Forum Replies Created
Participant@briddaa86: Hello Britta,
There was a little a ` in the code which was causing the issue. I have fixed that now. Please check again.
Kind Regards,
Participant@briddaa86: Hello Britta,
Go to => Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS and add the following CSS Code.
@media screen and (max-width: 1024px) { .custom-logo-link { display: none !important; } }
Let me know if this works out!
Kind Regards,
Participant@toerfiets: Hello Hans,
Yes, that is true. To use the adjustment made to the Header Highlights section you will have to use the child theme. Also you if you have to edit other theme files you can use this child theme.
Let me know if you have anymore queries.
Kind Regards,
Participant@toerfiets: Hello Hans,
For that
Go to => Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS and add the following CSS Code.
@media screen and (min-width: 48em) { .travelore-featured-two-columns-section .hentry { width: 25%; } }
Let me know if this works out!
Kind Regards,
Participant@toerfiets: Hello Hans,
The changes is made using a child theme so that It does not get lost when you update the theme. You will need to activate the child theme and customizer your site using the child theme. The child theme is same as the pro theme with the little change made to Header Highlight section.
Kind Regards,
Participant@ekay: Hello there,
Can you please deactivate the plugin and then check if the slider works?
Kind Regards,
Participant@jasonmjung: Hello there,
I searched the keyword Design on your site and I got some search results. Are you not able to get any search results?
Kind Regards,
Participant@hansh: Hello Hans,
The recommended image size of the 1st image of Two Columns & Trending section is 820x615px and for 2nd image is 210x144px.
The Content Layout option in the Trending section has bugs which will be fixed and an update will be released.
The recommended image size for the Top Reads section is 640x480px.
Let me know if uploading the right image sizes fixes the issue.
Kind Regards,
Participant@catwingz: Hello there, I hope I was able to resolve your issue. If it’s not too much trouble, I have a quick request: could you please leave an honest review?
Your review will help others know what to expect when they’re looking for the support I offer. Even a sentence or two would be hugely
appreciated. Thanks, and if there’s anything else at all that I can do to help, don’t hesitate to let me know. Have a good day! 🙂Kind Regards,
Participant@ekay: Hello there,
Can you please post in your site URL so that I can look into the issue?
Kind Regards,
Participant@toerfiets: Hello Hans,
If you use Page, Post or Categories the Posted on date and the Author name will show up below the post title.
Kind Regards,
Participant@toerfiets: Hello Hans,
I see that you have disabled the Featured Two Columns section. Can you enable the section and check if it shows up well?
Kind Regards,
Participant@toerfiets: Hello Hans,
In the 2nd post there is a class two which should not show up after I provided you the code above so there is something wrong with the way you have setup the file in the child theme folder.
Kind Regards,
Participant@toerfiets: Hello Hans,
Can you please check the path of the file post-types-header-highlight.php in the child theme folder? The path to the file should be same as in the parent theme folder.
Kind Regards,
Participant@giro: Hello Marco,
Can you please clarify which brush icon you are referring to?
Kind Regards,
Participant@toerfiets: Hello Hans,
You will need to switch the theme to your child theme to see the result.
You will need to setup of Header Highlight section with 3 posts.Let me know if this works out!
Kind Regards,
Participant@toerfiets: Hello Hans,
Go to => Child Theme Folder => create new folders template-parts/header-highlight then create a file custom-header-highlight.php then add the code in this link.
The path to the file custom-header-highlight.php must be same as in the parent theme folder.
Go to => Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS and add the following CSS Code.
#header-highlights-post-2 { width: 50%; }
Let me know if this works out!
Kind Regards,
Participant@toerfiets: Hello Hans,
Please remove the following CSS Code from the Additional CSS which is hiding the date from Featured Two Columns section.
.entry-meta .posted-on, .entry-header .entry-meta > span.posted-on { display: none; }
Please let me know if you are having any other issue with the section.
Kind Regards,
Participant@catwingz: Hello there,
The update has been released. Please update the theme to the latest version and let me know if the issue is resolved.
Kind Regards,
Participant@luismarioochoa: Hello Luis,
Edit the page Forever Lecuona
Add a New Block => Buttons => Add your button URL and Text => Update the Page
Go to => Appearance => Customize => Events => Select the Page Forever Lecuona and Publish.If you are having still having issue I can do it for you.
Let me know what you would like to do.
Kind Regards,
Skandha -