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  • #84779

    HI Alex,
    Since you are using Catch Responsive Pro version, this feature is available. You can Setup Featured Image Slider to show a series of images from the media library. Instructions to add Featured Image Slider is here.

    Let me know if you have any problem.



    In reply to: Featured slider


    HI Erica,
    – can I choose some fixed images to show there? like the demo one but with pics I choose
    * This is only possible if you upgrade to Clean Box Pro. Pro version has a Featured Image Slider, with which you can show custom images. Other features in pro version can be found here

    – how do I prevent the featured image of a post from showing on top of the title on the home page? (if at all possible)
    You can remove featured image by two ways.
    1. By Going to Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options => Archive Content Layout and selecting Show Full Content (No Featured Image) option. However, this will show the full content rather than the excerpt.
    2. You can only remove the image and then then show excerpt too. But for this you will need to do some customization via child theme. For this, you need to do a bit of customization via child theme. First, you need to add the child theme for Clean Box. The details for child theme is here.
    Then, in the child theme’s functions.php file, add following code:

     * Template for Featured Image in Archive Content
     * Override Parent theme's Template for Featured Image in Archive Content clean_box_archive_content_image to disable content image
    function clean_box_archive_content_image() {

    In reply to: Upgrade with troubles


    Hi @Shana Shanti,

    Thank you for using Catch Evolution Pro.
    Could you please clarify more one the issue.
    We would like to help you as far as possible. Where actually was the background showing previously? And the slider, did it work at the begining? Please make sure Enable Slider is not set to Disable have enabled slider in “Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Featured Slider=> Slider Option”

    Let me know further.



    In reply to: Menu landing page


    I think I partially figured this out. I had the “entire site” option selected for the slider and content feature.

    But when I deselect that, and choose Homepage/Frontpage instead, neither the slide nor Featured Content show up on the home page?


    In reply to: Featured Slider Height


    Hi @Fyns Drone,
    To reduce the height, you need to select Featured Image Slider and add custom images with less height. Its instructions can be found here in Featured Slider Section.

    For centering the logo, you can add following CSS code in Appearance=> Theme Options=> Custom CSS box

    #header-left {
        float: none;
        text-align: center;
        width: 100%;
    #site-logo, #hgroup {
        float: none;
        text-align: left;

    Let me know if this works or not.



    In reply to: Featured Slider Height

    Fyns Drone

    Hi Pratik,

    I have to question.

    I use already Catch Kathmandu Pro, and i would ask for the same question, like Benowchiro about to customize the height of featured slider, i would reduce the height.

    My second question is, it is possibly to center the logo, site tile and the tagline with bigger font size at the site tile and tagline and with a line between site tile an tagline.




    Thanks, @Sakin. I can see the slider is behaving properly in your demo. However, if I Select Slider Type = Demo Featured Slider in my WordPress control panel, it also shows the slide then stop problem.

    I’ve sent you an email with the address of my development website.


    Hi @Robyn,

    I looked at your site and I think your problem is with the image and content. The image of all the slide featured images should be of same dimension. (The one with Deadpool has a bit long height than others).

    So you need to fix both.

    For images, you will need to regenerate the thumbnails using “Regenerate thumbnails plugin“. Install this plugin and follow the instructions to regenerate the images.

    For content, you can use following CSS code in “Appearance=> Theme Options=> Custom CSS” box:

    #slider-wrap .featured-text {
        min-height: 200px;

    This will fix the height of content.

    Also, Your theme is currently at version 4.1. It is highly recommended to update it to latest version(4.4.1). There are a lot of bug fixes and security patches.

    Let me know how it goes.



    I am seeing the same problem as @NickBallDesign: the featured page slider on my home page (currently under development) is getting to the last slide, then stopping. Can you advise a fix?


    Hi @Raielene,

    Go to “Dashboard=> Appearance=> Theme Options=> Custom CSS” box and add the following CSS:

    .featured-slider a:hover img.wp-post-image {
      opacity: 0.7;

    Note: Please change value for opacity as per required. Default value is 0.9.



