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  • #80803

    Hi @Mandala528,
    To remove the link, you need to do a bit of customization using child theme. Please follow following steps:
    1. Create A Child Theme for Adventurous Pro. Details for child theme is here
    2. In your child theme’s functions.php add following code:

     * Template for overriding parent function for Featured Image in Content
    function adventurous_content_image() {
    	global $post, $wp_query;
    	// Get Page ID outside Loop
    	$page_id = $wp_query->get_queried_object_id();
    	if( $post) {
     		if ( is_attachment() ) { 
    			$parent = $post->post_parent;
    			$individual_featured_image = get_post_meta( $parent,'adventurous-featured-image', true );
    		} else {
    			$individual_featured_image = get_post_meta( $page_id,'adventurous-featured-image', true ); 
    	if( empty( $individual_featured_image ) || ( !is_page() && !is_single() ) ) {
    	// Getting data from Theme Options
    	global $adventurous_options_settings;
       	$options = $adventurous_options_settings;
    	$featured_image = $options['featured_image'];
    	if ( ( $individual_featured_image == 'disable' || '' == get_the_post_thumbnail() || ( $individual_featured_image=='default' && $featured_image == 'disable') ) ) {
    		return false;
    	else { ?>
    		<figure class="featured-image">
    			if ( ( is_front_page() && $featured_image == 'featured' ) ||  $individual_featured_image == 'featured' || ( $individual_featured_image=='default' && $featured_image == 'featured' ) ) {
                     the_post_thumbnail( 'featured' );
    			elseif ( ( is_front_page() && $featured_image == 'slider' ) || $individual_featured_image == 'slider' || ( $individual_featured_image=='default' && $featured_image == 'slider' ) ) {
    				the_post_thumbnail( 'slider' );
    			else {
    				the_post_thumbnail( 'full' );

    Thats it. Let me know if this solves your issue or not.


    Hi @Tiffini,
    Thanks for using Full Frame Pro Theme in your site.
    Following are the issues and their explanations:

    1. Header Right Box squiggly box issue
    – I could not find the issue/squiggly line. I tried viewing the site via following links:

    and mobile devices as well.
    Can you show a screenshot that has the issue and the device as well? It will help a lot.

    2. About Custom Social Image:
    – Can you check the link you have added? I think you have added an invalid link, hence ‘#’ is being displayed as link. Can you also post-in what specifically you added as social link? Further, the custom social icons will make the link open in new tab. This is a required feature for social links.

    3. About the huge gap of white space from the website sliders and where the content starts, there are two issues here:

        First, in Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Featured Content=> Featured Content Option=> Enable Featured Content On, you have enabled featured content and have Featured Page Content and as your featured content but not set any pages. If you want to remove the featured content, select the Disabled option and save in Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Featured Content=> Featured Content Option=> Enable Featured Content On and this will reduce just a bit of that space.
        Secondly, the huge space is due to the Visual Composer Plugin. The elements of the visual composer have a lot of padding and margins, hence a lot of space. You will need to go in their support and ask them for solution.

    Let me know the details and I will be able to assist you further.


    @Alan: Yes, in Pro version you can select “Featured Image Slider” instead of “Featured Page Slider”.

    In Featured image slider, you need to upload image directly in the slider option and it is not tied to any page/post. So, you can option to link or not. If you want to link then you need to add link manually. If not then you can leave link option empty.


    Hi Sakin,
    OOPS… I think it wasn’t clearly communicated. Sorry. I do NOT want to change the HEADER…. I want to change the FEATURED SLIDER image on only one page.

    I want the Higher Health slider image on all the pages EXCPT the Nepal video. So how do I change only the Nepal page to a different one? If we can’t change it – then we want to just remove it entirely but just on that ONE page. Please let me know how we can do that?

    Also per the instructions from Wen above…. we don’t see an option on the bottom of the page to change the layout.

    Help please. Thank you!


    I understand that feature but is there a way to create a set of images like the header image option that will play in a slider format but not be tied to a particular page or featured image on a page? I.E., just a plain slider displaying a set of images.

    Here’s a link to the site I’m testing We are attempting to replace/augment our full production site with a mobile version and would like to retain a similar look and feel that we currently have.

    In the three boxes at the bottom we would like to control the text in the boxes versus having an excerpt of the target page.

    Before I a) purchase the pro version and b) before I start digging into the code I just wanted to know what was possible.



    @Alan: Yes, pro version that option. For that you need to use “Featured Image Slider”. Read more about it at


    One more question. Is there a way to just have the slider show a set of images versus being tied to a featured page image (and the link to that page)? I read the changes in the Pro version for the slider and did not see anything that looked like that feature. My planned site is not a blog site so featured content is not that much of a priority.


