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  • #56242

    On Instruction Sheet:

    Layout Options:
    Default Layout: Option to choose from i. Three Columns(Secondary Sidebar, Content, Primary Sidebar),ii. Primary Sidebar,content (Right Sidebar), iii. Content, Primary Content (Left Sidebar) and iv. No Sidebar (Content Width)
    Archive Content Layout: Option to choose from Show Excerpt and Show Full Content (No Featured Image)
    Single Page/Post Image Layout: Option to disable/enable Single Single Page/Post Image Layout or Select Large, Medium, Full Size or Slider Image Size as Single Page/Post Image

    I cannot find Archive Content Layout setting anywhere in layout settings. There is no place where I can choose “Show Excerpt” and “Show Full Content.” Could you explain where to find this?

    Also, I asked this in another thread, but I cannot figure out how to make my featured image show up as thumbnail next to post excerpt? I have scoured all the settings. Featured images on posts are working in the header but not as thumbnails. There are no thumbnails at all. I assumed this would happen automatically? I have “regenerated” thumbnails already to debug.

    Also…another issue I just ran into is I’ve created an “All Blog Entires” page, placed it in my primary menu, and in theme settings I have set “All Blog Entries” as my Posts Page (And made “Home Page” my static page on front page), yet only one of my posts (one of the two dummy posts I’ve created so far) WAS showing up. And NOW, in the last hour of playing around with stuff, NO posts show up on “All Blog Entries”. I get a 404 error. I have double checked that I have chosen “All blog posts” as my Posts page in settings. Any and all posts created should show up on the Posts page correct?

    Thank you in advance for your help!


    @Julia: Did you add in Featured Image in your post? You need to add that. Check this screencast


    @butters11: yes in pro version, you have option to select slider type as “Featured Image Slider” where you can upload image and link to anywhere you like. You can see theme instruction page at

    Yes, same with featured content. You can choose “Featured Image Content” and do it as you like. You can see theme instruction page at


    @leslie: I see that you are using qTranlsate X plugin and we haven’t made this theme compatible with that plugin. This theme is compatible with WPML and Polylang plugin. We are in the process of making it compatible with qTranlsate X plugin in next version update. For, now you need to build child theme. You can download sample child theme from and then add the following code in your child theme functions.php file.

     * Template for Clearing qtranslatex Invalid Cache
    function catchkathmandu_qtranslatex_invalidcache() {
    	delete_transient( 'catchkathmandu_post_sliders' );
    	delete_transient( 'catchkathmandu_page_sliders' );
    	delete_transient( 'catchkathmandu_category_sliders' );
    	delete_transient( 'catchkathmandu_image_sliders' );
    	delete_transient( 'catchkathmandu_homepage_headline' );
    	delete_transient( 'catchkathmandu_featured_content' );
    	delete_transient( 'catchkathmandu_footer_content' );	
    	delete_transient( 'catchkathmandu_footercode' );
    	delete_transient( 'catchkathmandu_featured_image' );
    add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'catchkathmandu_qtranslatex_invalidcache' );

    In reply to: Cannot Set Slider


    @JacquiD: Ok I see that you are using Catch Responsive Free theme where you have option to add in Featured Page Slider. For that first you need to create page from “Pages => Add New” and then add featured image in those pages. For featured image check this

    Then go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider Options => Featured Slider Type” and select “Featured Page Slider” and then add in pages. See this screenshot


    @Thomas: In this page, I see that you have use the settings as “Full Image”. So, it will load your original image that you have added in. If you choose featured image, then it will load the cropped image in size of width 860px and height 484px. If you choose Slider image, then it will load the cropped image in size of width 1200px and height 514px.

    Okay, I can see that the picture is encapsulated in the <figure> tag. When I select the “featured image”-option it uses the “featured-image from-metabox featured”-class and when I select the “Slider”-option is uses the “featured-image from-metabox slider”-class. However in both cases the picture is full sized and not cropped…


    @Thomas: In this page, I see that you have use the settings as “Full Image”. So, it will load your original image that you have added in. If you choose featured image, then it will load the cropped image in size of width 860px and height 484px. If you choose Slider image, then it will load the cropped image in size of width 1200px and height 514px.

    Fore read more. Please check your excerpt length at “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Excerpt Options => Excerpt Length (words)”. You can reduce the excerpt length there. As this excerpt length check the length before more tag in your page.


