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  • #15721

    In reply to: Featured Slider


    Hey Guys,

    I also got a problem, i’m new here. So excuse me if i make mistakes.
    I installed the Simple Catch theme on WordPress.

    I’m trying to get the sliders to work.
    I make a post, with a image in it, then i take the ID from the post and put in the options from the slider.

    But the image isn’t showing at all, can someone help me.
    Maybe i’m doing something wrong.. but i tried everything i could



    In reply to: Bolding Headers


    If that’s not possible, is there a way to even it out by putting a white space before the featured image slider?


    In reply to: Bolding Headers


    Hi Sakin, if you look at my homepage, you will see a chunk of white space below my featured image slider. Is there a way I can remove it? Thank you!


    In reply to: Featured Slider


    @ultradezins: This is strange why it is not working in your site. I need to check in your server. So, I will email you for further correspondence.


    In reply to: Featured Slider


    I always used post ID. Also I did add 4 slides and still not working



    In reply to: Featured Slider


    @ultradezins: Remember, it only takes post ID not the page ID. So, please check that. I see that you have added one post ID as 698. So, let’s try adding in as following 4 slides.


    In reply to: Featured Slider

    I have added the post ID’s to the featured slider. Set the number of slides to 4 and inserted 4 slides, but ONLY one slides appears! I did everything like in tutorials and didnt change anything. It was working before, I dont know what happened. How to fix that?


    @shamwow: There will not be “updated” and “author” in featured slider and featured content. So, it cannot done at this stage. We will need to thing about this. Maybe we will add some mechanism to add these field in future version update.


    @henrim: Yes that’s Featured Post Slider.


    @henrim: Do you mean to add Featured Post Slider. Then you need to Go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider”. There you have to add in the Post IDs. Remember to add featured image in the post as the Featured Post Slider takes in the post featured image, title and content. See the theme instruction at


    Hi again!

    Its not the slider I want to change. Its the text in all sides except the first featured home page!

    the site is not published but, just under construction.But it is

    kindly Lisa


    @ejmaxwellcat: It’s working on our server. Maybe there is conflict with plugin. So, you can try disabling plugin and check in. I will email you and then you can send me access to your site. Please check your email.


    It is not allowing me directly do it either. It came up blank when manually input the image URL


    @ejmaxwellcat: It should be working. Can you let me know what is the issue. If you cannot upload then you can directly add the image url in the image field.


    In reply to: Bolding Headers



    1) How can I change the font size of the content inside the menu drop down bar?
    — You can add the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    #header-menu ul a { font-size: 10px; }

    2) Is there a way to put text/images to the right side of the header?
    — For this you need to upgrade to Catch Everest Pro theme, where you will get Header Right Sidebar and then add anything you want.

    3) When you enable the slider for the entire site, is there a way to designate certain slides for certain pages? I don’t want accounting slides to appear for the travel & tours section.
    — Sorry there is no option for this. You are only allowed to use same slider throughout the site.

    4) Is there a way to remove the “Powered by: WordPress” text in the footer?
    — For this you need to upgrade to Catch Everest Pro theme, where you will get Footer Editor in Theme Options panel where you can delete or edit the footer text.

    5) How can you link “Click Here” buttons to certain pages?
    — I don’t get it what you mean. You can add html links.

    6) Is there a way to link image slider pictures to certain pages?
    — For this you need to upgrade to Catch Everest Pro theme, where there is Featured Image Slider which can link to any page, post, category, or custom url.

    See more details about Catch Everest Pro at


    In reply to: Bolding Headers


    @azizwaing: You can add the border by adding in the following CSS in “Appearance = Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    .site { border: 1px solid #00A2E8; }

    About the featured post slider, you can set to all pages through “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider => Slider Options = > Enable Slider” to “Entire Site”

    You can add your posts as featured image. See the instructions at


    @Lorena Poling: Looking at your customize, it’s sure that you need to hire developer who can do that for you. I recommend tweaky services.

    Looking at your design,
    1. Header image at top, which you have already done it.
    2. Then Menu, this is also you have completed it.
    3. Then add in the featured image, this is simple, you can add it yourself from “Appearance => Featured Slider”
    4. Then add the the three blocks of text from “Appearance => Homepage Settings => Homepage Featured Content. Where you can just the text in “Content” and leave title, image, image url and all empty. So, you will have only content. Then add the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box to give colors

    #site-generator { padding-top: 94px; }
    #featured-post #featured-post-1 .entry-content { background-color: #3fa9f5; }
    #featured-post #featured-post-2 .entry-content { background-color: #ff931e; }
    #featured-post #featured-post-3 .entry-content { background-color: #86328c; }
    #featured-post .post .entry-content { border: 1px solid #708e2f; padding: 10px; color: #fff; }
    #welcome-text { color: #fff; margin: 0 auto; width: 80%; }

    The add the your footer text as below in “Appearance => Theme Options => Footer Editor Options”

    <div id="welcome-text"><h4>Welcome to TULegacy!</h4>
    TU LEGACY will bring together people that care and are willing to donate to build a Legacy that will continue for many generations, helping kids, teenagers, families or elderly and give them the tools to succeed in their journey and dreams.</div>

    In reply to: Crop Slider Image


    @rgcoles: Actually that is not there in theme. But can you try adding in the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    #slider-wrap .featured-img { float: left; }
    #slider-wrap .featured-text { float: right; }

    In reply to: Crop Slider Image


    @Sakin, I want to be able to take the text in the featured slider and put it to the right of the photograph instead of underneath it


    @moffie: Sorry there is no option to add other featured image. It’s there only in Pro version.

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