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  • #60829

    @Stephen: I have already given you the instruction for advance customization. I will explain it little more. First, you need to build child theme. Then you can copy the functions which you want to edit to your child theme functions.php file.
    1. Function catchresponsive_featured_content_display() is the final function which display the featured content. It checks which featured content type you have selected.
    2. Function catchresponsive_post_content() is the function which handles the featured post content. So, if you have selected Featured Post slider then you might want to check this. For page it will be catchresponsive_page_content(), category will be catchresponsive_category_content() and image will be catchresponsive_image_content()


    @Hair Bear: For left align image in your slider you can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:

    #main-slider img {
        float: left;

    But if you want it right, then you need to add in the following css instead:

    #main-slider img {
        float: right;

    For slider effect, you have option in “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options => Transition Effect”

    Yes, you can move your Featured Content below your home content. So, that you have home content just below the slider. For that, go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Content => Featured Settings => Featured Content Position” and check in “Before Footer”

    Also there is on option to add Headline content below your slider from “Appearance => Theme Options => Promotion Headline Options” and add in manual content.


    My featured slider keeps randomly disappearing. Everything looks fine on the back end. My site is Can you take a look? Thanks!


    Thanks Sakin.

    I want to change it programmatically as I was thinking of updating it based on an external (legacy, non wordpress) database where the featured content is changed by a proprietary external application.

    I am new to wordpress, but very happy with complex custom web development – proficient in php, javascript, html, css etc. – I am currently trying to navigate my way around the whole wordpress theme customisation regime.

    I actually have another question, (although I think your response may have helped me) – I would really like to be able to include some php/html in the title and content that overlay the featured slider. My reason… I would like to make that a search box where the user can specify few search options…… A hovering search box over the featured slider will work well in the application I am developing.

    At the moment I have done a bit if debugging with the theme and can see where the catch_responsive_featured_slider() function is called when the featured page is customised, but I can’t (yet) see what actually executes the html constructed during the customisation.

    I was keen to work out how to write a a bit of child theme code to override the default customer slider title and content display.

    ….but – I suspect your last post may give me a clue….. ie. the catch_responsive_featured_content_display() may be where I should go and investigate…?


    Hair Bear

    Oh, along with how to move the slider to one side (but not right to the edge), I’d also like to know how to put the content of the home page directly below the slider (so just above the “Featured Content Headline Text”)?

    And is there a way to have the slider change images without an effect (without fading etc)? Thanks!


    In reply to: Featured Slider


    I listened to your advice and bought yesterday ‘Catch Kathmandu Pro’, ‘Catch Everest Pro’-like, but with a few more features, so I continue discussion here.

    ‘Featured Image Slider’ allows me to link posts, pages, categories, external link, but I’m obliged to insert TITLE and CONTENT manually.

    Since the most of the sliders of my site are from posts and pages of the site itself (where I periodically change a part of title and content), do you think it is possible, in a future release, to have an option (global or for each slider in ‘Featured Image Slider’) to capture automatically title and content when the link is to a page or post of the site?

    It would be very appreciated, no need to update each slider manually when I modify posts or pages.

    Thanks in advance, hope you can help me.



    In reply to: image size


    @toni: For full slider, go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options => Slider Layout” and select “Full Width Slider”


    In reply to: Featured Slider


    @Pier: If you want mixed slider, then I recommend you to upgrade to pro version and use “Featured Image Slider”, when you can upload image and link to any page, post, category, external links as per your need.


    In reply to: Image sizes


    @Tracey: Yes, I understand and this is the design that works like that. So, if you want same image to work on all.
    1. For slider and featured content, please user Featured Image Slider and Featured Image Content.
    2. Then for featured image, upload image size of 800px width and height 484px. This is size of featured image size.
    3. Then go to “Appearance => Customize => Layout Options”. Then in ” Archive Content Layout”, select the option “Excerpt Image Top” and in “Single Page/Post Image Layout”, select option “Featured Image Size”.


