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  • #37821

    In reply to: Slider Modifications


    Hello Kim,

    1. Sorry there is no option to add bullets or circles in the slider. I will keep this option as feature request to our development team.

    2. If you are using “Featured Image Slider” as the slider type in “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options”. Then you will get featured image slider options, where you can upload or add image url of any size you want. Here you need to consider that our theme in responsive design with 978px width. So, here you can add height of any size but the width shouldn’t be larger then 978px. If the width is large then 978px then it will change the image display size appropriate to 978px ratio.

    3) There is title and small content in the slider.



    In reply to: Slider Modifications


    Thank you Sakin! A couple other things:

    1) The code removed the arrows but I would like to know how to put bullets or circles at the bottom left or right side of within the image? Kind of like my site

    2) Also, no matter what size I put the featured image the tallest I can get it to show up on the slider is 395. Ex. I tested an image thats 765×595 and it changed it to 584×300. How can I make the default slider size to 595 high? Or even better, make it so that the slider has no height limitation? I’d really like a much larger image on my home page.

    3) How can I put a title over the slider?



    In reply to: Slider Modifications

    Hi Sakin,

    my site is @ catch mustang theme. I’d like to add a menu from left side of the main slider (the same way as at, with sub-menu drop-down). Could you help me with this?

    Thanks. Yuliya

    ps please notify me assoon as catch mustang will be language-ready.
    ps 2 I have also seen embedded video in featured slider from competitor wp developers – are you planning do do this as well?


    @Serena: I check in your site and see that you have been able to change the slider image. But your slider image is too small. If you read in our theme instructions page at, the recommended size if Width: 1280px and Height: 550px. But it’s your wish to change it.

    See this Tutorial:
    Post Slider:
    Image Slider :


    Hello Janyce,

    1. The Road Image is there from “Appearance => Theme Options => Header Featured Image Options”. You can change or remove it from there.

    2. The tigers image is from Featured Slider. I see that you are using Adventurous Free there, where you can select the slider type as “Post Slider” or “Category Slider”. But of these slider is created to highlight your post in Slider.
    — 2.1: If you want to disable this slider then simply go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options”, check Disable in “Enable Slider” option and save changes.
    — 2.2: If you want to change the slider image, then there are two option
    ——- 2.2.1. Post Slider: For Post slider check out this video series and also check out theme instructions page at
    ——- 2.2.2. Category Slider: For category slider, first you need to create post and add in featured image. See this video on how to add featured image in your post and then go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options”, check “Category Slider” in Select Slider Type and then you can select the category from where you want to highlight the post at “Featured Category Slider Options” and save changes.



    Just so I’m clear, I’m talking about the Featured Content area and not the Featured Slider (which I found has the option for dynamic content)

    This part in this screenshot:


    Hi Tom,

    1. For navigation, we user Custom Menu:
    2. For Slider, use Featured Post Slider:
    3. For Promotion Headlines below slider: Go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Promotion Headline Options” and add as per your need.
    4. Featured Content: Go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Content” and add as per your need
    5. Then to remove the latest post from the homepage. Go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Homepage/Frontpage Settings” and then check “Disable Latest Posts” and save changes.

    For more see the theme instructions page at



    @drlapco: Thanks. I see that you have use Simple Catch Free theme and have customized it a lot. You have also removed our footer theme information Theme: Simple Catch from your footer. This is not allowed. You need to attribute our free themes as this is only attribution we get for providing free theme and free support. I hope you understand this and add back theme information.

    So, I will not be able to debug it due to customization in theme. When I check in our server, the slider is working fine. So, you need to check in your changes. Also you are using Simple Catch 2.7.1 and our latest version is 2.7.3. For instruction on changing Featured Post Slider, see this and


    @icyplains: Yes, this option is there in all our Premium and Pro version where you can use “Featured Category Slider”. Go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options” and then in Select Slider Type, you need to check “Category Slider” and save changes. Then you can select the categories to show in from “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Featured Category Slider Options”.


    @wilbyhilbly: Sorry I don’t get it what you mean. Are you able to add in Featured Post Slider as instructed in and

    Can you post your site URL and let me know which you are trying to replace.


    Thank you for your prompt reply.

    I have followed your instructions and it has not worked, The post has come up on the front page together with the “featured image” picture as a photo underneath the slider.

    I must have done something wrong if the instructions were correct, but I have no idea what.

    Can you help please.


    @wilbyhilbly: Ok so you are using Catch Evolution Free theme and the image that is changing is called Featured Slider and you are looking at demo slider. In this Free theme, you only have option to use “Featured Post Slider”, which is there to highlight your post in the slider.

    1. First you need to create post and add featured image on your post. As the slider take the Featured Image, title and excerpt content of the post. See this tutorial on how to add featured image at
    2. Then you need to add in Post ID in “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider => Featured Post Slier Options. See this tutorial on how to add Featured Post Slider at

    You can check out Theme Instructions page at

    Note: In Catch Evolution Pro you have option to user “Featured Image Slider or Featured Page Slider or Featured Post Slider or Featured Category Slider. Also there are lot of other additional features. Read here at


    Sorry, Sakin, I shouldn’t have reported two problems, but can’t figure out how to report it separately. Anyway, when I got the permalink 404, I reset everything back to defaults – just like you suggested – and have double checked that. Still have the continue reading… problem though.

    (as an aside, Theme Options->Featured Post Slider->Click Here To Edit gives 404 also. Doesn’t build the path correctly. Tries to use …… when it is actually ……)



    @Michael: Change the color code in the following css and then add it in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    .featured-slider .slides { background-color: #fafafa; }


    In reply to: Adventurous Pro Issues


    @Ruby: Thank for reporting issue in Featured Content Healing issue. We have just got that info also from @Jessica and we are working on Fixed in both Adventurous Free and Pro version. We will fixed this as soon as possible. Please wait for version 1.1

    There is no option to change the color of slider controllers colors. For this you need to add Custom CSS. So, change the color code in the following css as per your need and then add it in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    /* For Default */
    #controllers a { background-color: #fff; }
    /* For Hover and Active */
    #controllers a:hover, #controllers { background-color: #7c9b30; }

    In reply to: Slider info text


    @Djapeto: If you are using Catch Kathmandu Free theme then you only have option to use either “Featured Post Slider” or “Feature Category Slider” both are there to highlight your posts. The text will be from the Post Title and Post Excerpt Content. So, when you click on image or title, it will link to the post assigned.

    You can see it in our Theme Instruction page at where you can read “Featured Post” section for more details.

    Also you can check out tutorial about “Featured Post Slider” at

    But if you are using Catch Kathmandu Pro version then you have extra options to use “Image Slider” or “Page Slider”. So, in pro version you have total 4 types of slider. Which you can see at

    Also you can check out tutorial about “Featured Image Slider” at


    @Michael: You can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.
    #featured-post img, #main-slider img { box-shadow: none; }


    In reply to: add featured image


    Hi Linda,

    Featured image in post and page can only have one featured image.



    In reply to: Slider style


    @Farmaciola: For slider image, you can add css like below:

    .featured-slider .slides img {

    In reply to: resize image area


    Hello Jim,

    This is bit difficult as it’s responsive design. So, let’s change that only for large screen. Try adding in the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box.

    /* For Screen size minimum 769px */
    @media screen and (min-width: 769px) {
        #main-slider .featured-img {
            float: right;
            width: 68%;


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