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  • #302456

    Hello, thank you for your help so far!

    I have deactivated JW Player and updated the theme, however the issue still persists.

    One thing I can think of I did was change the size of the featured image size from 750×499 to 750×322 pixels, to keep the same aspect ratio as the sliders images (as I want all the images to consistently show the same part of the image).

    I’m not sure if this was what triggered the problem but it’s the only thing I changed in the theme files.
    However, even putting the size back to 750×499 pixels and then regenerating all thumbnails did not solve the issue. I hope there is something other that I can do to fix it.

    Best regards



    @kirkksimpsondesign-com: Hello Kirk,

    You will need to add new pages and then setup a featured image for each page.

    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider => Enable the section and select the pages you added earlier and Publish.

    The featured images you set for each page should show up as the slider images.

    Let me know if you are still facing any issues.
    Kind Regards,


    Thank you so much for your instructions!

    We have progressed from our last post thanks to you and now the Featured Slider photos are full size. Thank you!

    We still can’t find where the font size is to change the Featured Slider font just like the demo (where one font is larger than the other)

    Also can’t find where to edit the Menu for each page to point at the right location.

    Thank you for your continued help as it’s greatly appreciated!




    Thank you for your response however there is no Featured Slider displayed. It is just a static jpg. As well the font is not active or the same size as the demo.

    Uploaded 4 images to the Featured Slider in the Theme Options but it does not give a page to assign them to.

    Trying to create exactly the same layout as the Scapeshot Free Version but it is still not working.

    Please help, thank you!



    @website1: Hello there,

    The Featured Slider seems to be displaying on your homepage. To have the full image displayed in the slider you will need to set up Featured Image for pages you have selected on your slider.

    Edit the pages => Set the Featured Image for each page and Update the page.

    Let me know if this solves your issue.
    Kind Regards,


    @website1: Hello there,

    The Featured Slider seems to be working fine at my end. Can you please post in your site URL so that I can look into the issue?

    Kind Regards,

    Michelle Prosek

    Thank you for your reply! Unfortunately when I get to Theme Options and there is no “Footer Editor Options”.  I’m using the free version of the theme right now….does that only show up in the paid/upgraded version? I don’t have a budget for the paid version yet. All I have under Theme Options is the following: Excerpt Options,  Featured Content, Featured Slider, Hero Content Options, Homepage/Frontpage Options, Layout Options, Pagination Options, Portfolio, Scrollup Options, Search Options, Service, and Testimonials.

    I’ve been through all the other menu options forward and backward….if I change the Site Title under Site Identity, then it changes the footer copyright info, but I don’t want to change the site title, and I don’t want that footer Copyright pulling the site title info, I need to edit it separately.   Any other suggestions? I’m not opposed to editing the theme code, but I need to know where that little bit is….




    @hydedm7: Hello there,

    Under Theme Options you will find sections like Featured Content, Featured Slider, Portfolio, Services and so on.

    How you can enable those sections and make use of theme you can find the instructions here.

    Let me know if you are having any problems using the sections.
    Kind Regards,


    @jemasciana: Hello there,

    The recommended image size for Featured Slider in 1920*1080px.

    Let me know if you come across anymore issues.

    Kind Regards,


    @thatu: Hello Tim,

    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS and add the following CSS Code.

    #masthead, #masthead {
    position: relative;
    #site-navigation a {
    color: #000;

    Let me know if this works out!

    Kind Regards,



    Hello Skandha…I received your assessment of how to make the slider I created with Master Slider work and is a reasonable consideration. I also found out that Solid Construction “Pro” has a Featured Image Slider built in…so I think I’m just going to upgrade and solve the issue that way…


    In reply to: Rotating Header Images


    @monicapr: Hello there,
    What you can do is try the Custom Type Featured Slider which is only available in pro version of the theme. You can check out the additional-features available in pro version of the theme. If you are not fully satisfied by the theme we offer a 30-day return policy. You are subjected to a full refund within 30 days of your purchase. For more information please check our terms and conditions.

    Kind Regards,


    In reply to: Rotating Header Images


    Hi Skandha.
    The Feautured slider links the featured image to a page. What I’d like to have is a slider with some pictures in the header of the home page instead of a single photo. Do I have a way to archive it? Thanks for helping me


    In reply to: Rotating Header Images


    @monicapr: Hello there,
    Can you please try using the Featured Slider section instead as I think this might be what you want?

    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Enable the section and Select the pages you want to have in the slider and Publish.

    Let me know if this helps you out!
    Kind Regards,


    Hi Skandha,

    The magnifying glass is still there although it’s not the end of the world.

    I’ve now placed the graphic as a header image (1920*1080px) and you can see only the top half of the image 🙁 If it comes to it I will use it as a single featured slider, I just liked the scroll effect with the header.

    Any help greatly appreciated.


    In reply to: Portfolio


    @syoung2021: Hello there,
    Can you please post in your site URL so that I can look into the issue?

    I am afraid the it is not possible to have video in the Featured Slider. You can use the Header Video option for that.

    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Header Media => Header Video =>
    Enter Youtube URL or Upload Custom Video and Publish.

    Let me know if this helps you out!
    Kind Regards,


    In reply to: Portfolio


    Thanks for you reply!
    I still have another question:
    theme options -> Featured Video, fill video url, but not display a video;
    theme options -> Featured Slider, just choose some pictures, I want choose a video in the home page.
    can you help me?


    @webgo82: Please use images of recommended size and let me know. The recommended size for featured slider is 1920px by 1080px. Let me know if you have any more issues.



    @sim: Hello there,
    I checked your site and you have only have one image selected on the Featured Slider. Can you add more images to the slider so that I can look in the issue?

    Kind Regards,


    @enqidu: Hello there,
    For that
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Select Slider Type from Post, Page, Category and Custom and select the necessary option and Publish.

    For more information please follow this link.

    Let me know if this works out!
    Kind Regards,

Viewing 20 results - 41 through 60 (of 2,393 total)