit.
    Check the box to make the post Sticky and publish it. If you want to make an older post sticky, follow the same steps and just click save.
    To change the post order, please use some sorting or ordering plugin.


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