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  • #10996

    Hello I have two questions:

    1. How do I set the menu depth? I would like to have main menu and sub-menu shown on the top menu bar, but not the sub-sub-menu. For example, I have “About” menu on the top and have “Policies” page under it. I also have some linked pages in the “Policies” page. I want to have “About” and “Policies” on the menu bar, but do not want child pages displayed on the top header menu bar.

    2. How do I resize the content image box on the front page? Originally, the box is sized width:height=210:210.
    I would like to make it smaller to width:height=160:160 so that I don’t need to scroll down so much to get the bottom of the page.

    Thank you so much in advance.


    @Ellen: For menu depth. Just use custom menu from “Appearance => Menus”. See this for more details

    Send me your sure URL so that I can check in the image.


    Thank you, I was able to set the menu depth from the custom menu.

    My website is I would like to have the original boxes smaller than now. If you see the following image, you’ll see the image size I want.
    How could I resize the white box around the image?

    Thank you again.


    @Ellen: To change the image size with the php code will be difficult and you need to build child theme and edit. So, the easiest method will be to just the image with css. You can add the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    #main #content .post-img a {
        height: 160px;
        width: 160px;
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