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  • #88938

    Hi again Mahesh. I’m working on my site and finding more and more Things that Works for me.
    But I would really appreciate it, if you could visit my page and try and tell me how I can make all the Visuals more fullscreen/wider, so that the header, menu, slider and featured content doesn’t get so much free, white Space on the sides. Hope you see what I mean, and I would really be thankfull for Your help 🙂


    @daviddomi: You’ll need to create a child theme for this. You can find more details on creating child theme HERE. Then in your functions.php add the following code:

    function jomsom_featured_image_display() {
        $options = jomsom_get_theme_options();
        if ( "before-header" == $options['featured_header_image_position']  ) {
            add_action( 'jomsom_header', 'jomsom_featured_overall_image', 15 );
        elseif ( "after-slider" == $options['featured_header_image_position'] ) {
            add_action( 'jomsom_before_content', 'jomsom_featured_overall_image', 20 );
        elseif ( "after-header" == $options['featured_header_image_position'] ) {
            add_action( 'jomsom_after_header', 'jomsom_featured_overall_image', 40 );

    Note: Please make sure that Before Header option is selected in Featured Header Image Position.



    Hi @kate-upton,

    To remove the permalinks from featured post slider, please follow following steps::
    1. Create A Child Theme for Simple Catch Theme. Details for child theme is here
    2. In your child theme’s functions.php add the function given here:
    * It is the same function that you have given, just removed the links. Check line 35 in new code for difference.

    Let me know how it goes.

    Quick Note: For Future references, the reply will be much quicker if you post your issue in a separate post under your theme. This post is for users that use Adventurous Pro theme


    i would also like to know how to remove links from the slider. any tips on what exactly i would be customizing with the simplecatch_sliders() function? here it is below (i found the following code in the simplecatch_functions.php file)

     * This function to display featured posts on homepage header
     * @get the data value from theme options
     * @displays on the homepage header
     * @useage Featured Image, Title and Content of Post
     * @uses set_transient and delete_transient
    function simplecatch_sliders() {
    	global $post;
    	//delete_transient( 'simplecatch_sliders' );
    	global $simplecatch_options_settings;
        $options = $simplecatch_options_settings;
    	$postperpage = $options[ 'slider_qty' ];
    	if( ( !$simplecatch_sliders = get_transient( 'simplecatch_sliders' ) ) && !empty( $options[ 'featured_slider' ] ) ) {
    		echo '<!-- refreshing cache -->';
    		$simplecatch_sliders = '
    		<div class="featured-slider">';
    			$get_featured_posts = new WP_Query( array(
    				'posts_per_page' => $postperpage,
    				'post__in'		 => $options[ 'featured_slider' ],
    				'orderby' 		 => 'post__in',
    				'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1 // ignore sticky posts
    			$i=0; while ( $get_featured_posts->have_posts()) : $get_featured_posts->the_post(); $i++;
    				$title_attribute = apply_filters( 'the_title', get_the_title( $post->ID ) );
    				$excerpt = get_the_excerpt();
    				if ( $i == 1 ) { $classes = "slides displayblock"; } else { $classes = "slides displaynone"; }
    				$simplecatch_sliders .= '
    				<div class="'.$classes.'">
    					<div class="featured">
    						<div class="slide-image">';
    							if( has_post_thumbnail() ) {
    								$simplecatch_sliders .= '<a href="' . get_permalink() . '" title="Permalink to '.the_title('','',false).'">';
    								if( $options[ 'remove_noise_effect' ] == "0" ) {
    									$simplecatch_sliders .= '<span class="img-effect pngfix"></span>';
    								$simplecatch_sliders .= get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, 'slider', array( 'title' => esc_attr( $title_attribute ), 'alt' => esc_attr( $title_attribute ), 'class'	=> 'pngfix' ) ).'</a>';
    							else {
    								$simplecatch_sliders .= '<span class="img-effect pngfix"></span>';
    							$simplecatch_sliders .= '
    						</div> <!-- .slide-image -->
    					</div> <!-- .featured -->
    					<div class="featured-text">';
    						if( $excerpt !='') {
    							$simplecatch_sliders .= the_title( '<span>','</span>', false ).': '.$excerpt;
    						$simplecatch_sliders .= '
    					</div><!-- .featured-text -->
    				</div> <!-- .slides -->';
    			endwhile; wp_reset_query();
    		$simplecatch_sliders .= '
    		</div> <!-- .featured-slider -->
    			<div id="controllers">
    			</div><!-- #controllers -->';
    	set_transient( 'simplecatch_sliders', $simplecatch_sliders, 86940 );
    	echo $simplecatch_sliders;
    } // simplecatch_sliders

