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  • #229494

    In reply to: Buttons and Sliders


    The only slider I am using on this site is the themes Featured Slider at present, and I would look to simply replace this if the layout suits. Where would I put the plugin coding?

    Will the plugin (or the theme) create a slider which displays on a mobile the same way as Fullscreen Pro?

    What about the updating issue? The plugin still says it needs updating when it is running the latest version.

    Thaks Skandha,



    In reply to: Buttons and Sliders


    @rodeboy: Hello Chris,
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS and add the following CSS Code.

    /* Promotion Headline button */
    #ct-about-2 .btn-transparent, #ct-about-2 .btn-transparent {
    		background-color: #fff;
    		border-color: #fff;
    		color: #000;
    #ct-about-2 .btn-transparent:hover, #ct-about-2 .btn-transparent:focus {
    		background-color: #123345;
    		border-color: #123456;
    		color: #fff;
    /* For featured content buttons */
    #featured-content .btn-transparent, #featured-content .btn-transparent {
    		background-color: #fff;
    		border-color: #fff;
    		color: #000;
    #featured-content .btn-transparent:hover, #featured-content .btn-transparent:focus {
    		background-color: #123345;
    		border-color: #123456;
    		color: #fff;

    You can change the color according to your choice.

    You don’t have to disable the slider within the theme. You will need to
    Go to => Dashboard => Catch Slider Pro => Create new slider and add the shortcode on post/page where you want it to be displayed.

    Let me know if this helps you out!
    Kind Regards,


    @fireflywebs: Hello there,
    Go to => Child theme folder => functions.php and add the following Code.

    function slider_above_menu() {
    	remove_action('clean_education_before_content', 'clean_education_featured_slider', 10);
    	add_action('clean_education_header', 'clean_education_featured_slider', 55);
    add_action( 'wp_head', 'slider_above_menu');

    Let me know if this works out!
    Kind Regards,


    @twin6: Hello there,
    Did you Go to => Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider?

    Let me know if the option does not appear.
    Kind Regards,


    In reply to: Changing Header Images


    @svenmagnus: Hello Sven,
    Yes it is possible with free version. Only pages can be used in the free version. To use post,category or custom options in the slider you will need to upgrade to pro.

    Firstly you will need to create pages and set a featured image for each of the page.
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Select the pages you just created.

    Let me know if this helps you out!
    Kind Regards,


    In reply to: Changing Header Images


    @svenmagnus: Hello Sven,
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Select the pages you want to display in the slider.

    Kind Regards,


    In reply to: Feature Image Slider


    @fireflywebs: Hello there,
    Go to => Child theme folder => functions.php and add the following Code.

    function overriding_parent_code() {
    	add_action( 'lucida_after_header', 'lucida_featured_slider', 10 );
    	remove_action( 'lucida_before_content', 'lucida_featured_slider', 10 );	
    add_action('after_setup_theme', 'overriding_parent_code');

    Let me know if this works out!
    Kind Regards,


    @rdangel07: Hello Ralf,
    For that you can use the Featured Slider Option.
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider

    Let me know if this helps you out!
    Kind Regards,


    In reply to: Featured Content Image

    [email protected]

    I’ve amended the featured image to 780×586 which makes the Featured Content image box look ok BUT now the corresponding image in the home page Features Page slider (see slide 1 with the van on beach) is out of kilter with the other slide images?
    Does the Slider use the Featured Image – so 789×56? – as I’d seen reference elsewhere to the Slider image size is 1920×800 (though I can’t see where you can specify a Slide image).


    I’ve found the flag “Enable Social Icons in Featured Slider” in Featured Slider, so I can turn off.
    How can I position them in the footer?


    @ph3n1993: You can Disable the Header and Enable Featured Slider for that.

    To disable Header Media
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Header Media => Enable On => Select Disabled

    To enable Featured Slider
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Enable On

    Kind Regards,


    @dazzathedrummer: Hello there,
    To have the Header Image Above the Slider you wont have to create a child theme. There is an option in the customizer.
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Header Image => Featured Header Image Position => Select Before Slider. I seem to have forgot about that option.

    Let me know if this works out!
    Kind Regards,


    @huhuhans: There seems to be an issue with the Featured Slider Custom Type. The issue will be fixed and an update will be released. I will let you know when the update is released.

    Kind Regards,


    @mmhgloba: Hello Edwin,
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider => Slider Options => Transition Length => Set a number that you want.

    Let me know if this works out!
    Kind Regards,


    In reply to: Slider Image

    actually, I think I resolved it. I disabled both the slider and the featured content, saved it. and then selected them again. I think it fixed the bug.


    @gildaniela: Hello there,
    I don’t see Featured Slider enabled on your site. Can you please enable featured slider and let me know?

    Kind Regards,


    Further to the above issue regarding not bring able to scroll all the way down when using a mobile. I have the featured slider enabled and I can’t view this section or anything past it when viewing on a phone. You can see my video screenshot here

    Please get this fixed, I have complained about this in past but nothing was done


    @fl95: Hello Flurin,
    What you can do buy the pro version and upload all the photos on the featured slider and let me know. I will try to help you on what you want to achieve with the landscape and portrait photos in desktop and mobile devices. You can test all the additional features as well. If you are not satisfied with the theme we have a 15-day return policy. You are subjected to a full refund within 15 days of your purchase.

    I hope this helps you out!
    Kind Regards,


    @fl95: Hello Flurin,
    Can you have all those images in the Featured Slider and let me know? Since you are using the free version you can only use Page in the Featured Slider Section. If you upgrade to pro you will have post, page, category and custom type option to select from to create a slider. You can check out the additional-features available in pro version of the theme.

    Kind Regards,

    Wendy Neuhofer

    Thank you! It partially worked. I think there is a bracket missing? I got an error message about a RBRAC or something like that.

    With regard to the featured items, I have figured out how to uses the short code, I have used it on another page, but I wondered if there was a way to use it in a slider, so that I can have more images and they move like the sliders do.


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