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  • Sakin

    @altair: How did you change the image of the Slider, You have to use your post to change it. As Catch Kathmandu Free theme only have Featured Post Slider and Featured Category Slider to choose from. See the theme instructions at

    To remove the background color from Slider textbox, you can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    #main-slider .entry-container, 
    #main-slider .entry-container:hover {
        background: none transparent;
        border: none;

    @kwest: Try adding in the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS”
    #featured-post img, #main-slider img { box-shadow: none; }


    @greengiant: For Labeling of the Featured Slider from Blue to another color. I will give you the code to add in your “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box. You just need to send me the HTML color code that you like.

    Yes Footer Widget and Footer can be changed from Color Options. You just send me your site URL after you upgrade to Pro version and then I will help you out.


    So to confirm, I am planning to upgrade to the Kathmandu pro version. Can I change the color of the labeling of the featured slider from blue to another color? The footer widget, and the footer can also be changed? I would like to change to specific green colors. Would this be possible or only the 20 pre-specified colors?



    In reply to: Help with Homepage


    @redappleeducation: thanks for your question but you should have posted in your site URL so that I could check in live. Next time please ask question specific to your site URL.

    Now, I assumed that you are using Catch Kathmandu Free theme and you can check out the theme instruction page first at

    1. I cannot change the graphic on the homepage?
    — There are 3 elements in Homepage of Catch Kathmandu and further you can also enable latest post or static page under it.
    1.1 Featured Slider:
    * First, you need to create post from “Posts => Add New” and add in the Featured image in your post.
    How to add Featured Image in Post?
    * Open the editor of the post where you want to display image, and locate the Featured Image module in the bottom right corner under Page Attributes. Click on Choose a Featured Image.
    * Then you can either upload the image from your computer or select the existing image from your media library and click on Set Featured Image. Click to view screenshot
    * Then you need to go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider” and in Slider Options, select Post Slider or Category Slider.
    * If you choose “Post slider” then you need to go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Featured Post Slider Options” and simply insert the ID numbers for Posts in the boxes, one Post ID number in each box. Click to view screenshot
    But if you choose “Category Slider”, then you need to go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Featured Category Slider Options” and select the category.
    * Click on Save Changes button
    But if you want Featured Image Slider where you want independent image slide then you need to upgrade to Pro version. See the Catch Kathmandu Pro version theme instructions at

    1.2 For Homepage Headline
    This headline comes with default text. You have the option of changing headline and sub-headline text or disabling it through “Appearance => Theme Options => Homepage Settings => Homepage Headline Options” in your WordPress Dashboard.

    1.3 For Homepage Featured Content
    Homepage Featured Content Options give you the ability to showcase your portfolio, photos, articles or services in Homepage. By default, this featured content is shown with default images and texts. You can either change the image and text or disable it through “Appearance => Theme Options => Homepage Settings => Homepage Featured Content Options” in your WordPress Dashboard.

    1.4 Enable Latest post or static page
    * Go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Homepage Settings => Homepage / Frontpage Settings” in your WordPress Dashboard
    * Next to “Enable Latest Post or Page?”, check the box that says “Check to Enable” and save changes.

    2. is there a way that I can reduce the height of the header?
    — For this, I need your site URL. But I am just generalizing that you are using default settings. You can adjust the padding as per your need and add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    #site-logo, #hgroup { padding-top: 20px; }
    #hgroup-wrap { adding-bottom: 20px; }

    3. Finally, how do I change font of the titles in the menus (homepage).
    — You don’t have font option in Free version, you need to upgrade to pro version. You can add web-fonts css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    #masthead .menu { font-family: sans-serif,Arial; }


    Hey Sakin…My question is a little different….

    How do I keep my featured post images on the feature slider and loose the image when you click on the feature slider. The reason I’m wondering is because the post image frame is much different than the feature slider frame.

    Is it possible for me to have images on the featured slider and have more control over the images in the post?


    @Amanda: Which theme are you using it? This is Catch Kathmandu Free theme support forum. But I assumed that you have upgraded to Catch Kathmandu Pro theme.
    Did you check in theme instruction page at

    Homepage uses, Featured Slider, Homepage Headline, Homepage Featured Content and then you have option to enable either latest post or static page below the homepage featured content.

