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  • #312881
    Finn Jackson

    When creating a new post the section to add or change a featured image has disappeared from the right sidebar.

    The featured image still appears on existing posts. The Media Library is still there. But when editing a post, the right sidebar does not show the section that it used to show for adding/changing featured images. It only shows Summary, Yoast, Revisions, Categories, Tags etc… but not Featured Image.

    Where has it gone? How can I get it back?

    Screenshot below.

    All help gratefully received, thank you.


    @finn-jackson : I checked the theme at my end and I don’t seem to find any issue related to featured image.
    Can you please let me know the theme version that you are using and the WordPress version as well.
    For Testing purpose please try deactivating all plugins and try activating one by one. You may follow the following link to know more about plugin conflicts with our themes.



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