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  • #319684
    Orlando Mergal

    I’m trying to add an image slider to my blog. I have your Catch Responsive Pro Theme v. 4.7.2. When I add my images in the Featured Slider area, and I activate it, my menus appear above the images and I get empty space below the images that seems to be the same vertical size as my menus.
    I already created a child theme and tried the following code that I picked up from an old Catch Themes forum case.But it doesn’t work.
    function primary_menu_below_header_image() {
    remove_action( ‘catchbase_after_header’, ‘catchbase_primary_menu’, 20 );
    add_action( ‘catchbase_after_header’, ‘catchbase_primary_menu’, 45 );
    add_action( ‘wp_head’, ‘primary_menu_below_header_image’ );
    Could you please tell me the correct code that I need to add to the funtions.php file of my child theme so that my menus will appear below my images?
    Thank you.


    @accucomm : I suggest you to update the theme to the latest version as it contains security updates and bug fixes. The updated version of the theme supports a feature where you can sort the positions of sections of your Homepage as desired.
    After updating the theme. Login to your WordPress admin section. Go to Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Sections Sorter
    Drag and drop the primary menu below featured slider and you will get the result as desired.
    Let me know if you have any more questions.


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