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  • #20895

    My Site is has a password, because
    I don’t want that everyone is looking at the page now,
    because i must work a few days more on my site for releasing.

    My question is, why is the Featured Post Slider taking the
    images from the http server on port 80 and not from the https
    server on port 443?


    In reply to: Mobile Device Swipe


    I get this error
    >>Parse error: syntax error, unexpected ‘<‘ in /home/content/44/10651744/html/wp-content/themes/catch-everest-child/functions.php on line 98<<

    after adding the mobile swipe and the remove “Permalink To” php code you provided to functions.php code posted below.

    child theme functions.php

    /** CPA Customization
    * Unassociated – discover what this is related to
    * @uses catcheverest_header action to add it in the header
    function register_my_menus() {
    ‘primary’ => __( ‘Profile Menu’ ),
    ‘sidebar-menu’ => __( ‘Sidebar Menu’ )
    add_action( ‘init’, ‘register_my_menus’ );

    function image_tag($html, $id, $alt, $title) {
    return preg_replace(array(
    ‘alt=”‘ . $title . ‘”‘
    add_filter(‘get_image_tag’, ‘image_tag’, 0, 4);

    /** CPA Customization
    * Shows Featured Post Slider
    * @uses catcheverest_header action to add it in the header
    function catcheverest_post_sliders() {
    //delete_transient( ‘catcheverest_post_sliders’ );

    global $post, $catcheverest_options_settings;
    $options = $catcheverest_options_settings;

    if( ( !$catcheverest_post_sliders = get_transient( ‘catcheverest_post_sliders’ ) ) && !empty( $options[ ‘featured_slider’ ] ) ) {
    echo ‘<!– refreshing cache –>’;

    $catcheverest_post_sliders = ‘
    <div id=”main-slider” class=”container”>
    <section class=”featured-slider”>’;
    $get_featured_posts = new WP_Query( array(
    ‘posts_per_page’ => $options[ ‘slider_qty’ ],
    ‘post__in’ => $options[ ‘featured_slider’ ],
    ‘orderby’ => ‘post__in’,
    ‘ignore_sticky_posts’ => 1 // ignore sticky posts
    $i=0; while ( $get_featured_posts->have_posts()) : $get_featured_posts->the_post(); $i++;
    $title_attribute = apply_filters( ‘the_title’, get_the_title( $post->ID ) );
    $excerpt = get_the_excerpt();
    if ( $i == 1 ) { $classes = “post hentry slides displayblock”; } else { $classes = “post hentry slides displaynone”; }
    $catcheverest_post_sliders .= ‘
    <article class=”‘.$classes.'”>
    <figure class=”slider-image”>

    ‘. get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, ‘slider’, array( ‘title’ => esc_attr( $title_attribute ), ‘alt’ => esc_attr( $title_attribute ), ‘class’ => ‘pngfix’ ) ).’

    <div class=”entry-container”>
    <header class=”entry-header”>
    <h1 class=”entry-title”>
    ‘.the_title( ‘<span>’,'</span>’, false ).’
    if( $excerpt !=”) {
    $catcheverest_post_sliders .= ‘<div class=”entry-content”>’. $excerpt.'</div>’;
    $catcheverest_post_sliders .= ‘
    </article><!– .slides –>’;
    endwhile; wp_reset_query();
    $catcheverest_post_sliders .= ‘
    <div id=”slider-nav”>
    <div id=”controllers”></div>
    </div><!– #main-slider –>’;

    set_transient( ‘catcheverest_post_sliders’, $catcheverest_post_sliders, 86940 );
    echo $catcheverest_post_sliders;

    /** CPA Customization
    * Allow Mobile swip/gestures
    * @uses catcheverest_header action to add it in the header
    function unhook_catcheverest_functions() {
    remove_action( ‘wp_head’, ‘catcheverest_responsive’, 5 );
    add_action( ‘init’, ‘unhook_catcheverest_functions’ );

    //Responsive Meta in Child Theme
    function catcheverest_child_responsive() {
    // Getting data from Theme Options
    global $catcheverest_options_settings;
    $options = $catcheverest_options_settings;
    $disable_responsive = $options[ ‘disable_responsive’ ];

    if ( $disable_responsive == “0” ) {
    echo ‘<meta name=”viewport” content=”width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0″>’;
    add_action( ‘wp_head’, ‘catcheverest_child_responsive’, 5 );



    In reply to: Remove Permalink To


    Theme Footer has been restored as described in earlier post. I do understand.

    I do not understand your message about the featured post slider. Are you suggesting I copy the code you provided and add/insert this into my existing child theme functions.php then edit this code removing the two (2) tag references to “Permalink to”? I did this and it did not work so I must not be clear about your instructions.