    For Featured Slider:
    Catch Kathmandu Pro have 4 different slider type to choose from 1) Featured Image Slider, 2) Featured Page Slider, 3) Featured Category Slider and 4) Featured Post Slider.
    1. Featured Image Slider
    This is an Independent Image Slider where you can upload your own image and add title, content and link all optional. For this, follow the Steps as below:
    * Go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider” from your WordPress Dashboard
    * Under Slider Options Select Slider Type as Featured Image Slider.
    * Go to Featured Image Slider Options, where you have the option of uploading images, connecting to an image link, adding in the title, content, and setting target to open link in a new window as needed and Save changes

    2. Featured Page Slider
    Featured Page Slider is there to highlight your Pages in the Slider. For this first, you need to create page from “Pages => Add New”. Then you need to add Featured Image in your page. See below to see how to add featured image in your page.

    * Go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider” from your WordPress Dashboard
    * Under Slider Options Select Slider Type as Featured Page Slider.
    * Go to Featured Page Slider Options and simply insert the ID numbers for Pages in the boxes, one Page ID number in each box
    as needed and Save changes

    3. Featured Category Slider
    Featured Category Slider is there to highlight your Posts in Particular Category. For this first, you need to create post from “Posts => Add New” and assign category to the post. Then you need to add Featured Image in your post. See below to see how to add featured image in your post.

    * Go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider” from your WordPress Dashboard
    * Under Slider Options Select Slider Type as Featured Category Slider.
    * Go to Featured Category Slider Options and simply select the category and Save changes

    4. Featured Post Slider
    Featured Post Slider is there to highlight your Posts in the Slider. For this first, you need to create post from “Posts => Add New”. Then you need to add Featured Image in your post. See below to see how to add featured image in your post.

    * Go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider” from your WordPress Dashboard
    * Under Slider Options Select Slider Type as Featured Post Slider.
    * Go to Featured Post Slider Options and simply insert the ID numbers for Posts in the boxes, one Post ID number in each box
    as needed and Save changes

    For Homepage Headline
    This headline comes with default text. You have the option of changing headline and sub-headline text or disabling it through “Appearance => Theme Options => Homepage Settings => Homepage Headline Options” in your WordPress Dashboard.

    For Homepage Featured Content
    Homepage Featured Content Options give you the ability to showcase your portfolio, photos, articles or services in Homepage. By default, this featured content is shown with default images and texts. You can either change the image and text or disable it through “Appearance => Theme Options => Homepage Settings => Homepage Featured Content Options” in your WordPress Dashboard.

    For more visit theme instruction page.


    In reply to: Homepage not showing


    @Damiano: This is really confusing. How do you add in Category “Relacja” as Homepage. You can set homepage either as Static Page or latest posts from “Settings => Reading”. And to enable slider only in homepage you need to go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options” and then select “Homepage” in
    Enable Slider.


    @htenbyslide: To remove the slider background effect, you need to go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider => Slider Effect Options” and check “Disable Slider Background Effect”. Save it.


    In reply to: Featured post slider


    @Viktoria: I see that you are using Catch Kathmandu Free Theme which only have option to use Featured Post Slider or Featured Category Slider. This slider is created to highlight the post. Did you check in Theme Instructions page at

    1. First, you need to create post and add in the Featured image in your post.
    How to add Featured Image in Post?
    * Open the editor of the post where you want to display image, and locate the Featured Image module in the bottom right corner under Page Attributes. Click on Choose a Featured Image.
    * Then you can either upload the image from your computer or select the existing image from your media library and click on Set Featured Image. Click to view screenshot
    2. Then you need to go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider” and in Slider Options, select Post Slider or Category Slider.
    3. If you choose “Post slider” then you need to go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Featured Post Slider Options” and simply insert the ID numbers for Posts in the boxes, one Post ID number in each box. Click to view screenshot
    But if you choose “Category Slider”, then you need to go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Featured Category Slider Options” and select the category.
    4. Click on Save Changes button

    But if you want Featured Image Slider where you want independent image slide then you need to upgrade to Pro version. See the Catch Kathmandu Pro version theme instructions at


    @pNICBsa4: Just add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    #featured-post img, #main-slider img { box-shadow: none; }


    1. Go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options” and then check to “Disable Slider Background Effect” and save it. I don’t see image distorted. Maybe it’s due to the effect.
    2. Yes, you can set page layout in individual page/post. This will overwrite the settings in Theme Options. Theme Options settings is for overall site and page/post is for individual page/post.
    3. You don’t need to change theme for this. You can simply install WP Display Header plugin, which will add Extra header options in your page/post to add different header in particular page.