    1. Change the text color below the Featured Post Slider:
    Go to Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options=> Custom CSS box and add the following CSS:

    #main-slider .featured-text {
        color: #ffffff;

    2. Change the hover color of Header Text:
    Go to Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options=> Custom CSS box and add the following CSS:

    #site-title a:hover {
        color: #ffffff;

    3. Want to customize the footer to my name where it says Powered by WordPress | Theme Simple Catch Pro:
    Go to Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options=> Footer Options and in Footer Editor options, replace the following text there:
    Powered by: [wp-link] | Theme: [theme-link] with
    your name

    Let me know if any problem.



    Thanks. I was able to change the background image.

    But i am stuck on other things now. Please help me with…

    1. How to change the text color below the Featured Post Slider.

    2. How to change the hover color of Header Text? Presently Active color is White but changes to Black on hovering. How to change it?

    3. I want to customize the footer to my name where it says Powered by WordPress | Theme Simple Catch Pro.

    I thank you in anticipation of your response.



    @justanotherwordpressuser: Full Frame free version has limit to certain options, Featured Content is one of them. In free version, you can only use demo or pages content as featured content. The option you are seeking is availabe in Pro version. In Full Frame Pro, you can use Page, Post, Image (Custom link, content and image) or Category as Featured Content. Same with Featured Slider. I recommend you to upgrade to Full Frame Pro.
    If you want to have it in the free version, you’ll need to hire a customizer.



    @ahakristin: Got the email and the attachments too. Your images size and aspect ratios are way too different. Some are landscape and some are portrait. The recommend size of the featured slider according to theme instruction is:
    Width: 1200px
    Height: 514px
    I recommend you to edit the image first and make all the image to above size. If you want to have larger image, that’s fine too just make sure the aspect ratio for all image is same. Therefore you can fix the issue of unproportional slider image.
    Let me know if any issue.



    @ahakristin: Thank you for using Catch Responsive Pro.
    1. Change position of social link icons to right top
    Yes, it is possible to change position of social link icons to right top. Go to “Dashboard=> Appearance=> Widgets” and drag CT:Social Icons widget to Header Right widget area and click Save. Go to “Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options=> Header Right Sidebar Option” and make sure Check to disable Header Right Sidebar is Unchecked
    2. Featured Slider
    May be the slider is causing the issue. Please disable all plugins one by one and check if it solves the issue.

    Let me know if any problem. And please post in your site url.



    In reply to: Adding/Changing Slider


    @philwilky: The best and easiest way that I would recommend you to have the above mentioned feature is to upgrade to Catch Base Pro. Yes, Catch Base Pro version does have that functionality for Featured Slider and Featured Content. You will have full control over the image, content and links in both of the above (Featured Slider and Featured Content). The Pro version has much more other options too (Color option, Footer Editor etc).
    Hope this helps you.



    I only get my social links icons in the footer menu at the bottom of the site. Is it possible to change the position to the right top instead?
    I am using the Catch responsive pro theme.
    I am also hoping some of you can help me get my featured slider back!! Since I have started using the plugin Meta slider, my featured slider on the front page only shows like a very thin line at the top of the page, covered by the featured content. What has happened?
    Please e-mail me at [email protected] if someone thinks they can help me and need some further information on my page.