    Hi @Raielene,

    I understand your issue. But the links in the slider is dynamically generated from the code and always points to the very post that the featured is of. I mean slider image of post1 links to post1 and so on. But you mean to have all the slider link to the same page say Post-X. For that you have to override the theme’s function with child theme and place a static link (hard coded) in the anchor tag. And whenever you want to change the link you have to go through the code.
    That is why I recommend you to upgrade to Pro.
    But if you want to change it within the Free version, create a child theme. You can find more details on creating a child theme HERE. Then in child theme’s functions.php add the following codes.

     * Change slider's links to one custom link
    function catchkathmandu_post_sliders() {
    	//delete_transient( 'catchkathmandu_post_sliders' );
    	global $post;
    	global $catchkathmandu_options_settings;
       	$options = $catchkathmandu_options_settings;
    	if( ( !$catchkathmandu_post_sliders = get_transient( 'catchkathmandu_post_sliders' ) ) && !empty( $options[ 'featured_slider' ] ) ) {
    		echo '<!-- refreshing cache -->';
    		$catchkathmandu_post_sliders = '
    		<div id="main-slider" class="container">
            	<section class="featured-slider">';
    				$get_featured_posts = new WP_Query( array(
    					'posts_per_page' => $options[ 'slider_qty' ],
    					'post__in'		 => $options[ 'featured_slider' ],
    					'orderby' 		 => 'post__in',
    					'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1 // ignore sticky posts
    				$i=0; while ( $get_featured_posts->have_posts()) : $get_featured_posts->the_post(); $i++;
    					$title_attribute = apply_filters( 'the_title', get_the_title( $post->ID ) );
    					$excerpt = get_the_excerpt();
    					if ( $i == 1 ) { $classes = 'post postid-'.$post->ID.' hentry slides displayblock'; } else { $classes = 'post postid-'.$post->ID.' hentry slides displaynone'; }
    					$catchkathmandu_post_sliders .= '
    					<article class="'.$classes.'">
    						<figure class="slider-image">
    							<a title="Permalink to '.the_title('','',false).'" href=" http://your-site/link-to-some-post ">
    								'. get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, 'slider', array( 'title' => esc_attr( $title_attribute ), 'alt' => esc_attr( $title_attribute ), 'class'	=> 'pngfix' ) ).'
    						<div class="entry-container">
    							<header class="entry-header">
    								<h1 class="entry-title">
    									<a title="Permalink to '.the_title('','',false).'" href=" http://your-site/link-to-some-post ">'.the_title( '<span>','</span>', false ).'</a>
    							if( $excerpt !='') {
    								$catchkathmandu_post_sliders .= '<div class="entry-content">'. $excerpt.'</div>';
    							$catchkathmandu_post_sliders .= '
    					</article><!-- .slides -->';
    				endwhile; wp_reset_query();
    				$catchkathmandu_post_sliders .= '
            	<div id="slider-nav">
            		<a class="slide-previous"><</a>
            		<a class="slide-next">></a>
            	<div id="controllers"></div>
      		</div><!-- #main-slider -->';
    	set_transient( 'catchkathmandu_post_sliders', $catchkathmandu_post_sliders, 86940 );
    	echo $catchkathmandu_post_sliders;
    } // catchkathmandu_post_sliders

    Note: Please replace http://your-site/link-to-some-post in the above code with your desired link. There are two occurrences.

    Let me know if this helps.



    Right, but the way they seem to work is by having one image as the featured image… which is why I’m using about 10 posts to show all the images I want in my slider. But what I want is all 10 slider images to point to just *one* page. The same page. If I could make them point to one post (the same post) that would work too.


