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  • Skandha

    @queenbuzzy: Hello there,
    To change the post thumbnail to the same aspect ratio as that of the featured slider you will need to create a child theme and do a little bit of customization. Let me know if you are familiar with child theme customization so that I can help you out.

    It is not possible to have two separate image for slider and blog posts using posts or page. What you can do is use Custom Type in the featured slider and upload the images and content to it and then upload the featured image in posts that suits the blog posts structure.

    Let me know if this helps you out!
    Kind Regards,


    In reply to: How to update?


    In reply to: How to update?

    Kent Hirsch

    Featured Slider
    Set to “Custom” mode. To the right of each image is a plate with the title specified in settings.
    1) can you make the plate transparent?
    2) can you place the plate somewhere else in the picture?
    3) can you deselect the plate and title and only show a clean image?
    4) can you change the size of the plate in relation to the title (padding?)?

    Kind regards


    @stellam: Hello there,
    Can you please make your site accessible and let me know on which specific page you want the slider, projects, hero content, galleries, promotion headline, testimonial, featured content and logo slider?
    Please mention the specific pages where you want the section enabled so that I can provide you the necessary CSS Codes. Also enable all these section on entire site.

    To attach a screenshot please upload the screenshot image on platforms like Google Drive or Dropbox and then paste in the link here.

    Yes you can videos on each page with this theme.

    Sorry for the late reply.
    I hope this helps you out!
    Kind Regards,

    StellaM Matutina

    Hello, is it still possible to help with atleast the two most technical questions?

    We would like pages with just one section separately on each page. If we start over, that just means 1 page with the slider, and eventually a text. Another page with “projects”, a 3rd for the Hero Content, a 4th with a many galleries, a 5th with promotional headlines and continue with testimonials, then featured content, then logos, ect. (And then we can copy them to make the pages for the different languages?) Is that possible with this theme?

    I can’t add a screen shot to this post of the locked “widgets” which maybe are rightly called “elements”? are when I want to edit a page, and drag and drop a slide or gallery onto the page, it isn’t allowed and says “see it in action” and takes me to a page to buy pro. The general and basic elements are open and usable, but all the others have a little lock in the upper right hand corner of the button.

    Can videos be added on each page with this theme?

    thank you

    StellaM Matutina

    Thank you Skandha!

    The plugin for translation is polylang. But if it’s not too difficult, we can switch. We prefer manual translation that we do ourselves rather than automatic “gooogle” translation. Is that possible? For the time being, it’s the French page that doesn’t receive the demo data – I’m not sure why.

    And we were even thinking to restart our site from scratch since the images and texts that were in the previous theme were uploaded as images made in powerpoint since we couldn’t figure out how to work with the design. And in any case we wanted to renew both the texts and the images. Do you think it would be better? What we liked was the structure of the languages and the pages that already corresponded in the 3 languages and thought we’d save time keeping it. But if this theme doesn’t support polylang, then maybe it’s just easier to start over?

    We would like pages with just one section separately on each page. If we start over, that just means 1 page with the slider, and eventually a text. Another page with “projects”, a 3rd for the Hero Content, a 4th with a many galleries, a 5th with promotional headlines and continue with testimonials, then featured content, then logos, ect. (And then we can copy them to make the pages for the different languages?) Is that possible with this theme?

    Can videos be imbeded on our pages?

    I can’t add a screen shot to this post of the locked “widgets” which maybe are rightly called “elements”? are when I want to edit a page, and drag and drop a slide or gallery onto the page, it isn’t allowed and says “see it in action” and takes me to a page to buy pro. The general and basic elements are open and usable, but all the others have a little lock in the upper right hand corner of the button.

    I’m sorry for all these questions.. Thank you so much!!


    @stellam: Hello there,
    Can you let me know which plugin you are using for translation? We only support WPML for translation.

    To change the order of Featured Slider
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Section Sorter => Change the order of the section and Publish.

    To use hero content and featured content on a specific page
    Enable the section on Entire Site and let me know on which specific page you want the section enabled.

    Can you please explain what you mean by Pro widgets are still locked?

    Can you let me know which section is not responsive?

    More instructions please follow this link.

    Kind Regards,


    @skandha this is concerning REPLY #253366 and #254638
    I had 2 websites, so you can see the difference – the probelem is with the website

    I’m already using child theme with static frontpage.