    Hi again. One question. When I use the Featured Page Slider the image is always responsive. In the Featured Image Slider the image is responisve till their size and when die Browser Window is larger the image does not change the size.


    Hi Sakin

    Thank you for replying.

    I’m aware of the Theme Instructions and image sizes, but I can’t see any (or read in the instructions) what the difference is between the options ““Featured Image, Full Image and Slider Image”. Could you please elaborate?

    The page in question is

    By the way, I also have the problem with the missing “Read more” in the featured content as explained in this thread


    In reply to: Slider featured text


    @Cyril: I see that in your demo page you are using Featured Post Slider but in Live site you are using Featured Image Slider where a this stage doesn’t have separator class to remove it. We will add this in new version update and it will work fine.


    In reply to: header image


    @kazcchi: Sorry I don’t understand it properly what do you mean my Top Page. Can you explain in reference with your site URL.

    About the slider, you can activate Featured Page Slider which is jquery cycle slider only. If you are trying to add in different slider then you need to build child theme and add in. For child theme, check out


    @Thomas: For image sizes, please check in theme instructions page at

    If you are checking in from Catch Responsive Pro theme, then in Single Page/Post Image Layout you will see option “Default, Featured Image, Full Image, Slider Image and Disable Image”

    Yes, you can control it. Can you send me your site URL and then I will check in.


    In reply to: Slider featured text


    Hi, this is weird : the “hide : and add -” method works fine on my subdomain ( with Featured Category Slider…

    …but not on the “main” site (, with Featured Image Slider, where the “:” remains.

    I’ve been using the exact same code on both sites with “Custom CSS”.

    Any idea ?


    Thanks for the fast reply, Sakin!

    So I have a few other questions, (hopefully it’s not too much trouble for you):

    Can I have it so the transparent black background on the featured slider is always active instead of only when you hover your mouse over it?

    Can I disable the menu bar on the right entirely, I simply don’t need it for anything.

    Also, how can I remove some of the space between the page title (“About”) and the promotional message (“Real Estate Advisory & Brokerage Services”) on each page, for example:

    I’d like to do this with every page but whenever I try to edit the CSS, it changes the spacing on the landing page ( as well.


    @gregwostrel_creates: For that you can either build child theme and do custom links or you need simply upgrade to Catch Responsive Pro where you have option to choose Slider Type as “Featured Image Slider”, where you can upload your image, link and everything as per your need. Fore more you can check out theme instructions of Catch Responsive Pro at


    In reply to: Featured Slider


    @diths802: In simple catch theme, you will find it in “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider”. Check this screenshot


    1. There is 2 area where you can add in logo. First, inside header toggle. For that you can just go to “Appearance => Customize => Site Title & Tagline”. Upload your logo and uncheck “Check to disable logo”. Second, logo icon in the left of fixed header top, for that go to “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Icon Options”.

    Sorry there is no option to add above promotion message. But in pro version, there is option to disable header toggle. So, it will fixable the header below your menu where you can show site title and logo as per your need.

    2. Are you taking about the text box in your slider. If so then you adjust the size, padding in the following css and then add it in “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:

    #feature-slider .entry-container {
        padding: 20px;
        width: 50%;

    3. Site Title and promotion message are 2 different elements. I guess you are talking about Promotion Message. You can adjust the padding-bottom in the following css and then add it in “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:

    #promotion-message .wrapper, 
    #promotion-message .section {
        padding-bottom: 20px;

    4. Then transparent black background in the Featured Page Slider is visible only in hover. Are you talking about the text as well?


    One other thing, can I have it so the transparent black background on the Featured Slider remains visible instead of only when you hover your mouse over it?


    In reply to: Featured Slider


    Hi, I’m using the Simple Catch theme but I cannot find the “Featured Post Slider” when I go to “Appearance => Theme Options. I have re-installed the theme but with no luck. Can you please advise?


    In reply to: Un-link Slider Images


    @cosmiccarletti: I see that you are using featured post slider which automatically link to the post. So, there it 2 way that you can remove the link.
    1. Simply upgrade to pro version and then use Featured Image slider. Here you can upload image of any size or without image, link or without link, title and content all as per your need.
    2. Or you need to build child theme and then copy function catchkathmandu_post_sliders from parent theme to your child theme functions.php file and then remove link

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