    In reply to: Remove Permalink To


    @tkabe: I don’t get it what you mean. You don’t need to request to upgrade to pro version. You can simple purchase the theme from and if you need help is installation. Then you can request in

    To remove the permalink to in your Featured Post Slide, just open your functions.php file in your child theme and copy the following code and edit it.

     * Shows Featured Post Slider
     * @uses catcheverest_header action to add it in the header
    function catcheverest_post_sliders() { 
    	//delete_transient( 'catcheverest_post_sliders' );
    	global $post, $catcheverest_options_settings;
       	$options = $catcheverest_options_settings;
    	if( ( !$catcheverest_post_sliders = get_transient( 'catcheverest_post_sliders' ) ) && !empty( $options[ 'featured_slider' ] ) ) {
    		echo '<!-- refreshing cache -->';
    		$catcheverest_post_sliders = '
    		<div id="main-slider" class="container">
            	<section class="featured-slider">';
    				$get_featured_posts = new WP_Query( array(
    					'posts_per_page' => $options[ 'slider_qty' ],
    					'post__in'		 => $options[ 'featured_slider' ],
    					'orderby' 		 => 'post__in',
    					'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1 // ignore sticky posts
    				$i=0; while ( $get_featured_posts->have_posts()) : $get_featured_posts->the_post(); $i++;
    					$title_attribute = apply_filters( 'the_title', get_the_title( $post->ID ) );
    					$excerpt = get_the_excerpt();
    					if ( $i == 1 ) { $classes = "post hentry slides displayblock"; } else { $classes = "post hentry slides displaynone"; }
    					$catcheverest_post_sliders .= '
    					<article class="'.$classes.'">
    						<figure class="slider-image">
    							<a title="Permalink to '.the_title('','',false).'" href="' . get_permalink() . '">
    								'. get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, 'slider', array( 'title' => esc_attr( $title_attribute ), 'alt' => esc_attr( $title_attribute ), 'class'	=> 'pngfix' ) ).'
    						<div class="entry-container">
    							<header class="entry-header">
    								<h1 class="entry-title">
    									<a title="Permalink to '.the_title('','',false).'" href="' . get_permalink() . '">'.the_title( '<span>','</span>', false ).'</a>
    							if( $excerpt !='') {
    								$catcheverest_post_sliders .= '<div class="entry-content">'. $excerpt.'</div>';
    							$catcheverest_post_sliders .= '
    					</article><!-- .slides -->';				
    				endwhile; wp_reset_query();
    				$catcheverest_post_sliders .= '
            	<div id="slider-nav">
            		<a class="slide-previous"><</a>
            		<a class="slide-next">></a>
            	<div id="controllers"></div>
      		</div><!-- #main-slider -->';
    	set_transient( 'catcheverest_post_sliders', $catcheverest_post_sliders, 86940 );
    	echo $catcheverest_post_sliders;	

    Note: Please restore the Theme footer or upgrade to Pro version. I hope you understand.


    In reply to: Pre-purchase question


    @jcudak: Yes pro version has option to choose Featured Image Slider where you wan upload independent image, test and links as per your need. You don’t need coding experience.

    Your slider options will look like this and you can follow the instructions mentioned at


    Hi there!
    It seems as we have similar problems.
    We’ve installed the Everest-Theme today and have changed several issues on our page.
    To let the Slider work, we’ve created posts instead of sites. Everything works –
    BUT NOT THE SLIDER! Eventhough we’ve added the post-IDs into the ‘Featured Post Slider Options’ – it just shows the first out of four post-Sliders. Even clicking on the arrows does not work.
    Thanks a million in advance!
    Urs & Rahel from


    You can just add the following CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    #slider-wrap .featured-text {
    visibility: hidden;

    Hi Sakin, I am currently working on my sliders and the above CSS has been very helpful, thanks for that. I posted my first slider, 644×320, it shows perfectly fine on an iPad but not on my 11″ screen, i.e. the picture is not wide enough. Are the sliders supposed to be responsive? What can I do to get the pictures to work on any screen size?
    My site is

    Many thanks!


    @astra202: Yes, first you need to create post with featured image. See this on how to add Featured image

    Then you need to add the post ID in “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider”. See this screenshot

    For free theme you only have option to use post slider but if you are in pro then you have more slider option like independent image slider, page slider, post slider and category slider to choose from.

    Also check our theme instructions page.
    Catch Everest Pro:
    Catch Everest:


    Hey Sakin,

    I am using the Free Catch Everest theme and I am following all the instructions possible to change the Everest slider picture with my own picture but does not work. I have post with Featured Image and I am trying to add in the Featured Post Slider but it does not get added or something, it is not working. Is there a better way to change the slider picture?



