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  • #30375

    In reply to: Bug with Evolution Pro


    @Roy: Did you check in our Theme Instruction page at

    1. After you activate “Catch Evolution Pro” theme, The Featured Slider will appear in “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider”. See this screenshot

    2. You need go “Appearance => Theme Options => FavIcon Options”. Then in “Fav Icon URL:” Either add in your favicon image URL or Click on Upload. When you click on upload, you need to browse the image and then after it’s uploaded you need to click on “Insert Into Post”.

    3. Which css what you add in Edit CSS, it depends. But yes Custom CSS in Theme Options panel in high priority then Edit css.


    @dfjama: Sorry I don’t get it which blue image your are talking about. Are you talking about the Featured Slider. If you are talking about Featured Slider then you can check this theme instructions page at

    You will see default slider in the Catch Kathmandu Free Theme. So you can replace that with either Featured Post Slider or Featured Category Slider to highlight your post.
    1. First you need to create post and add in Featured Image in your post. As this post image, title and excerpt content in used in slider.
    2. Then you need to go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Featured Post Slider” and add in your Post ID, which will replace your default demo slider images.


    Any reason why qtranslate support isn’t built into Catch Kathmandu? We built an entire website using Catch Kathmandu (, but as you can see, featured slider and content links and text don’t work. 🙁


    Hello Jeff,

    You don’t need to unzip it. You can go to your WordPress Dashboard and upload the zip file directly from “Appearance => Themes => Add New => Uploads” and upload the zip file then install and active it.

    After that you can go to “Appearance => Theme Options” to change the demo site content such as Featured Slider, Homepage Headline, Homepage Featured Content and more. See the detail theme instructions at

    Let me know if you have any further issues. When you post in your next question, please post in your site URL as well. It will be easy for us to check in.


    In reply to: slider


    Hi, I am trying to upload pictures for the slide section of home page,wwhere Mount Everest picture is. I go from Theme options> Home page Settings>Home page featured content options> Featured content #1 >Add image>new small window opens with picture options

    The problem is after I select the picture and click INSERT into post /SAVE changes, this small window turns blank and does not close from x button, it just remains in the middle of the screen and I cannot continue with choosing the next Featured content #2. I need to refresh the entire webpage in order to go back and I lose what I have uploaded. It goes like this for ever and I cannot use the slider section therefore. is this an error of the theme? what should I do? please advice

    Tee M

    I have two questions I could not find in the forums and I could not figure out how to start my own thread. I have been trying to figure this out for two days as I’d rather not put my website on the forum.

    1. Does the catch evolution theme pro support jetpack comments? I noticed my site has not been consistent with allowing people to login via their social network of choice.

    2. On catch evolution pro, I do not like featured images so i simply just upload images on the posts. How do I get these images to scale correctly (mostly when viewing on mobile)…they do not look centered and sometimes it goes past the border of the page. What should the size be for images in posts? (not featured images or header or slider…just a simple image).

    Thanks in advance


    Hi… I am having a slight problem. When the front page loads now… the text from the feature post slips up above into the menu bar and site title and tag.. for a second or so… then goes back to it’s proper position. So, when the page loads, it first appears that way, then takes a second to appear in the right position.

    I have managed hosting to try to help with page speed. It’s not super fast, really, on page speed tests. But, I’ve done nearly all I can for page speed with my present hosting.

    Is there something with the CSS script that can make that not happen with the change I added to slide the image all the way to the right? (It only started doing that after I slid the image all the way to the right — which I really like and want it that way.)

    **I’ve removed the .featured-slider .slides img { float: right; } script for now, so that this doesn’t occur when someone lands on the page… but would like to restore it if there is a fix.

    Appreciate any help.



    1. To align slider image to the right, you can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    .featured-slider .slides img { float: right; }

    2. This one I am bit confused what you are talking about. If you are talking about the Featured Image the post title. Then yes, it’s not there above Page Title.


    I like this theme. I just set it up and am starting to use it.

    1. I have the featured post slider up and running. I resized my pics to be a uniform height. I am just fine with that they are not full size width. But, if possible, I would like to slide them all the way over to the right in the featured post slider pic area. I created a child theme. Is there any code anyone knows that I could clip and paste to move those featured post slider pics to align to the right… leaving the text aligned left??

    2. Featured images are working great in posts and category archives. But, featured images is not showing up for me for pages. (On this, if it doesn’t work for me… it looks kind of nice to have no pics for the pages anyway… I can accept it… but checking on that).

    Thanks for a great theme… I’m very happy with it all in all having just started to try it out. I hope to be able to just keep using it, and upgrade to pro to get font colors later.

    Thank you.

