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  • #102115
    Glen Pavelich

    I read the change log, but still must ask, if I upgrade will anything change on the front end. Will I lose any of the custom settings? Will the theme options still be there?

    Also: how does one save the custom settings?
    I have set up a child theme, so is there a way to import the custom settings so nothing is ever lost.



    @fireflywebs: Well, upgrading from Free to Pro will not affect any of the settings, all setting will be migrated automatically (Considering you are using Original theme, not the child theme). Switching from child to parent may cause problem.
    But there are numbers of plugins in WordPress repositories to export and import the customizer settings, you can use one.
    Let me know if any problem.


    Glen Pavelich

    I’m upgrading from pro 3.3 to pro 3.4, and will be sticking with my child theme which is activated. Can you respond again whether I should expect any issues. Your statement ‘considering you are using original theme, not the child theme” left me still unclear.
    I will look into the plug-ins but would like to be certain once and for all if the child theme makes a difference in whether or not the customizations are maintained during the upgrade.


    @fireflywebs: If that’s the case, you are good to go, and there won’t be any issue. Sticking with what you are already using won’t cause any issue. I only mentioned about the original and child theme because, switching from child or to child may cause the issue in retaining settings. Hope this clarifies.


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