    Hi Sakin
    I build child theme. Configuration are little changed but works. I test first all on my local computer.
    Beside created style.css, I copied content.php to folder simple-catch-pro-child and changed what you suggest me. I also copied function.php to same folder and changed
    /* We’ll be using post thumbnails for custom features images on posts under blog category.
    set_post_thumbnail_size( 170, 170 );

    // Add Simple Catch Pro’s custom image sizes
    add_image_size( ‘featured’, 170, 170, true); // uses on homepage featured image
    add_image_size( ‘slider’, 976, 313, true); // uses on Featured Slider on Homepage Header

    Pictures are really smaller but I can`t resize frame about pictures.


    @ozbods2: I see that you are using Post Slider in Catch Evolution Free Theme. You have added 2 posts. But in those post you haven’t added “Featured Image”. So, please add featured image in your post and and it will work fine. So, after you upload the image in those post you need to set one image as “Featured Image”.


    @Kenneth: I see all your slider post have 3 lines of text. Which is fine and no need to change it. But look at the featured images of those posts have difference sizes.

    Your 1st and 3rd posts featured image is fine with 644×320. Bur your 2nd and 4th is smaller with 600×320. So, it is showing issue. So, change the featured image of 2nd and 4th and it will be fine.


    @mscserginho: There is no option to add the most popular posts automatically to the slider and recent post in the homepage featured content. For this you need to code new function in your child theme. If you know the technical then you can add it otherwise you can hire a customizer. You can ask for quote at

    You can add your recent post in your homepage by going to “Appearance => Theme Options => Homepage Settings => Homepage/Frontpage Settings” and check on “Enable Latest Posts”.

    You will not loose your setting after purchasing pro theme. If you need help in upgrading to pro theme then we have that service for free.


    Thank you, that worked for almost everything again.

    I hate to be a pain but the three featured posts header is still black and there is still a white space below the slider.


    For Featured Title font color, you can change the color code and add it in “Appearance => Theme Options -> Custom CSS” box.

    .entry-header .entry-title a {
        color: #222222;

    Fore slider background and button.

    .featured-slider .slides {
        background-color: #000;
    #main-slider .entry-title a,
    #main-slider .entry-content  {
        background: transparent;
        color: #fff;

    For footer:

    #footer-sidebar {
        background-color: #000;

    That worked for most of the my issues. I still have a few small issues.

    1) The featured content title is black font
    2) The slider sides and bottom are white
    3) The footer and the footer widget area are white/grey


    @zorter: For sub-menu item color, you can add the following Custom CSS in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    #fixed-header-top ul { background-color: #fff; }
    #fixed-header-top ul li a { color: #000; }

    For Slider, you cannot add this slider in your sidebar. For sidebar slider you can search for slider plugin at

    Thanks for upgrading to pro version. You can find detail instruction of slider on Now for the slider, first you need to “Select Slider Type” from “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options”.

    So, if you choose Featured Page Slider or Featured Post slider, you need to add Page or Post ID from which the slider code will take the featured image of those page and post. Similarly if you choose Featured Category Slider, then it will take the latest posts features image from selected category.

    Then if you choose Featured Image Slider then it’s an independent slider where you have to upload individual image, title, content and links as per your need.

    Modifying the width of the slide is bit complicated as we need to change the width will the responsive design of various screen-size. So, can you tell me your desire width and I will check in the css.


    @TruckinTortuga: I see that you are using Catch Evolution Free theme which only have option to use Featured Post Slider which was created to highlight your post. That means, you need to use post and link to post. No, other options. But Pro version have option to use Page Slider, Post Slider, Category Slider and Image Slider. See more about it at

    Yes, when you have the latest post added in your slider post. Then you will have duplicate like one in the slide and anther as your latest posts. You can remove that by going to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider” Featured Post Slider Options” and check on “Exclude Slider post from Homepage posts”.


    @Karin: Did you check in our Theme Instruction page at

    In Catch Everest Pro theme, you have option to select “Post Slider, Page Slider, Category Slider and Image Slider”. So, if you want to add page or post slider then you need to add page or post IDs. For category slider, you need to select category and for image slider, you need to upload the image.

    First, go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options” and select the slider type. For example: select “Image Slider”.
    Then you will get “Featured Image Slider Options” where you can upload the image. See this screenshot


    Thank you Suchi, although I have to admit I still don’t get it. I see that under theme options – featured slider I can change setting for how the existing images moves, timings etc. but not how I actually change the image…??

    Michael: my site is, it is the two images that actually comes with the theme to start, the one of mount everest and the one of buddhist wheels that I wish to change to my own images…so not the header above or the images below but the main images.

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