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  • #11612

    I just bought this theme last night and the download was for version 1.3 and I’m now being notified version 2.2 is available. I’m following directions and going to my account page but I keep redownloading version 1.3. Can you point me in the right direction or send me a download link?



    @mattsmith701: The latest version for Catch Everest Pro is 1.3 only. See here

    I don’t know where you got that info for. Can you send me your screenshot?


    I’m not sure how to post a screen shot in this post… Is there a way I can email it to you? My email is [email protected] if you’d prefer to email me first and I can respond.



    I also had a couple other questions pertaining to my site,

    1) I’d prefer not to use a large logo. When I upload something moderately sized like the logo I currently have, it loses some of its quality, especial in the outsides of the blue portion that I then have to crop. Is there a way to upload any-sized logo I want without have to worry about a loss in image resolution?

    2) Is there a way to bring the logo and search bar closer to the nav bar and eliminate much of the remaining white above them? I’m already using this code but it only eliminated a portion:

    #hgroup.with-logo { display: none; }

    3) Am I able to move everything in the nav bar to the left? I don’t like them centered.



    @mattsmith701: You can simple upload your screenshot in your own site or any photo sharing site and then add in your screenshot url.



    1) I’d prefer not to use a large logo. When I upload something moderately sized like the logo I currently have, it loses some of its quality, especial in the outsides of the blue portion that I then have to crop. Is there a way to upload any-sized logo I want without have to worry about a loss in image resolution?
    — You can crop using your Photo Editor and have the best quality logo. Then upload it though “Appearance => Header”, then after upload you will see ”
    Crop Header Image” section. There you just Click on the Button “Skip Cropping, Publish Image as Is”.

    2) Is there a way to bring the logo and search bar closer to the nav bar and eliminate much of the remaining white above them? I’m already using this code but it only eliminated a portion:
    — That css is useless. If you want to reduce the padding top and bottom, adjust the padding as per you need and add the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    #site-logo,.header-sidebar { padding-top: 40px; }
    #hgroup-wrap { padding-bottom: 40px; }

    3) Am I able to move everything in the nav bar to the left? I don’t like them centered.
    — Just add the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    #header-menu { text-align: left; }


    Thanks for the help. Here’s the link for the screenshot:


    @mattsmith701: Thanks for your screenshot. I will change that.

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