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  • in reply to: Sub Menus in RTL not showing offset as in LTR #5874


    can you tell me which lines in style.css affect the menu listing in the sidebar?


    separate question:

    I want 4  featured posts instead of currently displayed 3.

    Can you please provide the parameters that control the column width so all posts appear in one line horizontally?

    I have reached this far through trial and error and there are still some things I need to understand. Can you please help out?


    in reply to: Sub Menus in RTL not showing offset as in LTR #5794


    In Admin side, correctly positioned second menu and sub menus.



    … Sub Menu1
    … Sub Menu2
    … Sub Menu3


    in reply to: Catch Everest – Slider Text #5406


    I only replaced original text with this… and like I mentioned before, did not change any part of code:
    1. alt=”For Image Slider” title=”Text For Image Slider”>
    2. <a title=”Text For Image Slider” href=”#”>Text For Image Slider</a>
    3. <p>This is a sample text to display on image slider. This is a sample text to display on image slider. This is a sample text to display on image slider. This is a sample text to display on image slider.</p>


    And thank you, removing the “\\”


    delete_transient( 'catcheverest_default_sliders' );

    is displaying the text change immediately.


    in reply to: Catch Everest – Slider Text #5375

    Sakin, Hi…

    Clearing cache as you described didn’t work.
    Its very strange and seems like its hard coded somewhere.
    i have pasted the code below from catcheverest-functions.php

    As I mentioned, I am new to this so I cant  change any coding.. just the text on front end where it appears in the files. I have not touched other files either.

    I’m now trying to learn how child themes work…  if that will be solve my problem.
    thanks for your help anyway.


    * Shows Default Slider Demo if there is not iteam in Featured Post Slider
    function catcheverest_default_sliders() {
    //delete_transient( ‘catcheverest_default_sliders’ );

    if ( !$catcheverest_default_sliders = get_transient( ‘catcheverest_default_sliders’ ) ) {
    echo ‘<!– refreshing cache –>’;
    $catcheverest_default_sliders = ‘
    <div id=”main-slider” class=”container”>
    <section class=”featured-slider”>
    <article class=”post hentry slides displayblock”>
    <figure class=”slider-image”>
    <a title=”Mount Everest” href=”#”>
    <img src=”‘. get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/images/slider1.jpg” class=”wp-post-image” alt=”Mount Everest” title=”Mount Everest”>
    <div class=”entry-container”>
    <header class=”entry-header”>
    <h1 class=”entry-title”>
    <a title=”Mount Everest” href=”#”>Mount Everest mountain</a>
    <div class=”entry-content”>
    <p>Mount Everest is the Earth\’s highest mountain, with a peak at 8,848 metres above sea level and the 5th tallest mountain measured from the centre of the Earth. It is located in the Nepal.</p>
    </article><!– .slides –>

    <article class=”post hentry slides displaynone”>
    <figure class=”slider-image”>
    <a title=”Text For Image Slider” href=”#”>
    <img src=”‘. get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/images/slider2.jpg” class=”wp-post-image” alt=”For Image Slider” title=”Text For Image Slider”>
    <div class=”entry-container”>
    <header class=”entry-header”>
    <h1 class=”entry-title”>
    <a title=”Text For Image Slider” href=”#”>Text For Image Slider</a>
    <div class=”entry-content”>
    <p>This is a sample text to display on image slider. This is a sample text to display on image slider. This is a sample text to display on image slider. This is a sample text to display on image slider.</p>
    </article><!– .slides –>
    <div id=”slider-nav”>
    <a class=”slide-previous”>&lt;</a>
    <a class=”slide-next”>&gt;</a>
    <div id=”controllers”></div>
    </div><!– #main-slider –>’;

    set_transient( ‘catcheverest_default_sliders’, $catcheverest_default_sliders, 86940 );
    echo $catcheverest_default_sliders;
    } // catcheverest_default_sliders


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