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  • #316248

    Would it be possible to center the section title for the Playlist on the front page? All of the other sections have centered titles, but Playlist has a left aligned title. Looks inconsistent. My page is not live yet, so I’m not sure if it’s something you would need to see in order to assist. Thanks!


    @geldridge515 : Login to your WordPress admin section. Go to Appearance => Customize => Additional css and add the following css.

    #playlist-section .entry-title {
        text-align: center;

    Let me know if this helps you out.



    It worked! Thank you SO much!!

    I have one more question, if it’s permissible. I am using the Featured Slider on my home page, and I wanted to see if I could increase the size of the slider just a bit. Here is the preview link to my site:

    Thank you again!


    @geldridge515 :It looks like you have enabled the slider from a plugin. Can you please try enabling the featured slider section from Theme Options. Login to your WordPress admin section. Go to Appearance => Customize => Theme Options

    Under Enable on : Select HomePage/Frontpage
    Select Slider Type as desired and select the items of your choice and save changes.
    To know more about adding slider to the theme Please follow the following link.


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