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  • in reply to: 'Search Box Text Edit' not working #81189

    It looks like you still have some caching issues. For me, now it is showing what you have added, i.e. “What’s on your mind?”

    in reply to: Primary manu – text alignment and hover background size #81186

    Hi @Lars,
    I think what you have said is possible through Custom CSS. But we will need the site url before saying anything concrete.

    in reply to: 'Search Box Text Edit' not working #81184

    Hi @InvisibleFlame,

    I checked your site at and the search text has changed to “What’s”. I have taken a screenshot as well. Here is the link to screenshot:

    Is this what you wanted?

    in reply to: Primary menu 'dummy' page? #81182

    Hi @Theodore,
    This is the standard for WordPress. Not internal to Catch-Evolution.

    in reply to: Help Comments Label #81181

    Hi @Cokalejandro,
    Please make sure you use child theme to edit the codes in main theme file because the changes will be removed when new update for theme is installed.

    in reply to: A couple glitchy things after installing theme? #81138

    Great, I hope this clears out the issues. Let me know if there is anything else.


    in reply to: A couple glitchy things after installing theme? #81136

    We are looking into this and will update you soon.

    in reply to: A couple glitchy things after installing theme? #81132

    Hi @InvisibleFlame,
    Now when I check your site, I always get “INNER FIRE | just keep the fire burning” as the page title. The problem you describe mainly looks like a cache problem. You can check the link: to see a cache free version of your site. However, this will not clear server caches.

    About Catch Web Tools, it should work fine with WordPress version 4.4. We will push an update for this too soon.

    in reply to: A couple glitchy things after installing theme? #81129

    hi @InvisibleFlame,

    1. That should not happen. If it happens again, please let us know. Also, please post in your site url so that we can check it.

    2. That glitch should go away with new update scheduled soon.

    in reply to: expanding search box in fixed header top menu? #81099

    Hi @InvisibleFlame,
    For that, you will need to know about WordPress Child Themes and hooks, some javascript and some css. You can follow following steps:
    1. You will need to create a child theme for Catch Evolution. Its details can be found here
    2. If you go through theme file, you can find a method/function named catchevolution_header_top_menu() in catch-evolution/inc/custom-header.php
    * You can copy and paste this function in your child theme’s functions.php and make the modifications in this function where you can add the html/php code for the search bar.
    3. Then you can hook proper styles and scripts required for it to work. More info here

    This will work if you do it properly. I am afraid anything beyond this is outside the theme support scope. Further, if you are uncomfortable, please consider hiring a customizer.

    Also, have you considered using another theme. Gridalicious, Catch Adaptive and Catch Flames themes do exactly this by default. You can view their demo at Gridalicious Demo, Catch Adaptive Demo and Catch Flames Demo respectively.
    Other themes like Clean box and Full Frame have similar implementation. You can also view their demo at Clean Box Demo and Full Frame Demo respectively.

    Hope this helps. Let me know how things work out.

    in reply to: Changing Language in Promotional Headline + Featured Content #81079

    Hi @Steve,
    This is little advance question and I would like to leave this to be answered by Sakin. He is on travel for WordCamp US. So, you might get reply little late.


    in reply to: Modify Top margin and remove search box #81078

    Hi @SciHaza,
    In free version of Catch Responsive, you cannot really remove the search box, you can just hide it. If you upgrade to Catch Responsive Pro version, then you can remove the search box and add other widgets in that area too. Check out Pro version Details here and its Theme Instructions with features list here.

    To hide search box and reduce top margin, try adding following code in Appearance=> Customize => Theme Options => Custom CSS Options box:

    /* Remove Search box from header right area */
    .sidebar-header-right #header-right-search{
    display: none;
    /* Reduce Top margin */
    #masthead {
    padding: 10px 0;

    You can even reduce the 10px in code block /* Reduce Top margin */ to reduce it even more.

    Let me know if it worked or not. If this does not work, you will need to post in your site url.

    in reply to: Problems with removing an old favicon #81077

    Hi @Tobias,
    First thing, you should never manually edit the database options unless you are really sure of what you are doing. In most cases, you will end up destroying your site.

    Favicon links are not hardcoded so it should not be calling http protocol on https. Can you tell me how you added the favicon and your site url so that I can check it.

