Eero, a friend highly skilled in WordPress suggested pasting the code supplied by Sakin into function.php window and that seems to have worked for me. No need to use a child theme. Go to Appearance > Editor and open the files editor for the website. In the right hand column find and click on function.php and it will open in the window edit area. In the upper right make sure you are in the correct Theme. Copy and past the code supplied by Sakin into that window. Save and test the site.
Note, there is some danger this could result in trouble but it worked for me. There is also the possibility that you can’t edit the function.php file from inside your admin area because of the permissions placed on it by you hosting company. Finally, it’s my understanding the fix may be nullified by updating the Catch Base Pro theme in the future. I’m a novice and not sure about this.
Finally, there is some evidence the load problem is more of an issue with the Chrome browser.