    In reply to: Image sizes


    @Tracey: You cannot change the size of featured image in latest post in your homepage. The only option for latest post in your homepage is to change the “Archive Content Layout” layout.

    For slider, you can choose slider type as “Featured Image Slider” from “Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider => Featured Slider Options => Select Slider Type”. Then you can upload image of any size you like. It will not corp. It give you option to upload image, add title and excerpt content and link as per your need.

    For Featured Content do the same, you can choose slider type as “Featured Image Content” from “Appearance => Customize => Featured Content => Featured Content Options => Select Content Type”. Then you can upload image of any size you like. It will not corp. It give you option to upload image, add title and excerpt content and link as per your need.

    For latest post, you can option to select image display position from layout. For that, go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Layout Options” and then change Archive Content Layout.


    In reply to: Image sizes


    Hi, sorry I spelt it wrong above
    Mainly my landing/front page. I upload a featured image and the top slider image is long horizontal, the next section down the featured post images are horizontal but the edges are cut off (compared to the slider image) and then the next section down where it shows the list of posts, the thumbnail next to it is square.
    Is there a way to upload 3 different sized images? Or alternatively make all 3 sections images the same shape?


    1. In Catch Responsive Pro theme, you can enable Slide only in Homepage.
    — Go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider => Featured Slider Options” and select “Homepage / Frontpage” from “Enable Slider on” options
    2. Then you can enable header image excluding homepage
    — Go to “Appearance => Customize => Header Image” and select “Excluding Homepage, Page/Post Featured Image” from “Enable Featured Header Image on” options
    3. Now, add featured image in your page/posts. See this for adding featured image . As these featured image will be displayed in that page/post display. If those post don’t have featured image then it will load default image set in “Appearance => Customize => Header Image”
    4. Now to move header image below menu, go to “Appearance => Customize => Header Image” and select “After Menu” from “Featured Header Image Position” options


    In reply to: Call to action Button


    Update: I just needed to add a semicolon in there. Got the Call to Action changed. Still don’t know where to change the featured image slider background color.


    In reply to: Call to action Button


    Sakin, I have Catch Kathmandu Pro ( I cannot find where to change the color of the Call to Action button and tried to copy and paste the code above with no success. Also, I cannot change the color behind my featured image slider.



    @calchandoman: Ok you can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme options => Custom CSS” box:

    #feature-slider, #header-featured-image {
        margin-top: 0;

    @Mark: I check in your site and see your slider settings for image loader as “Wait”. Which means that your slider will not slide until all the images in the slider get loaded. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider => Featured Slider Options” and change that from Wait to true or false then it will show fast. It’s internet and hosting speed issue. You can try installing pluign like W3 Total Cache or WP Rocket to improve site loading.


    @Dennis: There is no option to to show only in you blog page. It have option to show in Entire Site or just Homepage. So, if you want to hide in your homepage, then you need to build child theme, copy function catchevolution_slider_display() to your child theme functions.php file and edit the condition as per your need. For child theme refer to

    But if just want to hide using Custom CSS. Then you can go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider => Slider Options” and select “Entire” in “Enable Sidebar” option and then add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:

    .home #slider { display: none; }


    @Kaydev: There is no option to move secondary menu above the Featured Slider. For that you need to build child theme. For child theme, refer to and then add the following code in your child theme functions.php file.

    function fullframe_unhook_functions() {
    	remove_action( 'fullframe_before_content', 'fullframe_secondary_menu', 20 );
    add_action( 'init', 'fullframe_unhook_functions' );
    add_action( 'fullframe_before_content', 'fullframe_secondary_menu', 5 );

    @Dennis: Thanks yes there is option in “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider => Slider Options”


    Ok, I found the “Featured Post Slider” options.
    Now, how do I put the slider on my blogs page only and stop it appearing on my home page?

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