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  • #95710

    In reply to: Header Image size


    Please what is the size of the images on the featured slider on the homepage?


    1. About the slider that default image. That image will be there if you don’t have featured image in those selected page/post in your slider. So, can you check this screencast at

    2. If you want your sample page to be your default home, then you need to go to “Appearance => Customize => Static Front Page” and then in “Front page displays”, you need to check “A Static page”, then you need to select that sample page in “Front page”. Finally Save and Publish it.


    Dear Sakin,
    I have spent more than three days trying to customize my site The main problem is the instructions for the featured slider don’t work on my site.
    On the home page I have uploaded one photo but cannot get rid of the theme demo featured slider grey space underneath. How can I get rid of it?
    Αlso the menus I created on the home page do not open on “sample”
    As I have to show it at a meeting early on Wednesday morning your prompt answer would mean a lot to me
    Thanks in advance for your help


    1. When making changes to the Woocommerce layout from the drop-down list, the changes made are not showing up on the store. For example, when selecting no sibebar (full width), the sidebar remains.
    This is strange as it is working fine on my end. Can you go to the shop’s edit page and see what option is selected under Fullframe Options => Layout Options

    2. Just the same slider provided by full frame pro, but to be displayed only on the store homepage and to have 8 different slides corresponding to the 8 product categories ( exclusives, cameras, software, books, etc). If possible, they change automatically every few seconds rather having to clicking arrows – but not a necessity.
    I am sorry but this is not possible through theme support. Please hire a customizer for this work.

    4. I already am using featured content in my homepage Is it possible to add a seperate one in the footer of my store for this purpose. If so, how?
    I have to apologize again but this is also not possible. Please hire a customizer to do so.



    1. When making changes to the Woocommerce layout from the drop-down list, the changes made are not showing up on the store. For example, when selecting no sibebar (full width), the sidebar remains.

    2. Just the same slider provided by full frame pro, but to be displayed only on the store homepage and to have 8 different slides corresponding to the 8 product categories ( exclusives, cameras, software, books, etc). If possible, they change automatically every few seconds rather having to clicking arrows – but not a necessity.

    4. I already am using featured content in my homepage Is it possible to add a seperate one in the footer of my store for this purpose. If so, how?

    5. Colour issue has been resolved.

    Kind regards.


    @ariannacaiazzo: The CSS you have added will be used for all images as your main body has classes .woocommerce .woocommerce img-page.

    Now, to limit the slider image and header image to 770px, try using following CSS code instead:

    #feature-slider img,
    #header-featured-image img
        width: 770px;

    Let me know how it goes.



    1. Are there any features in this theme that allow you to easily customize the appearance of a store? If so, where are they?
    * You can change the layouts of the store by selecting required layout in Appearance => Customize=> Theme Options=> Layout Options=> Woocommerce Layout
    * You can also select different widgets for WooCommerce Pages by going to widgets page and adding different widgets in WooCommerce Primary Sidebar

    2. How can I add a slider to the top of my store that individually displays each of the 8 product categories and information for each? If this is not possible, is there any other way of making the product categories look more professional?
    This is not possible via Theme Options or via custom CSS. You will need to hire a customizer to achieve it or add plugin that achieves this.
    By more professional, can you let me know how you want it to look like, then I can provide you with custom css.

    3.Instead of having the ugly sidebar widgets that I currently have on the store displaying the product categories and featured content, how can I display these as thumbnails going across the page on each page on the store.
    I cannot understand what you mean by “thumbnails going across the page on each page on the store”. Do you mean a slider? Can you please elaborate this point a bit.

    4. How can I add picture icons in the footer of the store with information about shipping, global distribution service, customer service etc – something like the footer in this site
    You can achieve this by using Featured Content. There is an option to move featured content above footer in Appearance=> Customize=> Featured Content => Featured Content Options=> Check to Move above Footer
    for this purpose.

    i’ve been trying to change the color settings and it appears that I have accidentally changed the background in the store from white to light grey. This has left the product and product category pictures with a different colour to the background which looks bad as you can see here:

    I checked the site and it has white background. May you have cache problem. Try clearing your cache, or try a different browser/device.


    @lisovol: Thank your for supporting us. Since this is beyond theme scope, I recommended you to hire the customizer in the above reply. Yes, I can help you narrow down and direct you to the file and function. Please open file catch-responsive-pro/inc/catchresponsive_featured_slider.php and modify the following function for changing the width of slider to 70% and adding a text block in another 30%.

    Hope this helps.



