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  • #51756

    @tfindlay: There is Featured Content option in both Free and Pro version. When you click on “Appearance => Theme Options”, you will see 4 main tabs as “Theme Options, Featured Content, Featured Slider and Social Links”. There you need to click on “Featured Content”


    In reply to: Opacity on Slider


    1. If you want to hide Continue Reading… from your slider then you can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:
    #slider-wrap a.more-link { display: none; }

    2. You cannot just add Ubuntu font family. As Ubuntu is a google font and you need to load that font first. So, just go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Font Family Options”, then select Ubuntu font. Maybe you can select for Headings Font Family. Then only you can add css as:
    #slider-wrap .featured-text { font-family: 'Ubuntu', sans-serif; }

    3. I don’t get it what you mean. If you want to remove the excerpt from the slider then you need to remove the following css from custom css box:
    #slider .slider-excerpt { clear: both; display: inline-block; }


    In reply to: Opacity on Slider


    Dear Sakin,

    Thank you for your help. But perhaps I did not explain myself properly so I will try describing it the way you do it.

    1. The solution helped by only Bolding the Text and removing the Colon. However it did not remove the Appearance => Theme Options => Excerpt/More Tags = > More Tag Text (Continue Reading) which I need removed and replaced with Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider = > Featured Image Slider Options = > Content. I don’t wnat to remove the Excerpts from the Blog sections however.

    2. Only works for changing Font Size not Font Family. I need to change Font Family as well. I tried #slider-wrap .featured-text { font-family: Ubuntu Sans-Serif; } and several other fonts in the Default Theme Fonts but nothing changed.

    3. Neither solution worked (removing the Excerpt) it removed the content box text that I need to keep.

    Please help.
    Thank you so much in advance


    In reply to: Opacity on Slider


    1. You can add the following css in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:

    #slider .slider-title { font-weight: bold; }
    #slider .sep { display: none; }
    #slider .slider-excerpt { clear: both; display: inline-block; }

    2. Just change the font size in the following css as per your need and then add it in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:
    #slider-wrap .featured-text { font-size: 14px; }

    3. If you want to remove the slider excerpt then please remove the following css from answer 1. That is
    #slider .slider-excerpt { clear: both; display: inline-block; }
    Then add the following css instead:
    #slider .slider-excerpt { display: none; }


    @Dan Davies: That option is only there in Pro version. So, you might want to upgrade to pro version. In Catch Everest Pro, you can go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Content Featured Image Options”, there you can select the image size as “Featured Image”, “Full Image”, “Slider Image” or “Disable Image”


    Hi Sakin –

    Thank you very much for insisting about the “Regenerate Thumbnail” plugin – that did it! It is working now after installing that and putting in new values for the Height.

    I made the following changes in the functions.php :

    //Featured Posts for Normal Width
    add_image_size( ‘featured-slider’, 754, 200, true ); // Used for featured posts if a large-feature doesn’t exist

    //Featured Posts for Full Width
    add_image_size( ‘featured-slider-larger’, 1190, 200, true ); // Used for featured posts if a large-feature doesn’t exist

    I know I will need to re-enter these values when there’s an update if I don’t create a child-theme. I don’t know what the “Full Width” refers to but changed that value too.

    Minor other question: I have a blog/posts page that is not on the homepage. It was functioning fine previously, but I happened to notice there is an option under Appearance/Customize/Static-Front-Page/Posts-page where I can enter the actual blog page so I did that (before none was selected there). Will this change how my site functions? I didn’t notice much of a difference.

    Thank you!


    @wpbv: If you are using Catch Evolution Free theme, then you must be viewing default demo slider images. If this free version, you have option to replace those image by adding your own set of image from “Featured Post Slider” or disable it.

    To add Featured Post Slider, please refer to theme instructions page at or screencast at

    Note: If you want to use Featured Image Slier or Page Slider or Category slider then you need to upgrade to pro version. So, please check in Theme Instruction of Pro version for additional options at


    In reply to: Featured image size


    @Keith: The recommended featured image size depends on the theme and the placeholder. If you are using Adventurous theme, then you can see in theme instructions page That we recommend following sizes:
    Feature Slider
    Width: 1600px
    Height: 600px

    Featured Image in Homepage and Archive Page
    Width: 800px
    Height: 324px

    Small Thumbnail
    Width: 400px
    Height: 267px

    The post images that you are going to use for Slider is recommended to be 1600px width. But for other area it can just be 800px and so on.


