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  • #90977

    Hi Mahesh. That demo website loads up just fine. Meanwhile the load up of my website is sporadic. Sometimes it loads correctly, sometimes it does not.

    I have 8 images in the featured slider. Could that be the problem? Do I have too many? Should I reduce the number of images?


    In reply to: Slider


    Hi @luismarioochoa,

    I get it now, can you try this:
    1. Goto Appearance=> Customize=> Featured Slider
    2. Under Select Slider Type Select Featured Post Slider
    3. Then you will be able to scroll below(notice the scroll bar lengthens), which will have Featured Post 1, Featured Post 2 boxes
    Ref: Screenshot
    4. Then in the box, add in the ids of your post. If you do not know how to find your post’s ID, then please install Catch IDs plugin or Catch Web Tools Plugin and enable Catch IDs Module

    Tutorial is here:

    Let me know how it goes.



    One question regarding that topic:
    Is it possible to just increase the bottom padding/margin of the Featured Slider? Otherwise i have no space between the Featured Slider and the image of the last post if i open the site with a smartphone in portrait mode.


    In reply to: Slider


    hi @luismarioochoa,
    Thank you for purchasing Full Frame Pro. For slider details, please visit Theme Instructions #Featured Slider.

    Let me know if you have further troubles.



    Hi @Markus,

    If that is the case, then you need to do a bit of customization via child theme. For that , first Create a child theme. Details for child theme are here.

    Then in your child theme’s functions.php add the following codes.

    function catchflames_child_manage_image_size() {
        remove_image_size( 'featured-slider-full' );
        add_image_size( 'featured-slider-full', 1600, 400, true );
    add_action( 'init', 'catchflames_child_manage_image_size' );

    Then use Regenerate Thumbnails plugin once to generate thubmnails. You can visit this link for the plugin:



    Hi @Markus,
    Can you go to Appearance=> Customize=> Header Image and under Page/Post Featured Image Size select Full Width Slider Image. This should keep the image size of the page post featured image as header image.

    Let me know how it works.



    Hey there!

    I’ve the same problem. I’m no longer able to change images in slider. There is only the possibility to activate the slider on hole page, homepage or deactivate it. It is the same with the featured content. Is there any other possibility than reinstall wp? I have a production page and i would like to fix this problem as simple as possible.

    Thanks for your help.


    I’ve tried it on several phones and a tablet at my house and I only get the featured slider and the mobile menu to work properly about 50% of the time. Any thoughts?


    @ralph: Do you mean that only Enable Featured Content option is there in Featured Content? In Catch Responsive theme in Customizer‘s Featured Content option, all options are hidden if Disabled is selected in Enable Featured Content option. Change the option to Homepage or Entire Site and check if other options are visible.
    Note: Make sure if you choose homepage, you are on the homepage in Customize Preview on the right side, or you won’t see the options.
    Same with Featured Slider.
    Let me know if any problem occurs.



    So does this mean without any warning you removed the Featured Post Slider from the free version of Catch Box?? I’m not very happy about that, if that’s the case. Or are you saying that the slider will return when you issue the fix?


    You’re a genius! Thanks so much Mahesh.

    I’m not sure if this issue is related or not but on my iPad, everything displays fine with the featured slider and partial description in each slide. But on my iPhone 5, it doesn’t show the description (highlighted in the red here):

    Do you know if this is related or could there be a CSS fix for it?



    @dt2791 and @rmcq-web: Sorry, there has been a small bug in the theme, this will be fixed on the next release. We will release the quick-fix update. We’ll let you know as soon as the update is available.
    And about “Homepage or Entire Site option is selected in Enable Slider “, sorry this option is not available in Catch Box Free version. I was confused and mentioned the option of Catch Box Pro.
    Sorry for the inconvenience.
    Note: Check to Exclude Slider posts from Homepage posts: If you are displaying latest posts in your home page, checking this option will hide the post that you’ve selected as Featured Slider Post from the post list. Hope you understand.



    Hi everyone,

    I am sorry for the delay posting my comment. Firstly, Mahesh was really awesome, quick response and efficient.

    The issue with my site was not about the plugins (I had tried than) but the widgets. Mahesh removed some of them on my pages and it fixed the issue.

    However, I had no choice than to add again some of these widgets on my site, I need them. And, unfortunately, the result is that the featured slider works only when it wants or takes longer to upload. And, it does’t matter which browser. Therefore, I keep monitoring it on sometimes remove widgets as needed.

    Thank you again Mahesh. I love my Catch Flames Pro theme anyway!

    RMCQ Web

    I updated the theme today and the slider doesn’t show. I went to Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Featured Slider=> Slider Options and there is no Enable Slider. So I can’t choose either Homepage or entire site. How do I enable the slider???


    @dt2791: Go to Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Featured Slider=> Slider Options and make sure Homepage or Entire Site option is selected in Enable Slider. Also make sure that you have put the valid post IDs. And please try disabling the plugins if you have installed any. In our server, the slider is working fine.
    Let me know if the problem persists.



    What about this srcset-tag which is used by WordPress? With this tag it should be possible to load a different picture size when a smartphone loads the page.
    I have checked this tag in Catch Adaptive: It will be set for the pictures of the Featured Content Slider, but it isn’t set for the pictures of the Featured Image Slider, which isn’t ideal by the way.


    I need to get rid of the header space area- all of the blank space above the menu bar and below the title (gray). I’d like the logo to be parallel with the title. Also, I’d like to reduce the white space below the featured slider a bit. How do I make sure this all transfers to the mobile site as well (it looks worse on mobile)? In addition, the mobile site has a large white space all the way down the right side of the page- how do I get rid of this? I added one of your prior suggestions to someone else into the css and it changed the top margin, but nothing below. Thanks!


    Hi @Mupa,

    The aspect ratio of Featured Slider image is 21:9 (1680×720). For image in mobile portrait mode, the same image is scaled but the aspect ratio is maintained because to add another aspect ratio, we would have to add in another image. This would greatly increase the media library size. And to add another image for the portrait mode would be an overkill.

    If you still want it, you can add a different image size using add_image_size() function of WordPress and then hide the larger image in portrait mode and show this image. This will need the loading of both images but only onw will be shown at a time.

    I just gave you a quick idea to show that it is possible but not recommended. If you still want it, you will need to hire a customizer as this involves quite a bit of customization.



    Hi @Mupa,

    I apologize but it is difficult to understand the issue. Do you mean the Featured Image Slider image does not scale up as Page slider? If so, then in image slider, the size that is displayed is exactly the size you save. If you put a bigger image in the image slider, it should work.



    @alesia90230: Thank you for using Catch Evolution Pro.
    1. Line height of my primary menu text:
    Go to Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options => Custom CSS box and add the following CSS:

     #header-menu a {
        line-height: 2em;

    2. Reduce the size of my photos in the featured slider: Can you please clarify more on this?


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