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  • #156140

    @localgeek: You can disable the Featured slider. Go to Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Featured Slider=> Enable Slider On and select Disabled. And the you can you can use your desired Slider. The theme may or may not be compatible with the Slider you use. If you face the issue then customization may be required. If so, I recommend you to hire a customizer.

    Kind Regards


    1. Little bit of the image will get cropped off in order to fit to the screen size perfectly. I don’t think you can do much for that.

    2. You don’t seem to have enabled Featured Content on your site. Are you talking about the latest news section?

    3. I don’t see a Logo slider on your site. Isn’t this your site URL:

    Let me know if this helps you out!
    Kind Regards,


    @Skandha – great news! I contacted my site host and they were able to easily clear the cache, which fixed the refresh problem instantly! Very exciting!

    1) Oh, good, I definitely created all 12 header images using a 1920*954px template, so I don’t know why they sometimes get cut off – top, bottom, left, and right; it’s very random and only occasionally. Here’s a picture of the cockroach image from my template:!AlV_P2U9b7-9go5spkcyRT2ZeSwjQg

    You can go to the homepage ( and refresh until you get the same image to compare it to. Currently, on my PC screen on Chrome/IE, the image is shorter at the top compared to the template version. Also, I just checked the mobile version on my Samsung phone and the site title banner is partially hidden under the menu banner for some reason. Very strange. It’s almost as if the coding for this section of the site is somehow unstable.

    2) Unfortunately, this code didn’t work, and I even tried some variations to experiment. The image still links me to the post I would like to keep hidden.

    3) Same with this code, although it DOES do something – it hides the Logo Slider that I placed between Featured Content and News, and I definitely want to keep it. I also tried variations on this code, but no luck.

    4) Same with this code, but I think I don’t need it after all. I added a button to Featured Content that fills the extra white space nicely.

    Thank you as always! Also, can you recommend a good site to learn CSS used for this site? I can “read” your codes and understand what they are doing, but I don’t understand how to know what key words to use in the code and it’d be interesting to learn.


    In reply to: Theme questions


    1. To remove masthead from individual pages.
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS and add the following CSS Code.

    body:not(.home) .custom-header {
    body:not(.home) #site-header-main {
    body:not(.home) .breadcrumb-area.custom {

    2. To slow down the testimonial slider you will need to create a child and do a bit of customization. Let me know if you are familiar with child theme customization other wise I suggest you to hire a customizer.

    3. To make button to other page.
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS and Replace
    BY the following code.

    #featured-content-section article {

    4. To remove the Blog feed from the homepage
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS and add the following CSS Code.

    .home #content {

    5. To remove the Menu button on mobile
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Additional CSS and add the following CSS Code.

    .menu-toggle-wrapper {

    Let me know if this helps you out!
    Kind Regards,


    Hi and Thanks!

    It didn’t help but I think that’s because it’s not the backgroud hover color I’m trying to change but the hover text. It needs to go white when the background color changes to green. I have the Clean Education Pro and the settings are the same when it comes to color in the Hero site and in the Featured Slider site but the effect on the site is not…
    Can I chand background to text in the Css and get the effect?

    Kind regards,


    @rgraham:-To disable the featured Slider on home page
    Go to=> Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options=> Featured Slider=> Enable On=>Select Disable/Entire Site/Homepage
    -To Change Headline/Image and Button
    Go to=> Featured Slider=> Select Slider Type=> Image=> Insert Image ,Tagline, Title, Content and Link for the Button.
    Let me know if this helps you out!
    Kind Regards


    In reply to: Slider Catch Base Pro


    @purdey-and-peel: If you haven’t updated the theme, I strongly recommend you to update the theme first.
    Go to Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Featured Slider and choose the Slider type. If you are using Post Slider/ Page Slider/ Category slider, then you’ll need to edit the post/page that you are using in slider and change the Featured image and update it. Or if you are using Image slider, you can directly upload new image in the customizer option itself.

    Let me know if you are having any further issue.



    In reply to: Slider Size


    @mleavey24:Please,use this recommended size for Image Slider( Width: 1920px ,Height: 1280px) or check in this link for further information.

    Kind Regards,


    @bpgroup: Some bugs have been fixed in our latest 1.1.2 theme update and we are continuously updating the theme for bug fixes.

