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  • #67191

    I think a may have bougth the wrong theme… first, I can not find an option to show date for when post are written. In a regulare blogpost you usually see date and number of comments under the picture in the post. I can not see this here.

    And another thing. I use a static front page without showing any post. I try to make a page showing a sticky post and the rest of the post under with a link in the menu. I see other theme have like a blog link in the menu like the Evolution theme. But cant fint a solution for this in the Adaptiv theme… Is the right?


    @Stian: Check your settings. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Layout Options” and make sure you have unchecked “Check to hide meta information on archive pages”.

    If you want different page to be your blog. Then first you need to create page from “Pages => Add New” and then assign that page that blog page to “Posts page” from “Appearance => Customize => Static Front Page” and then check in “A static page” and then select that page in “Posts page”.

    To add items as per your need in menu, you need to create custom menu from “Appearance => Menus” and add menu location from “Appearance => Menus => Manage Locations”. For more about custom menu, check out

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