    Hi @gfde,

    Thank you for using Catch Base Pro.
    The image you are seeing is the Demo Slider. To change the slider, go to “Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Featured Slider”. In Catch Base Pro, you have five different Slider Type options:
    1. Demo Slider (Displays Demo Slider)
    2. Page Slider (Displays selected page in slider. Select Page)
    3. Post Slider (Displays selected post in slider. Select Post ID)
    4. Image Slider (Displays selected image in slider. Upload Image)
    5. Category Slider (Displays selected category’s post in slider. Select Category)
    Choose one of the above option from drop-down in Select Slider Type and the choose number of sliders.
    The Slider options varies as per the Slider Type selected.

    Hope this helps you.



    Hi @marga,

    Thank you for your appreciation.
    1. In Catch Base Free version, feature to change copyright text is not available, however, it is available in Catch Base Pro. I recommend you to upgrade to pro version.

    2. For removing link from slider, you have to create a child theme. You can find more details on creating child theme HERE. Then in functions.php add the following codes.

    function catchbase_page_slider( $options ) {
    	$quantity		= absint( $options['featured_slide_number'] );
    	global $post;
        $output 				= '';
        $number_of_page 		= 0; 		// for number of pages
    	$page_list				= array();	// list of valid page ids
    	//Get number of valid pages
    	for( $i = 1; $i <= $quantity; $i++ ){
    		if( isset ( $options['featured_slider_page_' . $i] ) && $options['featured_slider_page_' . $i] > 0 ){
    			$page_list	=	array_merge( $page_list, array( $options['featured_slider_page_' . $i] ) );
    	if ( !empty( $page_list ) && $number_of_page > 0 ) {
    		$get_featured_posts = new WP_Query( array(
    			'posts_per_page'	=> $quantity,
    			'post_type'			=> 'page',
    			'post__in'			=> $page_list,
    			'orderby' 			=> 'post__in'
    		while ( $get_featured_posts->have_posts()) {
    			$title_attribute =the_title_attribute( array( 'before' => __( 'Permalink to:', 'catch-base' ), 'echo' => false ) );
    			$excerpt = get_the_excerpt();
    			if ( $i == 1 ) { $classes = 'page pageid-'.$post->ID.' hentry slides displayblock'; } else { $classes = 'page pageid-'.$post->ID.' hentry slides displaynone'; }
    			$output .= '
    			<article class="'.$classes.'">
    				<figure class="slider-image">';
    				if ( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
    					$output .= get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, 'catchbase_slider', array( 'title' => esc_attr( $title_attribute ), 'alt' => esc_attr( $title_attribute ), 'class'	=> 'attached-page-image' ) );
    				else {
    					//Default value if there is no first image
    					$catchbase_image = '<img class="pngfix wp-post-image" src="'.get_template_directory_uri().'/images/gallery/no-featured-image-1200x514.jpg" >';
    					//Get the first image in page, returns false if there is no image
    					$catchbase_first_image = catchbase_get_first_image( $post->ID, 'medium', array( 'title' => esc_attr( $title_attribute ), 'alt' => esc_attr( $title_attribute ), 'class' => 'attached-page-image' ) );
    					//Set value of image as first image if there is an image present in the page
    					if ( '' != $catchbase_first_image ) {
    						$catchbase_image =	$catchbase_first_image;
    					$output .= $catchbase_image;
    				$output .= '
    				</figure><!-- .slider-image -->
    				<div class="entry-container">
    					<header class="entry-header">
    						<h1 class="entry-title">
    							<a title="' . the_title_attribute( array( 'before' => __( 'Permalink to:', 'catch-base' ), 'echo' => false ) ) . '" href="' . get_permalink() . '">'.the_title( '<span>','</span>', false ).'</a>
    						<div class="assistive-text">'.catchbase_page_post_meta().'</div>
    					if( $excerpt !='') {
    						$output .= '<div class="entry-content">'. $excerpt.'</div>';
    					$output .= '
    				</div><!-- .entry-container -->
    			</article><!-- .slides -->';
    	return $output;



    Hi @tracypost,

    Sorry for the inconvenience.
    The theme features in Catch Responsive and Simple Catch is little different. Catch Responsive allows you to display the slider using page’s featured image, whereas Simple Catch allows you to display the slider using post’s featured image.
    The feature you’ve mentioned is available in Catch Responsive Pro. I recommend you to upgrade to Catch Responsive Pro.



