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  • #7002

    Hi jsvoboda,

    How did you disable the links from your homepage gallery slider. In my site, I’d just like it to be a gallery image slider w/ no links like yours.

    Thanks in advance,



    Hey Sakin,



    Hello Jeff,

    Can you send me your site URL, so that I can see the issues there.



    @bradfordbeans: You can just add only one post in the Featured slider then you will have only one image. This will do little trick.

    But if you just want one image only with your own size. Then upgrade to Catch Everest Pro theme, where you can choose Featured Image slider and then just upload one image of your own size through image uploader in Theme Options panel.


    In reply to: Featured Images


    @ Saskin,

    I do not know how to replace the “catcheverest-functions.php”. I to have difficulties replacing the feature images and when I try to replace in the feature post slider I only see the text content from my post but not the images.

    It would be great if u can help me out.

    Thanks in advance.


    In reply to: Featured Images

    Forgot to enter the URL (it is now running with the slider on the entire website)…



    In reply to: Featured Images

    Is is the same for me it seems that you can enable the slider but than is has to be enabled for the whole site… No clue how to bring back the features images on the frontpage.

    Please respond as soon as possible as I can not develop any further.

    Kind Regards,

    Brian Verburg



    Dear Luis,

    1. I already told you there is problem in your Mailing list code that is why it is linking to all. there is no closing for link. If you doubt then remove the mailing list widget and everything will be fine.

    2. Send me example of the pages so that I can check in.

    3. I don’t get it what you mean.

    4. Non of our theme provide slideshow in header. We only have Featured Image Slider instead of Featured Post Slider in All Pro version of theme.



    @mloga94: Don’t edit anything on the theme core file. Now you need to re-upload the theme from FTP and it will be fine.


    My featured Slider in WP 3.5.1 was not showing in a dashboard, so according to one forum i add this code
    if ( function_exists( ‘add_theme_support’ ) ) {
    add_theme_support( ‘post-thumbnails’ );
    set_post_thumbnail_size( 150, 150, true ); // default Post Thumbnail dimensions (cropped)
    // additional image sizes
    // delete the next line if you do not need additional image sizes
    add_image_size( ‘category-thumb’, 300, 9999 ); //300 pixels wide (and unlimited height)
    and now i cannot get into my dashboard , this is an error message i am getting

    Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_STRING in /home/mloga94/public_html/wp-content/themes/simple-catch/functions.php on line 135

    This is my site :


    I am having the same issue. I have set a static Front Page and set my “Blog” page to be the posts page.

    Everything seems to work great except that the Slider is on my “Blog” page too. In Theme Options> Featured Post Slider > Slider Options I have set to Homepage/Frontpage only.

    My site is

    Thank you!


    5. How can I make a Header slide show?

    You said:

    — To add the Featured Post Slider. See this
    First create the Post and don’t forget to add in the Featured Image in the post as this image is used in the slider. To add featured image see this

    Then get the ID of the post. When you edit your post or write a post. you will see the id in your browser address bar. But if you cannot find it then you can use this plugin to view it

    Then go to “Appearance => Featured Slider => Slider Options”. Add in the post id.


    I am sorry, I don’t understand the explanation. Let me try to rephrase my question (English is my second languish). I am not referring to “Slide Post”, but to a Slide Image Header. I have inserted 8 photos in the Custom Heather Section (with the correct header size) and selected Show A Different Image On Each page. but what I want these images to constantly change every few seconds even if the visitor is staying in one single page. Is there a code you could give me to place in the Custom CSS Style, that will help me achieve what I am looking for? Or perhaps this function is available in the Pro version and I will only need to select it?


    Regarding going Pro: Will I loose the Custom CSS codes I already have
    entered? I am not good at this technology and it has taking me a while
    to get to where I am then loose everything due to my very limited

    I have already been locked out and cannot log in back from my house
    internet, I guess due to the amount of mistakes I made trying to
    figure out how to login. Any chance I could get access again please? Also, I cannot
    reply from my iPhone because the Submit button on your forum does not
    show on the iPhone screen.

    Thank you so much in advance, your support is excellent!