    Website: where the frontpage order is (the way I would like to show):
    1. Logo area
    2. Featured slider
    3. Homepage headline options
    4. Frontpage text – static
    5. Homepage featured content options
    6. Footer widget area

    But at this website ther order is:
    1. Logo area
    2. Featured slider
    3. Homepage headline options
    4. Homepage featured content options
    5. Frontpage text – static
    6. Footer widget area

    I want to move point 5 above point 4 at this website also, but I can’t find the checkbox to do it. It has been possible to do it before.

    Please advise me what to do?


    @skandha this is concerning REPLY #253366 and #254638
    I had 2 websites, so you can see the difference – the probelem is with the website

    I’m already using child theme with static frontpage.

    Website: where the frontpage order is (the way I would like to show):
    1. Logo area
    2. Featured slider
    3. Homepage headline options
    4. Frontpage text – static
    5. Homepage featured content options
    6. Footer widget area

    But at this website ther order is:
    1. Logo area
    2. Featured slider
    3. Homepage headline options
    4. Homepage featured content options
    5. Frontpage text – static
    6. Footer widget area

    I want to move point 5 above point 4 at this website also, but I can’t find the checkbox to do it. It has been possible to do it before.

    Please advise me what to do?


    @shayd: Hello there,
    There seems to be a little bug due to which the Featured page slider is not working. The issue has been fixed and a theme update will be released as soon as possible. I will let you know when the updated is released.

    Kind Regards,


    @davdkuko: Hello there,
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Select type as Category as Select the Category of posts you want to show up on the slider and Publish.

    Then when you add a new post Categorize that post into the Category you have selected on the Featured Slider.

    Let me know if this works out!
    Kind Regards,


    I am having multiple issues with Catch Full-Screen Pro. License no. below. See the initial inquiry below before I started purchasing. I manage multiple sites. I am a reseller.

    I uploaded this theme to one of my managed sites. First, the theme shows active in the customize part on the domain site and appears public.

    However, during customizing (live on site) the theme is not picking up things such as pages in the dashboard (WordPress). Yet it does on another client’s site.

    Secondly, even though it shows up as above when I am in the WordPress dashboard the ‘active theme’ does not show Catch Full Screen as the theme, yet the beginning WP theme.

    There is no place to place the license key.

    When trying to put in a featured slider the only page that shows up is ‘sample page’, not the pages I have published.

    Furthermore, the sites listed on my account is which is correct, yet I manage my clients through which is a subdomain (my reseller platform is on that subdomain)


    @mystagogue: Hello there,
    The grey portion is showing of because you have enable Featured Slider section.

    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Enable on =>
    Select Disable and Publish.

    Let me know if this solves your issue.
    Kind Regards,


    @mystagogue: Hello there,
    The grey portion is showing of because you have enable Featured Slider section.

    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Enable on => Select Disable and Publish.

    Let me know if this solves your issue.
    Kind Regards,



    nobody hasn´t contact me until now. My problem haven´t been solved. The links in the “Featured slider” dont´t work and I have no idea why. I think, that its template problem.

    Could you check it ?

    Thank you!



    @topspidercanada: Hello there,
    I don’t see a slider on your site. If you are having trouble with the slider please follow the instructions in this link.

    Let me know if you are still having issues.
    Kind Regards,


    @marebos: Hello Mare,
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS and add the following CSS Code.

    #slider-wrap .featured-text {
        background: unset !important;

    Let me know if this works out!
    Kind Regards,


    First off, let me just say that I appreciate your help – thank you.

    You can see what I’m working on here: .

    1. You can see that the slider is way down from the top menu.
    2. You can also see that the title has a link to home, which is where the slider is… kind of redundant.
    3. Also, even though I only have one featured page, the slider navigation is still showing.
    4. Lastly, you can see that the button at the bottom says ‘Read More…’ which isn’t helping me when I want to point the visitor to the Studio Rental page.

    @topspidercanada: Hello there,
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider. Here you can edit the slider options.

    Let me know if this helps you out!
    Kind Regards,

    Dirk Fritsche

    Hej Skandha,
    I ckecked your CSS and it works well. Thank you for this.

    For the Breadcrumb issue:

    I deactivated all Plugins and switchted to “Twenty Ten” theme –> No error occurs and Breadcrumbs are always below the Navigatuon menu. If i switch on “Bold P… Theme” the breadcrump position is still dependant on the settings in the post:

    Select Sidebar: Default Sidebar
    Header Featured Image Options: Default
    Single Page/Post Image: Default

    –> Breadcrum above Menu / Links inside Breadcrumnbs do not function

    Select Sidebar: Default Sidebar
    Header Featured Image Options: Enable
    Single Page/Post Image: Slider Image 1920×954

    –> Breadcrum below Menu / Links inside Breadcrumnbs function

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