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  • #168058

    I will explain again to the featured column the link of session 1, does not work in the mobile version. The links of the session testimonials also do not work. The authors and so I have three but only the biography of two appears at the end of the posts the third does not appear. The session does not move, I already tried to do that.
    A palavra que quero traduzir e publicado por no perfil do autor no final das postagem.

    Link do

    Link dos prints:


    @ronnie: In testimonial and Featured Content you have selected the Select Type “Category”, In order to put the link in the session you have to select Custom.”The biography of two appears at the end of the posts the third does not appear. The session does not move” Can you please explain this line briefly or you can send me screenshot too.

    Kind Regards,


    @ronnie: Most of the errors on your site is due to the plugin conflict. I checked on the browser console the site shows java-script errors. You will need to disable all plugins for testing purpose and check by enabling plugins one by one. I will help you fix all the issues on your site but first you will need to disable the plugin causing the issue. Most of the errors will be fixed after fixing the plugin issue. Follow the following link to resolve the plugin issue. Let me know if you need further assistance regarding the issue.



    Nossa ta dificil amigo, vou explicar da uma olhada na demo do Catch Mag Pro na coluna aonde fica duas sessoes, os links nao funciona, dessa forma tambem esta no que eu comprei na versao mobile.
    Nos depoimentos selecionei sim categoria, com resumos, mas o titulo la na funciona, enviei os prints.
    Outra no tema fala que a gente consegue mover as sessoes tambem nao conseguir, arrastar.
    E por ultimo perfil dos autores embaixo do site, tenho 3 mas so aparece de dois.

    Link do site:

    Link dos prints:


    @tikaram Hi, I deactivated the plugins one by one, but I saw no difference.
    I really want to use the catch mag theme. Please help me. I’ve already gone to the site server, check these errors.
    But mistakes I’m having and the following

    I will explain from a look at the demo of Catch Mag Pro in the column where it is two sessions, the links does not work, so this is also what I bought in the mobile version.
    In the statements I selected yes category, with summaries, but the title la in the works, I sent the prints.
    Another in the subject says that we can move the sessions also can not, drag.
    And lastly, the profile of the authors below the site, I have 3 but only appears two.

    Site Link: https: //

    Link of prints:


    @ronnie: First of all please deactivate the cache plugin as it is active and any changes you make on your site will be not be affected. Secondly you have plugin issue on your site which needs to be addressed first.
    Please have a look at the red errors on this image. These are Java-script errors caused by plugins.

    If you are not able to handle the issue then I can help you out. Please let me know.



    @tikaram friend I can not solve the mistakes, I tried but I can not …. I really want to stay with this theme


    Hi, I’m sending a video where I show the conflicts I’m going through in the theme, and there’s still a link in the testimonies that do not redirect

    link does not work. does not move sessions. do not show the profile of the third author below the posts. do not disable the images in the post as described.

    Link site:



    @ronnie: I will contact you shortly by email.



    @tikaram Hi, I sent you the access. Thanks


    @tikaram Hi, did you get in?


    Hi, when are you going to get her to fix it? Please?


    Hi, please help me for God’s sake with this theme.

    Errors are:

    1 Link of the session title that I send in print does not work in the cellular version.
    2 profile of the third author of the posts does not appear at the end of the posts, only appears of two

    3 the title of the testimonials link selected category not working

    4 I deactivated the images in the post, I just want to activate when I edit the text, but only the image above the titles and Breadcrumbs appears.

    My credentials for you to enter my WordPress dashboard.

    Removed for security purpose

    Please arrange this so that we can be at peace.

    Link from the site photos of the parties that does not work right on the theme.



    @ronnie: We are fixing the testimonial issue and the session title issue as these seem to be theme related issues. For author profile: you will need to add author bio from the admin dashboard. For the time being, the bio has been added so that the Author gets displayed. Please edit the bio of the user that was not working. Sorry for getting late because we were on a Holiday yesterday.

    Can you please clarify the number four issue clearly.



    @ronnie: Hello Ronnie,

    1. The link of the title not working in Two Column section is a bug that has been fixed and an update will be released very soon.

    2. For the bio of author not appearing.
    Go to => Appearance => Usuários => Autor => Edit lucamoreira => Informações biográficas => Insert your author bio here.

    3. The link in the title and image of testimonial has been added as you suggested. This will be added in the next theme update very soon.

    4. If you mean to have featured image in single post/page
    Go to => Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Layout Options => Single Page/Post Image Layout => Select Post Thumbnail

    Let me know if this works out.
    We working on fixing the issue and an update will be released as soon as the issue is fixed.
    Kind Regards,


    Now we have some things working correctly. What is missing and updating of the columns, I will wait. Anyway thank you and apologize for anything.


    @ronnie: Hello Ronnie,
    The Section sector seems to be not working as there was a js error with The Moneytizer plugin that you are using.
    I disabled the plugin and section sorter seems to be working fine.

    Kind Regards,


    Thanks so much! I’m going to be missing the one in column 1 that the link does not work in the cellular version, both in your demo and on my site. But anyway thank you very much.


    @ronnie: Hello Ronnie,
    This may be due to caching issue. Please clear your cache once again. The link seems to be working fine at my end.

    The demo site shows the issue as it has not been updated to latest theme update.
    Let me know if this works out!
    Kind Regards,


    @skandha hello I looked in your demo already works … but in my theme not yet, could you take a look at me please

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