• This topic has 20 replies, 2 voices, and was last updated 8 years ago by Huca.
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    I am using Polylang for translations in Catch responsive free version:


    however I have 2 problems:

    1) the featured slider is not changing when switching languages.
    2) featured images remain the same for EN and CZ pages.

    If this could be solved easily by purchasing pro version I am fine with bying it, but I need to be 100% sure this will work in pro version.

    thanks a lot,



    And one more:

    3) the logo link leads to CZ version when being on EN version of the webpage. This is strange because the text after logo leads to correct EN version.


    Thank you for using Catch Responsive Theme. Although this theme is translation-ready, the free version does not support multi-language plugins. And Pro version too officially supports WPML Plugin.

    I will try to solve the issues you have mentioned but I am not 100% sure that they will work because our theme does not support this plugin.

    1) the featured slider is not changing when switching languages
    For this, you will need to do some customizations via child theme. For creating child theme, please follow this link. Then append code given in following link in the child theme’s functions.php file: http://pastebin.com/iSfBWshR

    2) featured images remain the same for EN and CZ pages
    This should be handled by plugin as it needs to create separate images holders for separate languages. Please contact their support

    3) the logo link leads to CZ version when being on EN version of the webpage. This is really strange because the text after logo leads to correct EN version
    This is really strange as both logo and text use same link(although generated separately) via a function home_url('/'). Can you try disabling any caching plugins and see if the problem persists?


    Hi Pratik,

    thanks a lot for your answers.

    1) fighting with the child theme setup, will let you know
    2) I meant the image used from theme, which is then used to featured slider. I believe this is not any plugin´s issue, but template only?
    3) disabled caching plugin, but no change, this is really weird as I look at it in the same way that it should work in the same way as the text :/


    2) I meant the image used from theme, which is then used to featured slider. I believe this is not any plugin´s issue, but template only?
    I am afraid, the featured slider will not work that way. If you want that sort of functionality, you will need to hire a customizer and do some custom work.

    3) disabled caching plugin, but no change, this is really weird as I look at it in the same way that it should work in the same way as the text :/
    It uses the same code as the text so this is very strange issue indeed. I will net you know if I come up with anything.


    2) well it´s not just featured slider, it´s an image that appears the same for both pages. Or you mean this is an issue of Polylang because it´s using the same image?


    @huca: Yes, this is what I meant. Catch Responsive uses Page/Post thumbnail. If multiple images on multiple languages is needed, it needs to be provided by the plugin.


    Some update:

    1) I have already installed the child theme and weird problem is in here – when I am in the “editing mode” of childtheme – meaning in the appearance – customize. I can see the carousel is changing when switching languages. However when I try it on the real page, it doesn´t work and remains in the same language.

    3) some more ideas? This is really stupid, to have the logo link to different language.

    Thanks a lot.


    1) I have already installed the child theme and weird problem is in here – when I am in the “editing mode” of childtheme – meaning in the appearance – customize. I can see the carousel is changing when switching languages. However when I try it on the real page, it doesn´t work and remains in the same language.
    Did you also add the code I gave, if so, can you post your child theme’s functions.php file contents.

    3) some more ideas? This is really stupid, to have the logo link to different language.
    Have you tried asking in plugin’s support forum? I do not see anything wrong with the codes from the theme.


    1) yes. code is here:

    * Child Theme functions and definitions

    * Loading Parent theme stylesheet
    add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘catchresponsive_child_enqueue_styles’ );
    function catchresponsive_child_enqueue_styles() {
    wp_enqueue_style( ‘catchresponsive-parent-style’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/style.css’ );}

    if ( ! function_exists( ‘catchresponsive_polylang_invalidcache’ ) ) :
    * Template for Clearing Polylang Invalid Cache
    function catchresponsive_polylang_invalidcache() {
    delete_transient( ‘catchresponsive_featured_slider’ );
    } // catchresponsive_polylang_invalidcache

    3) you mean the Polylang?


    I apologize as i left a line of code out. Please see the bit of code http://pastebin.com/iSfBWshR again, I have added a line at the end (line 10), please add it as well.

    Yes, I meant polylang’s support.


    1) line 10 added, but still no change :/ Actually there is one – it switched to EN, but doesn´t switch back to CZ when changing languages.


    According to 3) I found this:


    but I don´ t know where to change the link under logo. Didn´t find anything in the header.php :/


    @huca: Our theme uses WordPress Custom Logo which is a feature from WordPress that was added in version 4.5. Our theme has no control of the site logo(just enabling and disabling it). Everything is done by WordPress itself. So, this is a plugin issue as it does not address the WordPress Core Functionality.

    A workaround according to the post you provided would be to hack the codes a bit. Just add this in your child theme’s functions.php file: http://pastebin.com/29Qky7NW
    I again stress that this should have been rectified by the plugin.

    About the slider, I have removed the cache that was added but the code I provided earlier. It should have worked. This seems a plugin issue.



    Almost everything works fine now. Just one weird thing happened. Featured images are visible in the main page carousel:


    but they are not on top of the particular page:


    any idea what could be causing this?


    @huca: Do you mean the slider? You can enable it in entire site by going to Appearance=> Customize=> Featured Slider => Enable Slider On and selecting entire site.

    If this is something else, please let me know.


    No, I meant the image itself. It used to appear on top of each page as “banner” of the the page. I though it was default non changeable function but it´s gone now.

    For sure it is possible to add the image manually, just want to avoid the situation it would appear two times, just because it would revert back to the original settings when it was appearing by default.


    Humm, Do you mean the header image? Can you check Appearance=> Customize=> Header Image=> Enable Featured Header Image on and let me know what that setting is?


    I mean the featured image for each of the page like:




    these pages have featured images that are rotating in the carousel banner on the main page http://solveprague.cz/lostrooms-en/ , but their featured images don´t appear on their particular pages (on the top before the headlines)


    Fo that, you need to select option Pages and Posts in Appearance=> Customize=> Header Image=> Enable Featured Header Image on or Full size/Featured option in Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options=> Layout Options=> Single Page/Post Image Layout depending on which position you want the featured image.

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