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  • #88021

    @dolomie: If you want slider in your entire website, you can do it with customizer setting. Go to “Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Featured Slider” and choose Entire Site in Enable Slider on.
    And for the other problem, the image is not showing in the Nextget Slider because the src attribute in img tag in slider is empty. May be you haven’t selected images for the slider.



    OK thanks, now I have another problem. I would insert at the top of a page a basic slideshow (like Nextgen) instead of the static image defined under featured image. Because when I remove this than I have no image in the image slider on the homepage.
    Other problem is that in the Nextgen Basic slideshow there is a blank zone under the foto and the next text.



    Thanks for this – it seems to be OK now.

    On the same subject, is there a way to limit the number of lines of text that appear under the featured image in the slider? At the moment the slider box grows & shrinks as the amount of text changes and causes a ‘jumping’ effect of the header of the front page section underneath. Thanks.


    @smartie_pants: Yes it is possible. For this please see the steps in the theme instruction in below link (How to enable Featured Image Slider?)
    Note: As you select Featured Image Slider in Slider Type, select the images you want to display in slider in Featured Slide# Image
    Let me know if any trouble.



    @alhenterprises: I assume you mean the image from the slider? If yes then you can download the default image first and then upload to the theme, and place your desired text to the in the text for slider.
    For downloading image you can get if from image folder inside theme. All default images for slider/featured content is located here. Or go to “Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Slider Options” and select Demo Slider in Select Slider Type and then go to Front end and download the image from browser and again upload in the theme.




    Thanks for purchasing our theme. Please click below link to download and save XML file.

    Download XML file

    See following instructions to setup home page as per imported XML.

    IMPORTANT: Please make sure you have kept backup of your site before proceeding as below.

    * Import XML file.

    To setup slider
    * Go to Appearance -> Customize
    * Go to Featured Slider -> Slider Type
    * Select ‘Entire Site’ for ‘Enable Slider’
    * Select ‘Featured Category’ for ‘Select Slider Type’
    * Under ‘Select Category’, choose ‘Business Slider’
    * Click ‘Save and Publish’.

    Setting Home Page
    * Go to Settings -> Reading
    * Under ‘Front Page Displays’, Select ‘A Static Page’. For Front Page select page with name ‘Front Page’ and for ‘Posts Page’ select page with name ‘Blog’
    * To make front page full width: Go to ‘Pages’ -> ‘All Pages’. Find ‘Front Page’ and click ‘Edit’. Under ‘Layout Settings’ choose ‘No Sidebar (Full Width)’ for ‘Choose Layout’. Click ‘Update’ button to save page.

    Setting up widgets
    * Go to Appearance -> Widgets
    * Add ‘Business Latest News’ widget in ‘Front Page Widget Area’.
    * Put ‘Feature Highlights’ in Title. Under ‘Category’ choose ‘Features’. Click save.
    * Add ‘Business Latest Works’ widget in ‘Front Page Widget Area’.
    * Put ‘Works Showcase’ in Title. Under ‘Category’ choose ‘Portfolios’. Click save.
    * Add ‘Business Testimonial’ widget in ‘Front Page Widget Area’.
    * Under ‘Category’ choose ‘Testimonials’. Click save.

    Show / hide content of ‘Front Page’
    * Go to Appearance -> Customize
    * Go to Theme Options -> Home Page Options
    * Check or Uncheck ‘Check to show page content in site front’
    * Click ‘Save and Publish’.



    Hi @vimoksha,

    Go to “Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options=> Custom CSS” box and add the following CSS:

    #main-slider .featured-slider .entry-container {
        display: none;



    @husker: In your child theme’s functions.php add the following codes:

    add_action( 'init', 'catchresponsive_child_slider_below_promotion_headline' );
    function catchresponsive_child_slider_below_promotion_headline(){
    	remove_action( 'catchresponsive_before_content', 'catchresponsive_featured_slider', 10 );
    	remove_action( 'catchresponsive_before_content', 'catchresponsive_promotion_headline', 30 );
    	add_action( 'catchresponsive_before_content', 'catchresponsive_promotion_headline', 10 );
    	add_action( 'catchresponsive_before_content', 'catchresponsive_featured_slider', 30 );



    @rflores: If you are using image slider, you can use a square image in the post featured image and it will display square image in blog list. I thought you were using post slider, so earlier I mentioned it won’t fix the issue. But you are using different slider, it will work. 🙂
    Let me know if any trouble.



    Hello Mahesh. We added the functions.php code to get away from the thumbnail image being cropped. This worked but I want a square thumbnail. I am currently using image post slider. If I change to image slider, will this change allow me to upload square images as featured images in the Home page when. I hope I am explaining myself clearly.

    Thanks for for your help.