    @cjcomms: Pro version is with same scenario too. The Pro version have other options such as Color option, Slider option, Featured Content etc.



    @geosot11: Well, this is beyond my control. I can only suggest you to either upgrade to Pro or Hire customizer/Find a friend who can do the customization to display Posts in Featured Content and Featured Slider instead.
    For further, please contact may be they can help you.



    @geosot11: In Clean Journal Free version, there is limit for featured content and featured slider to pages and demo only. For more feature like displaying post, widget, image, category is only available in Pro. I recommend you to upgrade to Clean Journal Pro.



    Hi @Markus,

    Can you check the site now? The header image is coming up properly.


    What you meant was Featured Slider not Header Image. To change it, Please follow the and search for Featured Slider.

    This should help you change the match stick image.


    Hi @khudkp,
    1) The primary menu item “Startside” and “Erhvervsdrivende” seems to have the same background color, like both (menu)items has been activated – shouilden’t only “Startside” be with a lighter background color?
    It looks like you have set the parent of “Startside” as “Erhvervsdrivende” so when child menu item is active, parent menu item will also be active.

    2) I tried to uses <b> </b> <br> and such in the field where I write text – in the feutured slider-system. But its kinda not working?
    For security issues, we do not allow html tabs in Featured Slider.

    3) Feutured slider – when I load my site, or reload it with CTRL+F5, the white-on-back-arrows on the slider images first loads in the top area of the images, then changes thier place in them middle of the images – should it really be this way?
    Yes, it is this way. The images take a few time to load. The images for arrow and other items are very low in size and will load quicker.

    4) I uses images of 1200×400 for feutured slider. Is there any way I could hava a smaller feutured slider-area, so the that are wouldent take so much space – so i could just do fine with pictures of e.g.: 800×400 of size?
    That Image size should work. Can you add that image and let me see how it looks/ or describe to me how it should look. Maybe I will be able to provide you with Custom CSS.



    In reply to: Upgrade with troubles


    @hoffmen99: Thank you for using Catch Responsive Pro. I checked the theme and seems to be an bug in the slider. Our team has found the bug and fixed it. The issue will be fixed on the next update ( will be available soon ). If its urgent for you, you can fix it manually. Find catchresponsive-featured-slider.php inside theme_directory/inc folder, go to line 53 you will see following code:
    data-cycle-fx="'. absint( $options['featured_slide_transition_effect'] ) .'"
    Change this to
    data-cycle-fx="'. esc_attr( $options['featured_slide_transition_effect'] ) .'"
    Note: The thing need to change is absint to esc_attr.

    Thank you for letting us know the bug.



    @tdejarnett: Format the text do you mean to change font size? Since you header text in the slider are long, using small font will fix the issue. Go to “Dashboard=> Appearance=> Customize=> Theme Options=> Custom CSS” box and add the following CSS.

    /* Adjust Featured Slider's header font size */
    #feature-slider .entry-title {
        font-size: 20px;
    /* Adjust Featured Slider's content font size */
    #feature-slider .entry-content {
        font-size: 15px;

    Note: Please adjust the font size as you required.

    Let me know if any problem.



    @jdc: I checked the theme as per your testing. But didn’t run to any problem. It worked fine. As you’ve mentioned, that your production site is working fine but you are getting problem in your test site only. I navigate to the Featured Slider in customizer and can upload the image again normally. I guess there is a problem in your WordPress installation on your test site. I recommend you to install a fresh copy of the WordPress and test the theme again.
    The login in “preview area” may be also caused by the above issue.
    Let me know if the problem persist.



    Hi @pedrokraft,
    To remove the links, you need to use Featured Image Slider instead of the Featured Page/Post/Category Slider. This is a custom slider. You can add only images title and content.

    Its details are here:

    Let me know if this works or not.


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