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  • #87490

    I just purchased and installed this template and the default setup is not like the demo on the site. Is there a way to easily have it setup this way with the demo content, pages and layout?

    My install can be found here:

    Thanks in advance.




    Thanks for purchasing our theme. Please click below link to download and save XML file.

    Download XML file

    See following instructions to setup home page as per imported XML.

    IMPORTANT: Please make sure you have kept backup of your site before proceeding as below.

    * Import XML file.

    To setup slider
    * Go to Appearance -> Customize
    * Go to Featured Slider -> Slider Type
    * Select ‘Entire Site’ for ‘Enable Slider’
    * Select ‘Featured Category’ for ‘Select Slider Type’
    * Under ‘Select Category’, choose ‘Business Slider’
    * Click ‘Save and Publish’.

    Setting Home Page
    * Go to Settings -> Reading
    * Under ‘Front Page Displays’, Select ‘A Static Page’. For Front Page select page with name ‘Front Page’ and for ‘Posts Page’ select page with name ‘Blog’
    * To make front page full width: Go to ‘Pages’ -> ‘All Pages’. Find ‘Front Page’ and click ‘Edit’. Under ‘Layout Settings’ choose ‘No Sidebar (Full Width)’ for ‘Choose Layout’. Click ‘Update’ button to save page.

    Setting up widgets
    * Go to Appearance -> Widgets
    * Add ‘Business Latest News’ widget in ‘Front Page Widget Area’.
    * Put ‘Feature Highlights’ in Title. Under ‘Category’ choose ‘Features’. Click save.
    * Add ‘Business Latest Works’ widget in ‘Front Page Widget Area’.
    * Put ‘Works Showcase’ in Title. Under ‘Category’ choose ‘Portfolios’. Click save.
    * Add ‘Business Testimonial’ widget in ‘Front Page Widget Area’.
    * Under ‘Category’ choose ‘Testimonials’. Click save.

    Show / hide content of ‘Front Page’
    * Go to Appearance -> Customize
    * Go to Theme Options -> Home Page Options
    * Check or Uncheck ‘Check to show page content in site front’
    * Click ‘Save and Publish’.



    perfect. thank you!


    I just installed the basic Clean Magazine template, but the default setup doesn’t look like the demo. Similar to what Dina asked: Is there a way to easily have it setup this way with the demo content, pages and layout?


    @chi: Please post the problem in the correct Thread. You are using Clean Magazine, this is Wen Business Pro theme’s thread.
    The features in the theme are disabled by default. If you want to have similar look as of the demo. Go to Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize:
    => Header Highlight Content
    and select Homepage/Frontpage or Entire Site in Enable Header Highlight Content on.
    Do the same for Featured Slider, Featured Content and News Ticker and you are good to go.
    Let me know if any problem.


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