    Hi @rflores,

    For that, you’ll need to remove the code in child theme’s functions.php that I provided you earlier and run Regenerate Thumbnails once.
    As you are using post’s featured image in your slider and uploading 212 x 212 square image won’t fix the issue as slider will use the new uploaded image too.
    Hope I made you clear.
    Let me know if any problem.



    Hi Karen,
    Here is my reply:

    Hyphenation is on most pages but just seems to be when viewing on desktop, not seeing it when looking on mobile.

    You can add following CSS code in Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options => Custom CSS box:

    p {
      -moz-hyphens: none;
      -ms-hyphens: none;
      -webkit-hyphens: none;
      hyphens: none;

    This should disable hyphen in most places. Let me know if this does not do it. Provide me the link for that page/post and I will look into it again.

    I have already enabled email and telephone via social links but would prefer to have actual phone number and email displayed rather than an icon. Is this possible please?

    It is possible, but you will need to have a bit of knowledge about customization, CSS and HTML. OR you can upgrade to Pro version that has a Widget Area in that place, os you can just add the widget you require there.

    To do it in free version, first you need to make a Child Theme. Its details are here.

    Then, in the Child Theme’s functions.php file, you will need to copy lines 201 to 218 from current theme at catch-responsive/inc/catch-responsive-structure.php and then add your HTML code after line 216. Your function should look like this.

    Image slider – can i turn off the box and description that is overlaid on bottom of each image, i really dislike this. Is this a pro function?

    In pro version, you can use Featured Image Slider and remove this box. In free version, you can hide this by adding following CSS code in Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options => Custom CSS box:

    #feature-slider .entry-container {
        display: none;

    Let me know how it works out.



    Hi @creatativesigns,

    Here is the reply to your questions:

    What code is needed to turn off hyphenation.

    Can you please post in your site url so that I can check and see where hyphenation is occurring. Also, it will be better if you can point me to where the undesired hyphenation is occurring. Then I can provide you with custom CSS.

    Can i add actual email address and telephone number to header section.

    You can add the email address and phone via Appearance=> Customize=> Social Links. There should be options to add your email and phone number. The icons will show up on saving the icons in your social icons area.

    How can i change colour of social icons and the contact details i would like in header.

    You will need to add them, then give me your site url. Then I will provide you with CSS code to change it.

    Do i need pro to be able to use image slider?

    The free version only supports Featured Page Slider. If you upgrade to pro version, you will be able to use Featured Image Slider. Mode details about free and pro version here.

    If i buy pro can i use it on more than one site as we are going to have a couple of sites at work.

    Yes you can use it on multiple sites.



    hi @pulsedata,

    For now, you can goto Appearance=> Theme Options => Featured Post Slider=> Number of Slides and set the desired number from there. Here, there should be no restriction.



    Hi allan,

    Thank you for using Simple Catch Pro.
    1. I don’t see the space between the bottom of the featured image slider and page content. The slider in your site and demo seems almost similar.
    2. The text in block quotes are all in Uppercase because you have put the text in h5 tag. And by default, the theme’s css will change text to uppercase for h3, h4, h5 and h6 tags. Remove the h5 tag and the text will appear as it is (without CAPS).



    Hi Sakin!

    I just started making my blog using Simple Catch theme and I faced the conflict between Featured Slider and WPML plugin. Home page slides show up only when WPML is deactivated. I really need to run multilingual site. Could you help please to fix the problem. Many thanks!


    In reply to: Errow last Update


    Hello Mahesh!

    I have the same problem but i can’t get to “Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Featured Slider=> Slider Options” because the site crashes as soon as i activate Catch Box. Is there something i can change in functions.php to get the theme up and running again?


    In reply to: Errow last Update


    Hi @kigazw and @baneff,

    This is an issue in the theme when nothing is saved in the post slider id in “Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Featured Slider=> Slider Options”. For now as a temporary solution put 0 in #1 Featured Post ID and save it. We are working to fix the issue. It will be fixed in the next issue.



    Hi myinah,

    Please add the following CSS:

    #main-slider .featured-slider .slides .entry-container {
        display: none;



    Hi Sakin,

    I think stuffed up my function.php on my website.

    I used Catch Responsive Pro Child Theme.

    This is my full code, would you please kindly check and see what I did wrong?

    // Recommended way to include parent theme styles.
    // (Please see
    add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘theme_enqueue_styles’ );
    function theme_enqueue_styles() {
    wp_enqueue_style( ‘parent-style’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/style.css’ );
    wp_enqueue_style( ‘child-style’,
    get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . ‘/style.css’,
    // Your code goes below

    function catchresponsive_featured_slider() {
    if ( is_front_page() ) : ?>
    <section id=”feature-slider”>
    <div class=”wrapper hentry”>
    “My video embedded code”
    </div><!– .wrapper –>
    </section><!– #feature-slider –>
    <?php endif;

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