    Hi @Sergio64,
    I am sorry but I cannot understand what you said. The free version of Full Frame Pro has Featured Page Slider Option. You can view full instructions for Featured Page Slider here.

    If you want further control on the slider, then you can upgrade to pro version and get other options like Featured Post Slider, Featured Category Slider and a very flexible Featured Image Slider. Check out the Full Frame Pro Theme Instructions here

    Let me know if you have further problems. And please post in your site url too so I can check it for better support.



    @Alan: To hide the text from the slider, you can add the following css in “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Custom CSS Options”
    #feature-slider .entry-container { display: none; }

    Yes, pro version has more advance options for slider. Like you have option to select “Featured Image Slider”, where you can control all like image, title, content, link all are optional add it your own way. For more about pro version, you can refer to theme instructions page at


    Hi jwyrem,

    You can add this custom CSS in your theme options to remove featured slider for mobile view. Go to Appearance-> Customize-> Theme Options -> Custom CSS and paste following code snippet.

    /* Smartphones (portrait and landscape) ----------- */
    @media only screen and (min-device-width : 320px) and (max-device-width : 640px) {
    #feature-slider {
        display: none;

    Hoping this tips will work for you.

    Thank you


    In reply to: Header Images are cut


    @ttolun: That is part of the design. That menu is be floting above the the header image and slider. See the demo

    But if you don’t like that then you can add the following css in “Appearance => Customize => Theme Options => Custom CSS Options” box:
    #feature-slider, #header-featured-image { margin-top: 0; }


    In reply to: Change text in slider


    Hi @JOG,

    Catch Everest Free Version Supports only Featured Post Slider, so to change that, you can go to “Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize => Featured Post Slider=> Slider Options” and follow following steps:
    * Make Sure “Enable Slider” is not disabled
    * Add your Post ID in Featured Post Slider # option
    * If you are unable to find post IDs, please install Catch IDs Plugin to find the Post IDs
    * Then you can edit the title and content of the post to change Slider’s title and content.

    Catch Everest Pro Version has a “Featured Image Slider” which will make it easier to add custom images, titles and texts to sliders, so you might want to consider upgrading to Pro version.


    Yes I have the featured post slider on disable. I simply want to move it down on the home page. Like the bottom of the page. Or use it on another page besides the home page.


    @Paul: Sorry I don’t see featured slider in your site. So, I am confused what are you trying to do it.


    @YC-Capilia: Which Slider type have you select in Slider Options. In Catch Everest Pro theme, you can select slider type as “Image Slider”. Then you can upload your image and add in title. That title will be added as image alt tag.

    For image slider, check out


    How can I move the featured image slider further down the page? Or put it on a different page altogether?



    @apapachr: Catch Responsive Free theme only have option to use Featured Page Slider. So, first you need to create page and add featured image then you need to select that pages from “Appearance => Customize => Featured Slider => Featured Slider Options”. It take image size of Width: 1200px and Height: 514px if your image size is greater then or equal to that. But if your featured image in small then it will load your original features image size.

    But if you upgrade to Pro version then you can use “Featured Image Slider” then you can upload image of any size as per your need. For more about additional features in pro version, you can check out theme instructions page at


    UPDATE – I just noticed I had not set a featured image, and had thought that I had. It seems to have put the pic into the right place, but I am still having a little ghosting of the text with the amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp issue I described above.

    But at least the slider is working. Is there something I am doing that is causing that “amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;” to show up in the posts? It is only visible when not selected, but if you hover over the article title it fills in the transparent blue and the “amp;amp;amp;amp;” thing disappears.

    Here is a screenshot of the amp: ghosting I was talking about:

    Amp Ghosting LINK


    Yes, I know, I have set that up, and used the plugin to get the post IDs. Did you click on the pic link at the bottom of my last post? See that circle in red I drew onto the screenshot? That is where the slider ends up going instead for some reason.

    It goes into the header instead of the middle of the page for some reason. You can probably also see where it’s inserting additional spaces that are not in the featured posts by displaying the code &amp,amp,amp,amp,amp,amp,amp,amp,amp,amp in the post.

    Perhaps there is something wrong with the posts that are being feature perhaps? Perhaps they need to be a different style than the default one, such as gallery or something? Or maybe the graphics featured aren’t the size it is wanting to get it to display properly? Thanks again for your help.


    @perryhouseplans: No for slider as well, you shouldn’t edit the code directly. You need to go to “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider” and then select Post Slider and then you need to add in Post ID. Make sure that post has featured image. For more check out

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