    Hi @Daniel,

    Sorry there. Thank you for using Catch Box Pro.
    For gif images in slider, go to “Dashboard=> Appearance=> Theme Options=> Featured Slider (Tab)” and select Featured Image Slider in Select Slider Type option. Then scroll down you’ll see Featured Image Slider Options, click on Add/Change button in image and choose your desired gif image. After you’re done, click Save.

    Let me know if this helps with your issue.



    In reply to: Add image size

    Mouvance web

    I subsitute the slider by one main image in the header. I would like that images download in #header-featured-image be systematically resized, 1200px for the width, 300px for the height.
    Currently, images are resized at 1200px for width, 400px for height. I know that I can resize images manually, but it’s important that it be computerized. I hope I have been clear…Thank you!


    Hi @Paul,

    I’ll provide you the code that I’ve tested with which is working fine. Please try with the following.
    1. style.css

    Theme Name: Catch Kathmandu Pro Child Theme
    Theme URI:
    Author: Catch Themes Team
    Author URI:
    Description: Catch Themes has come up with a full-fledged Corporate/Blog premium WordPress theme, Catch Kathmandu Pro! The design is highly customizable and you can tailor the display to your taste with a few easy clicks. Based on HTML5 and CSS3, it is a responsive theme which automatically adapts to the screen's size, regardless of the devices the visitors use. It has a large screen layout which elegantly extends to 1280 pixels! If you are looking for a clean professional space which accommodates your visuals and yet provides you with ample amount of textual area, Catch Kathmandu Pro is your perfect find. Active community at
    Version: 1.0
    License: GNU General Public License, version 3 (GPLv3)
    License URI:
    Tags: black, blue, gray, white, dark,light, one-column, two-columns, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, fixed-layout, fluid-layout, responsive-layout,  custom-background, custom-header, custom-menu, featured-image-header, featured-images, flexible-header, front-page-post-form, full-width-template, post-formats, sticky-post, theme-options, threaded-comments, translation-ready
    Text Domain: catchkathmandu
    Template: catch-kathmandu-pro
    /* =Child Theme Custom CSS
    -------------------------------------------------------------- */

    2. functions.php

     * Child Theme functions and definitions
     * Loading Parent theme stylesheet
    add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', 'catchkathmandu_child_enqueue_styles' );
    function catchkathmandu_child_enqueue_styles() {
        wp_enqueue_style( 'catchkathmandu-parent-style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style.css' );
     * Moving Primary Slider below Slider
    add_action( 'init' , 'catchkathmandu_child_move_menu_below_slider' );
    function catchkathmandu_child_move_menu_below_slider() {
    	remove_action( 'catchkathmandu_hgroup_wrap', 'catchkathmandu_header_right', 15 );
    	add_action( 'catchkathmandu_before_main', 'catchkathmandu_header_right', 15 );

    The link below is the image of the changes made with the above codes in the child theme.



    In reply to: Featured Slider Height


    HI @benowchiro,

    In free version, there is only featured post slider and featured category slider. The images for both these are automatically re-sized so it is not possible to fix a certain height as they are pre-build. So, they cannot be resized with custom CSS.

    If you upgrade to pro version, you can select a featured image slider in which you can add images with custom height for your need. The details of pro version is here



    I tried that but it didn’t work. Perhaps I’m using the wrong terminology. I have a featured slider as the main image at the top of the page, the primary menu is positioned above this featured image. I wish to move the menu below the image just above the words of the web page



Viewing 20 results - 821 through 840 (of 2,392 total)