    @dbevarly: Sorry for the trouble. I hope I will be able to make you happy.

    1. Featured Slider
    You are saying that you choose Featured Image Slider and uploaded 4 images but it is not showing. So, I will mention the steps and you can check in which one is missing.
    1.1. Go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options”. Then select “Featured Image Slider” in Select Slider Type and “Homepage / Frontpage” in Enable Slider and Save.
    1.2. Go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Featured Image Slider Options”. Then in Image add in Image URL and then link, title and content and Save.

    2. Widgets in Sidebar
    You are saying that your widgets are not displaying. When I check in your site, I see that you have selected “No Sidebar” layout. That is why it is not showing any sidebar. Go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Layout Options” and in “Default Layout”, you can select “Right Sidebar” and Save.

    3. Header
    This theme uses Custom Header and Logo. For logo you can go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Header Options” and then add in logo image URL in “Header logo url”. Then for custom header, you can go to “Appearance => Header” and upload the full width custom header image. But sorry there is no option to change header image just for one page.


    In reply to: Header Text Problem?


    @malipl: Are you using Catch Kathmandu Free Theme. Did you check in Theme Instruction page at 1. Is your Featured Slider and 2. Is your Homepage Featured Content

    1. Featured Slider:
    Catch Kathmandu Free theme only have option to use either Post Slider or Category Slider. Both of these are created to highlight your post. So, these slider takes Post Featured Images, Title and Excerpt Content.
    1.1. First create post from “Posts => Add New” and then add “Featured Image” in the post. In your post editor you will see the Featured Image module in the bottom right corner under Page Attributes. Click on Choose a Featured Image. Then you can either upload the image from your computer or select the existing image from your media library and click on Set Featured Image. Click to view screenshot
    1.2. Then Go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider”. Then in Slider Options, you can select slider type as either “Post Slider” or “Category Slider”. If you select Post slider then you need to add in the post ID in “Featured Post Slider Options” and if you select Category slider then you need to select the category.

    2. Homepage Featured Content
    You can go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Homepage Settings => Homepage Featured Content Options”. Then add in the image url, title, content and link as per your need. Then click on Save Changes.


    In reply to: A Few Questions


    @VibeEnglish: Please don’t edit style.css directly. You can add in extra style either in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box or by building child theme.

    Free theme only have Post slider and category slier option to highlight you post. Or Image Slider you need to upgrade to pro version. But you can upload your own image in Post and Category Slider. The only different is that these images are pulled from your post Featured Image.
    1. First you need to create post from “Posts => Add New” and then add Featured Image. See this screenshot
    2. Then either you can select Post Slider and add in your post ID or you can select category slider and select category. See the detail theme instructions at


    @Stephan: If you don’t want link in your slider image, then you can use Featured Image Slider and don’t add link.

    Sorry there is no option to use same design as of homepage.


    @HarveyLo: When I check in your site. I see only one valid Post ID in “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider => Featured Post Slider Options”. You need to add in individual post id like this

    Also when you add in the post ID, make sure those post have Featured Image. See the theme instruction for adding featured image in your post and screenshot


    @Nate: Something is not working in your site. I will send you email and you can add details there.

    When I check in your site homepage, I see you have featured image only in the following post.

    Can you try adding in these ID in your Featured Post Slider.


    In reply to: Change slider images


    @mcevolution: Sorry I am bit confused as when I check in your site I see that you are using Featured Image Slider and talking about Post Slider. So when you add in the featured image slider why do you need to exclude the post from homepage.


    In reply to: Change slider images


    I purchased WPML (3.1.5b2) and Kathmandu Catch Pro (2.9) for the site
    There is a problem with the ‘Featured Posts Slider’.
    I have created the post 84 and 91 in Italian, the relevant post in English (using WPML) are 88 and 96.
    I’m trying to create the slider images on the home page but the posts are not to be published (in the home). I selected “Exclude from Homepage Slider post posts? YES “, but if I insert in:
    Featured Posts Slider # 1 84
    Featured Posts Slider # 2 91
    then ok (there are not posts on the home)
    but in I see post and images on the home page!

    If I insert
    Featured Posts Slider # 1 88
    Featured Posts Slider # 2 96
    Then ok (there are not posts on the home)
    but in I see post and images on the home page!

    How can I fix the problem?
    Thanks Ps this support request has been sent to both WPML and both Catck Themes, quallcuno hoping that will solve my problem as soon as possible.

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