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  • #66092

    @TerroirCongress: But we don’t have control over http and https. It all depends on your server configuration. The post slider just take the post ID and get in featured image of that post.


    Thank you for the response, checked with my IT department and what we are seeing is that the images in the featured post sliders flip back and forth between http and https access. All of the images are specified as having URLs with http in the Media management, but for some reason the page flips to https and it happens randomly … Monday and Tuesday it was fine all day, Wednesday it flipped to https for about 6 hours, then back by the time you looked at it.

    All other images on my site work fine, it is just the featured post sliders.



    @Delle: But you page slider is working fine. Your page is not there in Page Slider. You need to select that page and then only it will show. Also make sure that you have added in featured image in that page.


    @vladvasal: Can you post in your site URL and then I can check in your pages. Catch Responsive Free version only have option to use Featured Page Slider. You can only select page not posts. For post slider or image slider or category slider, you need to upgrade to Pro version.


    5 minutes after I posted this query, the featured post sliders started working again!

    Any idea what is going on here?



    Hello … read through this and other posts on the feature sliders not showing up, can’t figure out where my problem lies.

    I am using the Catch Everest Theme on my site

    The nine featured post sliders on my home page show up fine half the time and then the images don’t show up the other half of the time (only the text and grey boxes). This happens off and on without any pattern. Right now they are not showing, but later tonight they might show up. I think it has to do with mixed access between http and https, but I cannot figure it out, please any help would be greatly appreciated.



    1. For margin, go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Header Options” and then change “Header Bottom Margin” as per your need.
    2. There is no option to change that fixed header image with video or slider. But you can add additional slider just below the menu. For that, you need to go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options”, then select “Featured Image Slider” in “Select Slider Type” and “Full Width Slider” in “Slider Layout”. Then you can upload image from “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Featured Image Slider Options”. For more about image slider, check this


    @paulFort2: Ok you can hide it by adding the following css in “Appurtenance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:

    #slider-wrap .featured-text { display: none; }


    @jadeprince: That is simple. Just go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider = Slider Options” and in “Enable Slider”, you need to select “Homepage / Frontpage” and save it.


    In reply to: Excerpt length


    I went to the page you referenced and downloaded the catch-responsive-child theme. I added the code you provided to the bottom of the functions.php file. I activated the child theme. When I look at my site now, on the front page my content is gone and the demo contents are there for the featured posts and slider (but the menu contains all my pages). I go to edit one one of my pages and I do not see where there is anything for adding a custom excerpt.

    Did I do something wrong? Sorry I am not experienced at this….


    @gernot: In Free version, you only have option to use Featured Page Slider. So, you can just create page, add featured image in those pages. Go to “Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider => Featured Slider Options => Select Slider Type” and then select “Featured Page Slider” and finally the pages that you want to show in slider. For more about page slider, refer to

    If you want more dynamic like Featured Image Slider and all then you need to upgrade to pro version. See the additional features that you will get in pro version at


    @Harry: Ok for that you need to replace the previous code with the following:

    function catchresponsive_featured_slider() {
    	if ( is_front_page() ) : ?>
    	<section id="feature-slider">
    		<div class="wrapper hentry">
    				Add in Video here 
    		</div><!-- .wrapper -->
    	</section><!-- #feature-slider -->
    	<?php endif;

    Then add the following css in your child theme style.css
    #feature-slider .hentry { margin: 0; }


    @Dhuan: All those detail color options are there only Pro version.

    1. For slider text, you can change the color code in the following css and then add it in “Appearance => Theme Options => Custom CSS” box:

    #slider-wrap .featured-text {
        color: #fff;

    2 and 3. These blocks are widget in Primary Sidebar. For that, you can just go to “Appearance => Widgets”. If you like to add image then you might want to drag and drop “Adspace Widget” to your sidebar and add images.

    4. The three boxes in footer are widgets in “Footer Area One”, “Footer Area Two” and “Footer Area Three” . For this also, you need to go to “Appearance => Widgets” and add in widget to these areas.


    @Harry: Post in your site URL and let me know what’s not working. Also post in your code. Are you using Static Page in homepage, then it will be as below:

    function catchresponsive_featured_slider() {
    	if ( is_front_page() ) : ?>
    	<section id="feature-slider">
    		<div class="wrapper">
    				Add in Video here 
    		</div><!-- .wrapper -->
    	</section><!-- #feature-slider -->
    	<?php endif;

    @Harry: For that you need to replace previous code with the following code:

    function catchresponsive_featured_slider() {
    	if ( is_home() ) : ?>
    	<section id="feature-slider">
    		<div class="wrapper">
    				Add in Video here 
    		</div><!-- .wrapper -->
    	</section><!-- #feature-slider -->
    	<?php endif;

    Hi Sakin,

    Thank you for your respond.

    I’ve been using a child theme. When I added this code on in the functions.php, it doesn’t work.

    Here is the complete code, please let me know if i did anything wrong:

    // Recommended way to include parent theme styles.
    // (Please see
    add_action( ‘wp_enqueue_scripts’, ‘theme_enqueue_styles’ );
    function theme_enqueue_styles() {
    wp_enqueue_style( ‘parent-style’, get_template_directory_uri() . ‘/style.css’ );
    wp_enqueue_style( ‘child-style’,
    get_stylesheet_directory_uri() . ‘/style.css’,
    // Your code goes below

    function catchresponsive_featured_slider() { ?>
    <section id=”feature-slider”>
    <div class=”wrapper”>
    Add in Video here
    </div><!– .wrapper –>
    </section><!– #feature-slider –>


    @Harry: Sorry there in no option to add in Embedded video to replace the Featured Image Slider.

    But if you want then you can do it in custom way. For that, you need to build child theme. For child theme, refer to and then just add the following code in your child theme functions.php file:

    function catchresponsive_featured_slider() { ?>
    	<section id="feature-slider">
    		<div class="wrapper">
    				Add in Video here 
    		</div><!-- .wrapper -->
    	</section><!-- #feature-slider -->

    In reply to: Image path incorrect


    @Lizi: You shouldn’t add any files inside `catch-evolution-pro’ theme directory. All your new image should be added from “Add Media”. If you want to add image in post/page, then you need to add it from “Add Media” button in your page/post. If you just want to upload image, then you can upload it from “Media => Add New”.

    But if you are trying to change image in slider. Then you can upload image from “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider”

    So, please post in your site URL and tell us what are you trying to do it. Then I can suggest you accordingly.


    @Lizi: There is no option to replace the static image with the featured slider as these two are different.

    If you want to ads in slider, then you need to go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider => Slider Options”. Then you can select slider type as “Featured Image Slider” and if want large slider then you need to select “Full Width Slider” from Slider Layout. But if you want small one then you can select “Normal Width Slider”, then you can add image.


    @Peter: You can just add the following code in your child theme functions.php file

    function catchresponsive_featured_slider() {
    	echo do_shortcode('[banner_rotator hosting1]');
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