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    Everyone on here seems really helpful and supportive that’s great!

    I have made a child theme from Catch Base and am looking at adding a fully featured slider to the home page to replace the featured image slider that is currently if i install a slider plugin and want to know how to add it to the theme.

    The plugin i am using “Huge IT Sliders” and states the following regarding adding a slider to a theme.

    Template Include

    Copy & paste this code into a template file to include the slideshow within your theme.

    but is quite vague, i do like the current slider so would like it to be replaced like for like if possible. Just need a slider that gives me more control over image and links. Would also buy the pro version if that would offer me more control over the slider. but its hard to see if that control is there by reading theme info.

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


    @philwilky: The best and easiest way that I would recommend you to have the above mentioned feature is to upgrade to Catch Base Pro. Yes, Catch Base Pro version does have that functionality for Featured Slider and Featured Content. You will have full control over the image, content and links in both of the above (Featured Slider and Featured Content). The Pro version has much more other options too (Color option, Footer Editor etc).
    Hope this helps you.


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