    Also, try removing the favicon from Theme options and add it via “Appearance=> Customize => Site Identity=> Site Icons” and let me know how this goes too.

    in reply to: Primary menu 'dummy' page? #81076

    Hi @Theodore,
    You can add dummy links to menu. You will need to restructure your menu a bit for this. Goto “Appearance=> Menus” And follow following steps:
    – In Edit Menus Tab, Select the menu you want to edit(In this case your primary menu)
    – While editing your menu, go to the Custom Links box on the left sidebar. Type in # as address for URL and the Text of your Dummy menu item(For this case: First: Calendar of events, Second: Shows and Projects, Third: Newsletters. You will need to do it thrice) where it says ‘Link text’
    – Click Add To Menu and the menu item will appear at the bottom of current menu
    – Drag your new link over to your menu and place it where you want it.
    – Move your child menu items underneath the menu item you just created so that they become a dropdown menu
    – Save your menu and check your site

    Hope this helps. Let me know how it goes.

    in reply to: Edit search result page navigation text #81038

    Hi @Lars,

    If you want to change that navigation text, you will need to do a bit of customization using a Child theme. Please follow following steps:
    1. Create A Child Theme for Catch Flames Pro. Details for child theme is here
    2. Then you need to add following codes in your Child Theme’s functions.php file:

     * Display navigation to next/previous pages when applicable
    function catchflames_content_nav( $nav_id ) {
    	global $wp_query;
    	 * Check Jetpack Infinite Scroll
    	 * if it's active then disable pagination
    	if ( class_exists( 'Jetpack', false ) ) {
    		$jetpack_active_modules = get_option('jetpack_active_modules');
    		if ( $jetpack_active_modules && in_array( 'infinite-scroll', $jetpack_active_modules ) ) {
    			return false;
    	$nav_class = 'site-navigation paging-navigation';
    	if ( is_single() )
    		$nav_class = 'site-navigation post-navigation';
    	if ( $wp_query->max_num_pages > 1 ) { ?>
            <nav role="navigation" id="<?php echo $nav_id; ?>">
            	<h3 class="assistive-text"><?php _e( 'Post navigation', 'catch-flames' ); ?></h3>
    			<?php if ( function_exists('wp_pagenavi' ) )  {
                elseif ( function_exists('wp_page_numbers' ) ) {
                elseif ( is_search() ) { 
                	//Change Text only for search pages
                    <div class="nav-previous"><?php next_posts_link( __( '<span class="meta-nav">&larr;</span> NEW Older posts TEXT', 'catch-flames' ) ); ?></div>
                    <div class="nav-next"><?php previous_posts_link( __( 'NEW Newer posts TEXT<span class="meta-nav">&rarr;</span>', 'catch-flames' ) ); ?></div>
                else { ?>
                    <div class="nav-previous"><?php next_posts_link( __( '<span class="meta-nav">&larr;</span> Older posts', 'catch-flames' ) ); ?></div>
                    <div class="nav-next"><?php previous_posts_link( __( 'Newer posts <span class="meta-nav">&rarr;</span>', 'catch-flames' ) ); ?></div>
                } ?>
            </nav><!-- #nav -->

    Please note the NEW Older posts TEXT and NEW Newer posts TEXT. You can change this text to desired text for your search page.

    in reply to: Layout blog full frame free #81034

    hi @Sergio64,

    If you want the image to be reduced, then you will need to Upgrade to Pro version. Pro version has “Show Excerpt(Image Left)” Option for Blog pages that will make the image small and push the image to the left. Plus the Full Frame Pro verions has many other features which you can checkout here and its more detailed version here.

    in reply to: Logo Mobile Responsive #81027

    Hi @rob,

    If you go to “Appearance=> Theme Options => Custom CSS”, You will see following code added:

    #site-logo img, #masthead.fixed-header #site-logo img {
        max-height: 100px;
        padding-top: 15px;
    #masthead.fixed-header {
        padding-top: 15px;
    .fixed-header #header-right,
    #header-right {
        float: right;
        padding-top: 15px;

    What this has done is added the padding on all devices. Replace this code with following code:

    /* Select only devices with width greater than 960px */
    @media screen and (min-width: 960px) {
    	#site-logo img, #masthead.fixed-header #site-logo img {
    	    max-height: 100px;
    	    padding-top: 15px;
    	#masthead.fixed-header {
    	    padding-top: 15px;
    	.fixed-header #header-right,
    	#header-right {
    	    float: right;
    	    padding-top: 15px;

    This code will apply css to devices with screen size greater than 960px. This should solve your issue.

    Let me know how it goes.

    in reply to: Spacing under Main Navigation #81025

    Hi @Yvonne,

    Since you are using Catch Everest Pro version, go to “Appearance=> Theme Options => Custom CSS” box and add following code:

    #main {
        padding-top: 0;

    This will remove the gaps for all the pages(even in homepage).

    If you want it on only that specific page, then you will need to find the ID of the page and use following code(this is for the page you have linked):

    page-id-2196. #main {
        padding-top: 0;

    If you want it removed on only several pages, then you can stack up the page ids as follows:

    page-id-2194. #main,
    page-id-2195. #main,
    page-id-2196. #main {
        padding-top: 0;
    in reply to: Mobile menu content #80938

    Hi @casak,

    Do you want the left sidebar to be in place of mobile menu? I am afraid this is outside our theme support scope. You will need to hire a customizer for this.

    If you want something else than this, can you please elaborate your issue.

    in reply to: Header Space for Phone Number #80929

    Hi @Mandala528,
    This is little advance question and I would like to leave this to be answered by Sakin. He is on travel for WordCamp US. So, you might get reply little late.

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