    I checked the featured slider and it seems to be working fine. Let me know what issue you are having with the featured slider.

    Please post in your site URL and post in all of your issues. I will be more than happy to help.

    Kind Regards,


    In reply to: Site colours


    @rhiannacarter: The theme has been updated to 1.1.2. Sometimes you do not get notification of the theme update.

    To update pro theme you’ll need to first download the theme from Then install Catch Web Tools plugin and activate Catch Updater Module.
    Please check the tutorial video in the link below:

    To edit featured slider on homepage
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Now you can edit the slider.
    For more information you can check out the theme instructions.

    Let me know if this helps you out!
    Kind Regards,


    In reply to: Site colours


    Can you please also let me know where I can edit the featured slider on the home page?


    @cuddapah: Please change the value of z-index from 100 to 101 in the previous CSS Code. I think this will solve your issue number 1 and 2.
    The CSS is in effect only for the homepage because you have activated featured slider only on the homepage.

    Let me know if this helps you out!
    Kind Regards,


    Here is the link :
    As you can see, menu is hanging above featured slider. I am trying to make it look like this where menu overlays on the image. I am using images for slider because we want to show different images on this page.


    @knudkp: Yes, I told you earlier that the theme is designed to showcase your slider. So, it’s large. But if you want small height image, then you can crop the image size of your slider and upload the smaller height images in your featured images. This way, it will automatically make the height of the image slider smaller.


    Sakin, i see

    Now I changed my screen res. to 1920×1280 – and made this screenshot:

    Well, for me it just looks like, that the whole thing with featured slider takes a great amount of space of the screen

    I know I shall take some space, but I feel and imagine that this is taking about 75% ?

    Wot do you think?


    @knudkp: Sorry, I just check in your site and your featured slider is not that big. It’s just perfect at 1200px width and 514px height and the Catch Base Pro theme wrapper in 1200px width. So, it’s perfect.


    @hverbunt: The featured slider option is only available in pro version of the theme. I suggest you to upgrade to pro. You can check out the additional-features available in pro version of the theme.

    Let me know if this helps you out!
    Kind Regards,


    Hi Skandha,

    Thank you for your help. The code solved my problem only partially:

    1) The post date now appears on the post page just below the title. With additional CSS, I managed to have it displayed with a bigger font and with my title font instead of my body content font:

    2) However the date that appears is the date of the last modification on the article. I would like to have the publication date displayed. I see “get_the_modified_date()” in your code. How can I modify it to have the right date displayed?

    3) Despite looking into the page code with my web browser inspector, I haven’t managed to have this post date displayed in white. It’s automatically in black but i’d like to change this so that the date can be seen over the pictures in background. In my CSS code, the only code I found I can change to have the date in white color is this :

    h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, .drop-cap:first-letter, .slider-content-wrapper .entry-content, .slider-content-wrapper .entry-summary, .no-header-media-image .custom-header .entry-title, .no-header-media-image .custom-header .entry-summary, .no-header-media-image .custom-header .entry-content, .entry-footer .entry-meta span span, .custom-header .entry-content, .custom-header .entry-summary, blockquote, .ctis-finished-notice {
    color: #111111;

    However, since that includes titles h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, it then also change all the titles on my home white from black to white, which I don’t want.
    Do you know the solution?

    4) The date appears on all the pages, that is to say the articles and other static pages (contact, about, privacy policy, etc) when I only want it on the articles. Is there a way?

    5) Last but not least, I said in the beginning that this code you sent me only solved my problem partially because I would like the post dates to be displayed everywhere on the website, and not just once you click on the article and open the article page.
    I would like the dates of the articles displayed on the front page, for both the hero article and the featured articles (, and also on the category pages when the list of articles are shown ( It is possible?
    For example, on your NepalBuzz Pro theme ( or Christmas Bell theme (, the post dates are nicely displayed also on the front pages.

    Sorry for this long response and several questions. I have to say this Catch Wheels Pro theme is giving me a a hard time. It’s a pity because I feel the style options I’m trying to get out of it are pretty basic for a website.

    Thank you again,



    Hey Skandha,

    That worked perfectly for my featured content! However, I still would like to disable the links on the featured slider images as well.


    In reply to: featured post slider


    @denisask: You had kept number of slides 0 in Featured post slider => Add slider option. I changed it to 1 and it seems to be working.

    Kind Regards,

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