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  • #11641

    I posted this questions on Monday, 7/8/2013, and I thought I would ask again:

    I am trying to add my Google Calendar Widget to only display on my homepage. I am doing an “Upcoming Events” section with this widget.

    Under Theme Options, I have my layout set to have a “Right Sidebar.”
    However, when I add my Google Calendar Event Widget to the Optional Homepage Sidebar nothing displays. I have tried adding other widgets as well to make sure it was not the Google Events Calendar that was failing. No widgets display on my homepage.

    Other widgets will display on the footer areas, but nothing on the Optional Homepage Sidebar.

    The Google Calendar Widget will display on my other pages/posts, but not on the homepage…

    Please help!

    Here is a link to the site:


    @lakeoswegobaseball: The Optional Homepage sidebar will only work in you have set Static Homepage or Latest Post in the homepage. You can set that from “Appearance => Theme Options => Homepage Settings => Homepage / Frontpage Settings”.


    Excellent, thank you, that worked perfectly. Just curious, is there anyway to have it moved next to the slider featured images on the right?


    @lakeoswegobaseball: Sorry we don’t have that feature ready. You can just set static page and add something nice so it will look great.

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