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  • #80745

    I have full frame pro, and using header right at the top of our page, where we have social links and a search box…but 2 problems. First, in the header right box, just above the logo it shows squiggly lines only on mobile. and Second, I added a custom image and link to the social box (since i wanted to add a way to get to our e-commerce cart) and every time i link the url to the e-commerce cart associated to the bag image – it goes away or will not stay. Can you help me – I’d like to link the cart to the bag image that i have in the header as a custom social link –

    Also on the home page there is a huge gap of white space from the website sliders and where the content starts, how do i get rid of all the white space and tighten the home page up?
    Seems if i use the template there is lots of spacing?


    Hi @Tiffini,
    Thanks for using Full Frame Pro Theme in your site.
    Following are the issues and their explanations:

    1. Header Right Box squiggly box issue
    – I could not find the issue/squiggly line. I tried viewing the site via following links:

    and mobile devices as well.
    Can you show a screenshot that has the issue and the device as well? It will help a lot.

    2. About Custom Social Image:
    – Can you check the link you have added? I think you have added an invalid link, hence ‘#’ is being displayed as link. Can you also post-in what specifically you added as social link? Further, the custom social icons will make the link open in new tab. This is a required feature for social links.

    3. About the huge gap of white space from the website sliders and where the content starts, there are two issues here:

        First, in Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Featured Content=> Featured Content Option=> Enable Featured Content On, you have enabled featured content and have Featured Page Content and as your featured content but not set any pages. If you want to remove the featured content, select the Disabled option and save in Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Featured Content=> Featured Content Option=> Enable Featured Content On and this will reduce just a bit of that space.
        Secondly, the huge space is due to the Visual Composer Plugin. The elements of the visual composer have a lot of padding and margins, hence a lot of space. You will need to go in their support and ask them for solution.

    Let me know the details and I will be able to assist you further.


    Thank you for the help. On the first issue there was a page name that was creating the squiggly..s – i can just remove that.

    In the same area (header right box) – how do i move the icon for USA and Bag up to be flush with other social links…or is there a way i can reduce the amount of padding or white space in that area?

    RE: the bag. I have set the link on the custom social tag to be:
    and both of them will revert back to the

    none of the links will stay, they jump to the # (it might work for a second then it will not work?)


    i just noticed it says on the customize theme area, but when i click on check out the url pulls up as /check-out (thought to let you know.)


    Hi @Tiffini,

    1. For moving the icon for USA and Bag up to be flush with other social links:
    * Add the following CSS in “Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options=> Custom CSS” box:

    .site .widget_fullframe_social_icons a.custom-icon {
        vertical-align: top;

    This will align the USA icon. For Cart Icon, you need to reduce the size of the image. It is currently the size 30 x 45 px. Make it same as the USA icon, i.e. 35px x 35px and it will align with others too.

    2. For the link:
    It looks like there was a bug in the theme. We have fixed it and pushed it for update. It will be live soon as it is in urgent list and you can update the theme and this will fix the Custom Social icon links issue. I will let you know via this Forum post once it is live.


    @Tiffini: Full Frame Pro 3.3. is out now and available for download. Cheers 🙂


    is there a reason i am getting this error, when trying o update?

    An error occurred while updating Full Frame Pro: Update package not available.


    Hi @Tiffini,

    Please follow update instructions at

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