    Laura Lee


    FYI…I deleted the page and created a new one. The featured image was showing until I set it as my static front page. Now I am wondering if the the featured image slider has something to do with the problem.


    Hello Sakin,

    could you suggest how to remove “Continue reading” on the featured post slider (main page)? Thanks!



    Hello Navid,

    You can check in Theme Instructions page at

    Here is the text from Theme Instructions page
    Image Sizes:
    Featured Post Slider Full Width
    Width: 1190px
    Height: 500px

    Featured Slider
    I have just add the text for Featured Image Slider:
    Featured Image Slider is created to highlight independent images in the slider. This slider gives you full control to upload your own independent image, with title (optional), content (optional), optional link and target. Just use the following simple steps to add in the Featured Image Slider.
    * Go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider” from your WordPress Dashboard
    * Under Slider Options Select Slider Type as Featured Image Slider
    * Here you can also change the number of slides, slider effects and timing
    * Go to Featured Image Slider Options
    * You have the option of uploading images, connecting to an image link, adding in the title, content, and setting target to open link in a new window as needed
    * Save changes

    To set up Featured Slider in full width, follow these basic steps:
    * Go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider”
    * Under Slider Options, select Full Width Slider in Slider Layout
    * Save changes



    @Driven13: Sorry there is no widget area in the Slider. For this you need to build child theme and define it. As div “featured-slider” is position relative. So, you can just copy the slider code in your child theme functions.php file and add your form code before </div><!-- #main-slider -->


    Hi Sakin,

    It worked thank you. I was copying the text from the email which showed different code text?

    I have one more question.

    I have the home page set to ‘No Sidebar, Full width’ with the Featured slider showing set to ‘full width slider’
    Your default image sent with the theme is not as wide and is showing black borders left and right of the slider image.
    Is this because of the actual size of the image? What width & height do I use for the full width image?

    Also do I replace the images in the Slider folder with the same name?
    I can not find the setting within the theme to change and replace these images.

    Thanks again



    @whtknt: See the Theme Instructions page at . Catch Everest Free version only have option to add “Featured Post Slider” to highlight your post in the slider.
    Add Featured Post Slider:
    * First, you need to create post from “Posts => Add New” and add in the Featured image in your post.
    How to add Featured Image in Post?
    * Open the editor of the post where you want to display image, and locate the Featured Image module in the bottom right corner under Page Attributes. Click on Choose a Featured Image.
    * Then you can either upload the image from your computer or select the existing image from your media library and click on Set Featured Image. Click to view screenshot
    * Then you need to go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider =>Featured Post Slider Options” and simply insert the ID numbers for Posts in the boxes, one Post ID number in each box. Click to view screenshot
    * Click on Save Changes button
    But if you want Featured Image Slider where you want independent image slider then you need to upgrade to Pro version. See the Catch Everest Pro version theme instructions at


    @Dudley: Actually the slider featured image recommendation size in 754px width and 400px height. But your image is too small. That is why it is showing like that.


    Sure, check out the slider here:

    It shows up behind the text. I realize the featured image isn’t the recommended size (which by the way would be super helpful if the recommended size info showed up in the post page but that’s another issue), so I was wondering if there was a way to structure the boundaries of the text to fill the slide vertically, but allow an object (image) to float to one side.

    Thank you!


    Thanks Sakin:
    Color code would be #339933for labeling of featured slider. I will contact soon after upgrading. Thanks for your help with this great theme.


    One of the reasons I’d be interested in upgrading is the color options. Overriding CSS for the many, many places that blue is hard coded is tedious. But since you don’t say what the color options are in the pro version, or how they are chosen, I can’t judge if they would be adequate.

    Additional header options… What are they?
    Additional Layout Options… What are they?
    Webmaster Tools… Such as?

    Featured Slider options… Can they be a mix of pages and posts or can you only chose one or the other? I suspect one or the other, but using a featured image linked to either would work around the limitation.

    Can the pro theme be automatically upgraded or do we need to manually replace the theme folder with a new version?


    @Phil: Sorry we don’t have that option at this stage and my suggestion will be like if you are satisfied with free version then please stay in the Free Version. No need to upgrade to Pro version. But if you like and want to be part of Pro version then you are always welcome.

    For Pro version features comparison, you can look at the theme instructions of pro version and see the missing one in your free version.
    Catch Kathmandu Pro:

    There are many features additional and some of theme are as below:
    1. Footer Editor Options to delete or edit the footer copyright information.
    2. More Featured Slider options such as Featured Page slider and Featured Image Slider
    3. More sidebars
    4. More Sidebar Widgets
    5. Webmaster Tools
    6. Comment Options: Option to Enable/Disable comments
    7. Font Family Options
    8. Color Options
    9. Additional Layout Options
    10. Additional Header Options

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