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  • #43673

    But in both the posts I’ve set a featured image, and they both appear in the slider on the homepage..

    I didn’t mean to offend by asking it was a bug, I was just wondering. I love the theme 😉


    In reply to: Rotating images


    @Shanti: The front page two rotating image is demo slider image. If you are using Catch Evolution Free theme then you have option to use Featured Post Slider. If you want to disable it then go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider => Slider Options” and then select “Disable” in Enable Sidebar and save change.

    But if you want to add in your post slider then please check this and for more theme instructions, check out and inf you want to upgrade then check out addition features with instructions at


    Oh wow, I’m able to see the featured image and slider without being logged in as well! I guess the issue somehow got resolved on its own over night.

    Nevertheless, thanks for the help, @Sakin!


    @BrandonTanis: Maybe it was your cache issue. As I am able to see the slider and featured image in your site. Let me know if you still have issue.


    Yep those links you have given is the way I do it. Alright so when I post the article with te featured image it seem to grab the images from the slider. Also if you go to the facebook sharing button for that post it grabs the slider images. I’ll try and do a new post tonight and see if it does the same thing will let you know.


    @mtn: Did you check in your options at “Appearance => Theme Options”

    1. For Featured Slider: Go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options” from your WordPress Dashboard and check your “Enable Slider”.

    2. For Homepage Featured Content: Go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Homepage Settings => Homepage Featured Content Options” from your WordPress Dashboard and check your “Disable Homepage Featured Content”.

    If you still have issue then I will be emailing your personally, you can reply me there.


    @Phil: Sorry to add video in the slider, you might need to hire customizer at as there is no option at this stage. We will look forward for this option in future version update.

    But yes, you can add embed video in other places like featured content, pages, posts and widgets. Also you can look for slider plugin at which have option to add in video.

    Yes, you can change the promotion headline background color and text color. I have changed the background color and border color to black and text to white. You can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    #homepage-message {
        background-color: #000;
        border-color: #000;
        color: #fff;



    Hi everybody!

    How about embed video (from youtube, vimeo or from an upload) in the featured slider?Is that possible only in the pro version?




    In reply to: header slideshow?


    @mindiapolis: I don’t see that you have enabled Featured Slider. Did you check this screencast video:

    I will email you personally if you need further help with this.


    In reply to: header slideshow?


    @mindiapolis: You cannot make the slideshow of the images in the header. But you have add Featured Slider. See the theme instructions at , image slider instruction at and post slider instruction at


    @Dipper: Thanks for the access.
    I check in your setting and found it. I see that you have added Featured Post Slider and excluded slider post from homepage by checking in Exclude “Slider post from Home page posts” from “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider => Add Slider Options”. I see that you have 4 posts in your Featured Post Slider and you only have 4 published posts. So, all post is in Slider and none in homepage. So, I uncheck it and it’s working fine.


    Hi Robin,

    It looks like you are checking your site from more than 1600px screen size. So, you can upload large image as per your need. Just use Featured image slider and then upload large image as per your need. It’s set to 100% so, if you upload large image, it will show large one.



    @SameenIbne: If you have added in the Post ID and Featured Image then it should work fine. Can you recheck it in reference with . Maybe, you missed out steps.


    Would really appreciate if someone can tell me how to:

    Get ride of any p[osts and comments whatsoever from tmy site! I have switched off and disabled latest posts but they are still there….also I keep getting spam posts on every page appearing…loads of them! Then all I want under the slider is the 4 featured content boxes I have but I cannot get the gallery feature min big below this to go away, o these leave a reply post things!!


    Homepage Headline
    The Buy Now bar is called “Homepage Headline” and you can disable it for change it as per your need from “Appearance => Theme Options => Homepage Settings => Homepage Headline Options”

    Featured Slider
    The slider image is the demo slider image. You can use slider type from Image Slider, Post Slider, Page Slider and Category Slider as per your need. For that you need to go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options” and select the slier type. After that you can follow the instruction mentioned in
    Video Tutorial For Image Slider and Post Slider:

    Footer Widget
    We don’t have any demo item in Footer Widgets. But yes you can add item in Footer Area from “Appearance => Widgets”. I think you wanted to change the demo Homepage Featured Content.