    In reply to: featured image gallery


    @Arhela: To add Featured Post Slider in Catch Everest Theme see this

    the main page has different layout option to make where you have slider, homepage headlines, and homepage featured content. It is different then normal blog.


    In reply to: Slider Issues


    @cheri.schneider: To exclude slider post from the homepage blog, there is option in “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider => Featured Post Slider Options”. There you have to check “Exclude Slider post from Homepage posts?” and save it.

    To control the slider display, just change that in “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider => Slider Options”.


    In reply to: featured image gallery


    Hi, I think I have a simillar question and I didn’t understand what to do from these answers. I want to know

    1. How to change and disable pictures of Everest, Nepal wheel.. etc and the text which came in the package with them? I want to put  my pictures instead of these.

    2. When I choose Catch Everest, I imagine that my posts will be shown like main page. with slider. I can’t find a way to do that…

    I already read forum/topic/featured-post-slider-not-showing-up/… and I’ll try to follow instructions there, but are they enough if I want the images of my features to e shown on main page?The other things are great and I like them. I’m very satisfied from the compability with mobile phones – really great… 


    In reply to: JQuery Question


    @acgtMedia: Jquery is not only used to slider.

    For slider its jquery cycle jquery.cycle.all.min.js and slider script catcheverest-slider.js . Which will be automatically remove when you disable slider from “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Post Slider => Slider Options”


    In reply to: Catch Everest Pro


    @Jahn: See this theme instruction

    Check your setting in “Appearance => Theme Options => Featured Slider” for slider. Looks like you haven’t added any slider details. In free it was loading default slider.


    In reply to: Slider Issues


    @rsolosky: WoW you asked the question and solved it. Now answering other. Thanks a lot for your effort. This is why I like providing Free themes.

    Yes, Please follow the rsolosky suggestion of creating featured post slider. Also there is Theme Instructions for more about themes


    1. Remove “Powered by WordPress / Catch Theme” from footer.
    — We don’t allow to remove Footer information in Free Theme as this is only the source of our recognition for providing Free theme and Free Support. But, if you want to remove it, please upgrade to Catch Box Pro theme and then you will have Footer Editor Options in Theme Options panel to edit or remove the footer text.

    2. Navigation menu not always stays in one line. It changes with
    different search engines. I used this code from one of your posts and it helped but it was not a final solution: #branding a { padding: 0 1.11em; }
    — Yes we know about that, different browser render the font and margin differently so it cannot be 100% same. You just adjust the padding as per your need.

    3. Capital letters not working on iPhone/android devises. Shows Home,
    in stead of HOME, I used this code from one of your posts and it helped but it was not a final solution since it does not work in iPhone/Android: #branding a { text-transform: uppercase; }
    — Add the following CSS in “Custom CSS” box in Theme Options panel.
    .tinynav { text-transform: uppercase; }

    4. iPhone/Android showing Green Background frame on the right instead
    of the bottom (as in the rest of the site) on the pages where I have
    a contact form. Something similar happens when I was trying to fill out this actual form, from an iPhone, I could not get to the Submit button.
    — the form you have added in your contact page is not responsive so it is having issue in mobile devices.

    5. How can I make a Header slide show? I did not understand the video another person posted.
    — To add the Featured Post Slider. See this
    First create the Post and don’t forget to add in the Featured Image in the post as this image is used in the slider. To add featured image see this

    Then get the ID of the post. When you edit your post or write a post. you will see the id in your browser address bar. But if you cannot find it then you can use this plugin to view it

    Then go to “Appearance => Featured Slider => Slider Options”. Add in the post id.

    6. Twitter link says “Forbidden (Rate Limit Exceeded)”. How to correct
    this issue?
    — I don’t know about this. I think you are talking about the widget or plugin. If you are talking about plugin then as the Plugin support forum.

    7. How to change text color of a particular widget?
    — For this you need to know about the CSS ID and Class and then add the css for that particular ID and classes.


    @ieRia_chen: Please check the Theme Instruction for Catch Box Theme and also it has been answer in this support forum

    I hope this will solve your issues.

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