    @lisovol: For centering the blocks in lower part for website, go to Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options=> Custom CSS box and add the following CSS:

    .catchresponsive-nav-menu li {
    	float: none;
    .menu.catchresponsive-nav-menu {
        text-align: center;
    #featured-content.layout-four .hentry {
    	width: 25%;

    For the other customization, i.e text block aside of slider, you’ll have to further customize the theme and the html structure. I recommend you to hire a customizer.



    I think I have discovered the problem in that I am unable to Customising
    Featured Slider can you advise how this can be fixed please.


    In reply to: Slider Image


    @sheilalowe: You mean you want to have different image in the slider? If so go to Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Featured Slider then select your desired image in Featured Slide # option.
    Let me know if any problem.



    @scnelson1: This is the default structure of the theme. If you want to header image to display at the top before Featured Slider, you’ll have to create a child theme. You can find more details on creating child theme HERE. Then in your child theme’s functions.php add the following codes.

    add_action( 'init', 'fullframe_child_move_header_image_before_slider' );
    function fullframe_child_move_header_image_before_slider() {
    	remove_action( 'fullframe_before_content', 'fullframe_featured_overall_image', 20 );
    	remove_action( 'fullframe_before_content', 'fullframe_featured_slider', 10 );
    	add_action( 'fullframe_before_content', 'fullframe_featured_overall_image', 10 );
    	add_action( 'fullframe_before_content', 'fullframe_featured_slider', 20 );

    Let me know if any problem.



    @redlillies: Seems the Jetpack’s slideshow is causing the issue. Please contact Jetpack support for this issue.
    And for displaying slider image apart from demo sliders, Go to Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Featured Slider=> Slider Options and select Featured Page Slider and select the pages you want to display as slider.
    Note: Please make sure that all the page selected for Featured Page Slider has Featured Image.
    Let me know if any problem.



    In reply to: Where is slider?


    Below is what another poster said in another post. It is exactly what I am seeing. Something is missing from my Customizing Featured Slider page. But she received no reply, so I continue to seek an answer. – Dave

    <<The only thing I’m seeing is: Enable Slider on: Homepage/Frontpage. None of the other usual options are visible.<<


    In reply to: Polylang issues


    @huca: Do you mean the slider? You can enable it in entire site by going to Appearance=> Customize=> Featured Slider => Enable Slider On and selecting entire site.

    If this is something else, please let me know.


    In reply to: Flags in header


    this is the whole function.php code, since I was also making some other changes from another thread, where you help me. But none of these actually works, so maybe I did something somewhere wrong?