    In reply to: Opacity on Slider


    @luismarioochoa: Sorry this theme is not designed that way. So, it might be complicated. Also this theme is responsive design while the reference site is fixed design. So, you might want to disable responsive design from your theme options panel.

    You might have to hire customizer to work on it. I will give you the reference css that you can work with. So, just play with the following css:

    #slider-wrap a {
        padding: 0;
    #slider-wrap .featured-text {
        height: 88%;
        padding: 3%;
        position: absolute;
        right: 0;
        top: 0;
        width: 35%;

    In reply to: How do I edit text?


    @joe979xx: Please check in theme instructions page for that

    1. Sliding image is from Demo slider. Catch Kathmandu free version you have option to change that demo slider to “Featured Post Slider” or “Featured Category Slider”. For more refer to theme instruction page and for post slider we also have screencast at

    2. The Popular places, that is Demo Featured Content. You can change that by adding your own featured content or disable it. For that you need to go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Homepage Settings => Homepage Featured Content Options” and add your own content.

    3. For menu, you can build your custom menu. Refer to theme instructions page and screencast at

    Dan Davies

    Hi Sakin

    I’ve seen this answer on the forum somewhere before but I can’t for the life of me find it.

    I’m using the Catch Everest free theme and I would like the featured image to be the size of the rest of the images I feature in my post. I remember you put up a workaround that meant that you could just change the PHP so that the featured image on the top of a post became the featured slider image.

    I know, I should have made a child 🙂 but any chance you could share the workaround again?


    In reply to: Opacity on Slider


    @luismarioochoa: It depends on where you want to add in. For transparent background, you need to use rgba color like below example.

    #slider .featured-text {
    background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);

    @MasterManiacs: Which version of Catch Box Theme are you using it. As our latest version has image size for featured slider is
    add_image_size( 'featured-slider', 644, 320, true );


    Im sorry @Sakin fixed the problem on my own changing

    function catchbox_child_theme_setup() {
        add_image_size( 'featured-slider', 628, 353, false );
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'catchbox_child_theme_setup', 11 );


    function catchbox_child_theme_setup() {
        add_image_size( 'featured-slider', 628, 353, true );
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'catchbox_child_theme_setup', 11 );

    that change of false to true did the trick ^^

    Thank you anyways


    1. You are using old version of Catch Kathmandu Pro theme, that is why you are having issue. Please update to latest version and it will work fine. For update you can use Catch Updater pluign

    2. For single image, I don’t recommend you to user Slider. It will unnecessary load the script. So, just go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Header Featured Image Options”, then just paste your image URL in “Featured Header Image URL” and in “Enable Featured Header Image”, select the option “Homepage” and save changes.


    1. that dot background effect in your slider can be removed from “Appearance => Theme Options => Features Post Slider => Slider Effect Options”. Just check “Disable Slider Background Effect” and save.

    2. About small image in your Featured Post Slider. You need to upload the large image as your Featured Image in your post. We recommend minimum Width: 976px and Height: 313px. Once you upload the large image then it will be fixed. For Post Slider, you can check out

    Also check out theme instructions page at


    @Jan Deelstra: There is issue in your Custom CSS. I see you have missing closing bracket }. Search for this css:
    img.wp-post-image {

    Then replace it with the following:

    img.wp-post-image {
        border: medium none;
        max-width: 100%;
        padding: 0;

    About your home top alignment. I see that you have remove the slider but there is some contain on it. How did you remove that slider. Did you customize any code. To remove the slider, you can just go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider => Slider Options” then check option “Disable” in “Enable Sidebar” and save changes.

    Note: I see that you have W3 Total Cache plugin, so after you make all these changes. Go to W3 Total Cache setting and Empty all Cache.


    I tried to explain that my 4 images and text dissapeared yesterday from the Featured Images Slider Options in theTheme Options area. Does it make sense?


    @lucabriganti85: Sorry I see that you are using Simple Catch Free version, which only have option to use Featured Post Slider. This post slider is created to highlight your post in the slider. So, it will automatically link to the post.

    If you don’t need then you might want to upgrade to Pro version where you have option to use “Featured Image Slider” and upload image and remove the link as per your need.


    Hi @Sakin, prior to the Featured image slider issues, I can’t get the Featured Post Content to work as well. Only the description words came out, not the post.

    Been cracking my head troubleshooting ever since i purchased this theme several hours ago. It shouldn’t be that difficult to use isn’t it?

    Awaiting for your advise.

    Thank you very much.


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