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  • #85323

    Hi! I didnt saw the phrase SEO friendly. And if I like your theme without losing the content is correctly updated to the PRO version? Can I see how the PRO themes admin panel looks. And where I can change the language of theme?
    Thank you!


    Hi @pollloid,

    Our theme is SEO Friendly. We also recommend Yoast SEO plugin for SEO.

    If you upgrade to Pro, then all the theme options will migrate to Pro version as well.

    The pro and free version both have the same option panel. Pro version will only have extra options. If you want to see which features are extra in pro version, you can visit this link.

    For language, once you change the language of WordPress, the language of theme will automatically change if it has the template for language, If the language does not change, then the .po and .mo files are missing. For that you will need to create those files to support your language. We can give you instructions for that. The theme is translation-ready.

    Let me know if you have any more queries.



    Please feel free to send instructions for how I translate this theme to the Swedish. Gladly my email, goran[at]bloggdriver[dot]se

    Göran Waldt


    @Bloggdriver: thanks for that and check your email.

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