    Homepage Featured Content
    By default, this featured content is shown with default images and texts. You can either change the image and text or disable it through “Appearance => Theme Options => Homepage Settings => Homepage Featured Content Options” in your WordPress Dashboard.

    Important Links for Catch Kathmandu Pro
    Theme Instructions:
    Support Forum:


    Hello Phil,

    1. For Post Slider, you can check out this tutorial

    2. You can create new post or page and then upload the image in that post/page and add gallery shortcode in your post/page. For more support for gallery, you can install Jetpack plugin and activate jetpack gallery module like “Tiled Galleries” and “carousel”

    3. You can upload logo from “Appearance => Theme Options => Header Options”. For this, we recommend logo of maximum height 41px. As this will be fixed header when you scroll down. But if you want to add large Header Image, then you can upload it from “Appearance => Theme Options => Header Featured Image Options”. For this we recommend the image size of 1600px width and 400px height.

    4. To disable latest post from homepage. Go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Homepage / Frontpage Settings”, check in “Disable Latest Posts” and save change.

    5. For menu, you can create custom menu from “Appearance => Menus” and then show these menu in different location from “Appearance => Menus => Manage Locations”. For more see this at

    For more options, you can upgrade to Pro version. See the list of additional features at

    Have a nice day.



    @CoreyHerde: Sorry that you find it difficulty to change the slider image in Catch Kathmandu Free Version. We have been answering question about this in our forum already. Sorry, we never delete any support question here. We carefully answer it within 24 hours of post.

    For detail instructions, we always suggest you to see our theme instructions page at

    Now, to your question about Featured Post Slider:
    1. We are not using Free version as a Scam. Featured Post slider is created to highlight the post featured image, title and excerpt content. So, first you need to create posts and add in featured image.
    2. Then you can just go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Featured Post Slider Options” and add in your post IDS.

    Video Instruction
    See this video for detail

    Have a nice day and if you have any other confusion then you can just post in here.



    Hi Kat,

    The problem is that you are using Catch Everest Theme and visiting Simple Catch Theme support forum. So, these two themes are totally different and css will not work. Please use appropriate support forum

    I just check in your custom css and there is issue of extra bracket } that you need to remove first. Go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box and see your code as:

    #featured-post .entry-header .entry-title a { color: #ff0000; }
    #main #content { display: none; }

    There you can see extra } remove that and it should be as

    #featured-post .entry-header .entry-title a { color: #ff0000; }
    #main #content { display: none; }

    1. Then to remove the entry meta, you can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:
    .entry-meta { display: none; }

    2. For slider text color, see the following css and then change the color code as per your need and add it in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    /* Slider Title Color */
    #main-slider .entry-title a { color: #fff; }
    /* Slider Title Hover Color */
    #main-slider .entry-title a:hover { color: #000; }

    3. To hide the content in the slier you can just add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    #main-slider .entry-content { display: none; }

    Have nice day and from next time please check in support forum before you post it.



    @fabger: You can check our theme instruction page at, where you can see the ideal size of the featured post slider is Width: 1140px and Height: 450px, So, if you upload the featured image of exactly this size or larger then this, then it will automatically crop to this size. But if you upload the the smaller size then it will show the image as it is.

    please share your site URL so that I can check in how you got Noting Found error. I think you don’t have any post in your site that is why it is showing that error in your homepage. So, either you need to add in new posts so that it will show the latest posts. Or if you don’t what to show the latest post in your homepage then go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Homepage Settings => Homepage / Frontpage Settings” and then un-check Enable Latest Posts.


    In reply to: Various questions


    @egnalc: Jetpack will not mess up the editor. I think you have another plugin which is conflicting. So, try disabling other plugins.

    There is no such recommended site for your header logo. You can simply go to “Appearance = Theme Options => Header Options” and upload logo in Header logo URL or just paste your logo image URL there.

    For Catch Mustang theme, we recommend Width 978px and height 275px for featured post slider, page slider and category slider. But for Featured Image Slider, we recommend width to be 978px but height as per your need.

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