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  • #88318

    Running latest WP with latest theme on fleksjobbernetvaerket.dk

    1) The primary menu item “Startside” and “Erhvervsdrivende” seems to have the same background color, like both (menu)items has been activated – shouilden’t only “Startside” be with a lighter background color?

    2) I tried to uses <b> </b> <br> and such in the field where I write text – in the feutured slider-system. But its kinda not working?

    3) Feutured slider – when I load my site, or reload it with CTRL+F5, the white-on-back-arrows on the slider images first loads in the top area of the images, then changes thier place in them middle of the images – should it really be this way?

    4) I uses images of 1200×400 for feutured slider. Is there any way I could hava a smaller feutured slider-area, so the that are wouldent take so much space – so i could just do fine with pictures of e.g.: 800×400 of size?



    Hi @khudkp,
    1) The primary menu item “Startside” and “Erhvervsdrivende” seems to have the same background color, like both (menu)items has been activated – shouilden’t only “Startside” be with a lighter background color?
    It looks like you have set the parent of “Startside” as “Erhvervsdrivende” so when child menu item is active, parent menu item will also be active.

    2) I tried to uses <b> </b> <br> and such in the field where I write text – in the feutured slider-system. But its kinda not working?
    For security issues, we do not allow html tabs in Featured Slider.

    3) Feutured slider – when I load my site, or reload it with CTRL+F5, the white-on-back-arrows on the slider images first loads in the top area of the images, then changes thier place in them middle of the images – should it really be this way?
    Yes, it is this way. The images take a few time to load. The images for arrow and other items are very low in size and will load quicker.

    4) I uses images of 1200×400 for feutured slider. Is there any way I could hava a smaller feutured slider-area, so the that are wouldent take so much space – so i could just do fine with pictures of e.g.: 800×400 of size?
    That Image size should work. Can you add that image and let me see how it looks/ or describe to me how it should look. Maybe I will be able to provide you with Custom CSS.




    1) Doesn’t seem to be so … “Erhvervsdrivende” is a page but “Startside” is just a customer menulink to the sit url http://www.fl…..

    2, 3) OK

    4) Yes 1200×400 works — I haven’ tried with 800×400 … so far

    The reason why I wanted to try this is because, currently I run my screen at 1440×900 and this feutured slider-area fills up a lot on my screen, so i thought having smaller images would help.

    And I wrote a mistake above. i wrote I would like to change it from 1200×400 to 800×400 … that is wrong.It is the HEGITH of the image I wanna change, not the width of 1200. – So that would be something like 1200×300 perhaps.

    On the other hand … if your screen resolution is something much over 1900×1080 the it probbaly wont matter anyway … not really sure. As i said … its only because I use a scree nres. of 1440×900 that I feel the images are too big.



    Hi @khudkp,
    1. This is strange. Can you let me know what are the options selected under following:
    Settings=> Reading=> Front Page Displays
    Also, if A static page is selected, can you let me know which pages are set as Front Page and Posts Page.

    4. If you change the height, then it wont matter. You can use that image. But your concern is correct. Current image will look good on large screens, but will look a bit big on small screens. Its your choice.




    Under Settings-Reading-Front page displays

    “A static page (select below)” is selected.
    The Front page is “Velkommen” … (its a page)
    The Posts page is not selected.

    This is a creenshot of the page “Velkommen”, so u can c theres no parrent under Page Attributes


    Hi @knudkp,

    Yes there is no parent page. This is a strange issue because “Erhvervsdrivende” page shows that its child page is active so it is being activated.

    I need to check your admin dashboard. Can you send the admin details if possible?
    Use pratik [at] catchthemes [dot] com.



    HI @knudkp,

    I think I have found the issue. Your homepage and the third sub menu in Erhvervsdrivende named Coporate website (på vej)
    are same, so that is being highlighted. Can you check it?



    I removed the menulink – and it helped.

    But it is strange – as this menu-item was an external link … and was not even existing as a page or post. however … its solved now.

    Thanks a lot for you’r effort!

    In general, i feel it was worth purchasing your themes, s I get valued support every now and then! This is really good!!

    //Knud .-)


    Hi @kundkp,

    Thank you for your appreciation and supporting Catch Themes by purchasing our Pro theme.


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