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hi @ttolun,
Put the following CSS code in Appearance => Customizer => Theme Options => Custom CSS box:
.nav-primary { font-weight: bold; }
Let me know if it works out or not.
PratikPratikParticipantHi @Lethos,
I tried adding MAGNET ARMBÅND I HÆMATIT item, and it worked fine till the checkout page. I did not go though the final process. I did not get freight option.
Can you show your issue with a screenshot?
PratikPratikParticipantHi @Cricket,
I will contact the sales team and let you know. If you want a quicker response, please post in your request at
PratikPratikParticipantHi @Martin,
Can you check if there is this same issue with your site when the language is changed to english. I think this might be a translation file issue.
Please let me know.
PratikPratikParticipanthi @niti77,
Do you mean that your site has same width as 1366×768 even on screens with this resolution 1440×900 or higher. Catch Responsive theme is not fluid layout theme. It is boxed layout theme.
If you want it to be fluid layout, you can add following css code in “Appearance-> Customize-> Theme Options-> Custom CSS” box:
@media screen and ( min-width:1440px ) { .site, #feature-slider .cycle-slideshow { width: 100%; } #main { width: 70%; } }
This will make the width 100% for screen sizes greater than 1440px width. For anything else related to the width, you will need to hire a customizer to do custom work and make it work for higher resolution screens as you like.
Please post in your site url too for further queries.
PratikPratikParticipantHi @Pia,
Assuming being your site, have you used any gallery plugin? If you haven’t can you share the screenshot with me because when I view it at 1600 x 900 resolution, the display is similar to the one on 1366 x 768. Ref:|1600|900|1
Please let me know.
PratikPratikParticipantHi andrewf90,
I am glad everything worked out.
PratikPratikParticipantHi andrewf90,
Glad everything worked out. If you liked our theme and support, please leave a review at here.
PratikPratikParticipantHi TheGamer1,
Glad everything worked out. If you liked our theme and support, please leave a review at here.Thanks,
PratikPratikParticipantHi Masac,
Glad everything worked out. If you liked our theme and support, please leave a review at,
PratikPratikParticipanthi andrewf90,
For both conditions, you will need to make a child theme and do some customizations. For child theme, you can find the details here.Then in your child theme’s functions.php add following codes:
i)Moving the menu bar to the bottom:/** * Move mobile nav * */ function catchflames_child_move_mobile_nav() { remove_action( 'catchflames_headercontent', 'catchflames_main_mobile_menu', 10 ); add_action( 'catchflames_headercontent', 'catchflames_main_mobile_menu', 40 ); } add_action( 'init', 'catchflames_child_move_mobile_nav' );
ii)To have a solid color bar between the header and page:
In Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options=> Custom CSS box, add following code:@media screen and ( max-width: 940px ) { #branding { border-bottom: 30px solid #dd9933; } }
Change #dd9933 to your desired color hex value.
For (ii), if this is not what you were thinking of, you will need to ad a different div and give it style. To do this, you will need to hire a customizer as this falls outside of the theme support scope.Regards,
PratikPratikParticipantHi @andrewf90,
That is background. In Appearance=> Customize=> Colors=> Background Color, just change that color to white and it will be removed.PratikParticipanthi @andrewf90,
By solid colored bar, do you want to move the menu at the bottom of the header, or do you want another solid bar(leaving the menu in its place) or do you want a solid color bar between the header and page(in the small gap)?
PratikPratikParticipantHi @andrewf90,
I am sorry but I cannot find the grey padding around the pages. Can you add a screenshot and point me to where the grey padding is?Regards,
PratikPratikParticipantHI @Masac,
Thank you for removing the code. Now to remove those entry data completely, add following code in your child theme’s functions.php./** * Override Parent themes header meta to show nothing */ function catcheverest_header_meta() { return; } /** * Override Parent themes footer meta to show nothing */ function catcheverest_footer_meta() { return; }
Now, what these functions will do is override the parent themes functions that return meta data to show no data.
Let me know if this works out or not.
About the Wider Content of Homepage Headline and Footer, it is because of Easy Bootstrap Shortcodes Plugin. Try deactivating this plugin. The issue will go away.
Let me know how everything goes.
PratikPratikParticipantPratikParticipantOk got it, add following code to change slider color:
#main-slider .entry-title span { color: #ff0000; }
Currently, I have changed the color to red using hex value. Just find the hex value of the color you need and replace #ff0000 with your color.
PratikParticipantok, so by changed, what do you want to change it to? please give a bit more details.
PratikParticipanthi @Cheryl,
I got it now. the slider has title rather than content. Please use following CSS:
#main-slider .entry-title { font-family: “Palatino Linotype”,”Book Antiqua”,Palatino,serif; font-size: 20px; } #site-title { font-size: 55px; } #site-description { font-size: 20px; } #hgroup { padding-top: 10px; } #hgroup-wrap { padding-bottom: 10px; }
Hope this works, let me know if otherwise.
Pratik -