     * Child Theme functions and definitions
     * Loading Parent theme stylesheet
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'catchresponsive_child_enqueue_styles' );
    function catchresponsive_child_enqueue_styles() {
        wp_enqueue_style( 'catchresponsive-parent-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css' );}
    if ( ! function_exists( 'catchresponsive_polylang_invalidcache' ) ) :
     * Template for Clearing Polylang Invalid Cache
    function catchresponsive_polylang_invalidcache() {
    	delete_transient( 'catchresponsive_featured_slider' );	
    } // catchresponsive_polylang_invalidcache
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'catchresponsive_polylang_invalidcache' );
     * Get the logo and display
     * @uses get_transient, catchresponsive_get_theme_options, get_header_textcolor, get_bloginfo, set_transient, display_header_text
     * @get logo from options and make it polylang compatible
     * @display logo
     * @action
     * @since Catch Responsive 1.0
    function catchresponsive_site_branding() {
    	$options 			= catchresponsive_get_theme_options();
    	$catchresponsive_site_logo = '';
    	//Checking Logo
    	if ( function_exists( 'has_custom_logo' ) ) {
    		if ( has_custom_logo() ) {
    			$custom_logo_id = get_theme_mod( 'custom_logo' );
    			$image          = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $custom_logo_id , 'full' );
    			$catchresponsive_site_logo = '
    			<div id="site-logo">
    				<a href="' . esc_url( pll_home_url() ) . '" title="' . esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ) ) . '" rel="home">
    					<img src="' . esc_url( $image ) . '" alt="' . esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ) ) . '">
    			</div><!-- #site-logo -->';
    	else if ( '' != $options['logo'] && !$options['logo_disable'] ) {
    		$catchresponsive_site_logo = '
    		<div id="site-logo">
    			<a href="' . esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ) . '" title="' . esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ) ) . '" rel="home">
    				<img src="' . esc_url( $options['logo'] ) . '" alt="' . esc_attr(  $options['logo_alt_text'] ). '">
    		</div><!-- #site-logo -->';
    	$catchresponsive_header_text = '
    	<div id="site-header">
    		<h1 class="site-title"><a href="' . esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ) . '">' . get_bloginfo( 'name' ) . '</a></h1>
    		<h2 class="site-description">' . get_bloginfo( 'description' ) . '</h2>
    	</div><!-- #site-header -->';
    	$text_color = get_header_textcolor();
    	$catchresponsive_site_branding	= '<div id="site-branding">';
    	$catchresponsive_site_branding	.= $catchresponsive_header_text;
    	if ( function_exists( 'has_custom_logo' ) ) {
    		if ( has_custom_logo() ) {
    			if ( ! $options['move_title_tagline'] && 'blank' != $text_color ) {
    				$catchresponsive_site_branding  = '<div id="site-branding" class="logo-left">';
    				$catchresponsive_site_branding .= $catchresponsive_site_logo;
    				$catchresponsive_site_branding .= $catchresponsive_header_text;
    			else {
    				$catchresponsive_site_branding  = '<div id="site-branding" class="logo-right">';
    				$catchresponsive_site_branding .= $catchresponsive_header_text;
    				$catchresponsive_site_branding .= $catchresponsive_site_logo;
    	else if ( '' != $options['logo'] && !$options['logo_disable'] ) {
    		if ( ! $options['move_title_tagline'] && 'blank' != $text_color ) {
    			$catchresponsive_site_branding  = '<div id="site-branding" class="logo-left">';
    			$catchresponsive_site_branding .= $catchresponsive_site_logo;
    			$catchresponsive_site_branding .= $catchresponsive_header_text;
    		else {
    			$catchresponsive_site_branding  = '<div id="site-branding" class="logo-right">';
    			$catchresponsive_site_branding .= $catchresponsive_header_text;
    			$catchresponsive_site_branding .= $catchresponsive_site_logo;
    	$catchresponsive_site_branding 	.= '</div><!-- #site-branding-->';
    	echo $catchresponsive_site_branding ;
     * Function to override parent function 
    function catchresponsive_header_right() {
    	<aside class="sidebar sidebar-header-right widget-area">
    		<section class="widget widget_search" id="header-right-search">
    			<div class="widget-wrap">
    				<?php echo get_search_form(); ?>
    		<?php if ( '' != ( $catchresponsive_social_icons = catchresponsive_get_social_icons() ) ) { ?>
    			<section class="widget widget_catchresponsive_social_icons" id="header-right-social-icons">
    				<div class="widget-wrap">
    					<?php echo $catchresponsive_social_icons; ?>
    				</div><!-- .widget-wrap -->
    			</section><!-- #header-right-social-icons -->
    		} ?>
    		<?php if ( function_exists( 'pll_the_languages' ) ) { ?>
    			<section class="widget">
    				<div class="widget-wrap">
    					<?php pll_the_languages( array( 'show_flags' => 1, 'show_names' => 0 ) );?>
    				</div><!-- .widget-wrap -->
    			</section><!-- #header-right-social-icons -->
    		} ?>
    	</aside><!-- .sidebar .header-sidebar .widget-area -->

    In reply to: Simple Catch Pro



    For that you can use following code in Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options=> Custom CSS box:

    #main-slider .featured-img a img {
        width: 100%;

    Let me know how it goes.



    In reply to: Polylang issues


    1) yes. code is here:

    * Child Theme functions and definitions

    * Loading Parent theme stylesheet
    add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘catchresponsive_child_enqueue_styles’ );
    function catchresponsive_child_enqueue_styles() {
    wp_enqueue_style( ‘catchresponsive-parent-style’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/style.css’ );}

    if ( ! function_exists( ‘catchresponsive_polylang_invalidcache’ ) ) :
    * Template for Clearing Polylang Invalid Cache
    function catchresponsive_polylang_invalidcache() {
    delete_transient( ‘catchresponsive_featured_slider’ );
    } // catchresponsive_polylang_invalidcache

    3) you mean the Polylang?


    In reply to: Polylang issues


    2) well it´s not just featured slider, it´s an image that appears the same for both pages. Or you mean this is an issue of Polylang because it´s using the same image?


    In reply to: Polylang issues


    2) I meant the image used from theme, which is then used to featured slider. I believe this is not any plugin´s issue, but template only?
    I am afraid, the featured slider will not work that way. If you want that sort of functionality, you will need to hire a customizer and do some custom work.

    3) disabled caching plugin, but no change, this is really weird as I look at it in the same way that it should work in the same way as the text :/
    It uses the same code as the text so this is very strange issue indeed. I will net you know if I come up with anything.

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