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  • in reply to: Can you turn off posters details? #42410

    Hi Sakin,

    HELP! I have the feeling that everything what I put in CSS is not working….

    1. I tried to get rid of the ‘who posted, when and whether comments are on or off’ in a post with the following CSS: #main #content { display: none; }
    But it doesn’t work.

    2. I also tried to change the color (bright yellow) of the text on the slider images.

    3. Can I only show the post title in the slider, not the information in the post? (second slider shows both)

    Hopefully you can help me. Thank you so much!

    in reply to: padding + color menu + featured content #28463

    Hi Sakin,

    I’m using a plugin for the font. I tried to use your css, but still there is a lot of space between the text paragraphs in (for example) ‘about’. I would like to have just 1 enter in between, now it looks like there are 2 or 3 enters..

    And regarding the sidebar, I would like to have the sidebar 1/3 compared to the text part. Hopefully it’s more clear now. 🙂

    A question about my gallery. The pictures are not shown in total, if I open them you see them in total, but not if you look at the whole gallery. Can I adjust that?
    And I selected a few pictures for the gallery, but if I open one and click on next or preview, it shows all the pictures I have on the page (also the logo). Can I ‘hide’ the ones I don’t want to show in my gallery?

    Last but not least… The color of the text in my contact form I would like to have black, now it’s light grey, so you hardly see it.
    And can I enlarge the message box?

    Thank you!!

    in reply to: padding + color menu + featured content #25761

    Perfect, thanks!

    I have been searching to get the space between the paragraphs in ‘about me’ smaller, but nothing worked so far…. Any ideas??

    And can I change the width of the right sidebar? I would like to have it a bit smaller.

    Thank you so much again for your help!

    in reply to: padding + color menu + featured content #25614

    Thanks so much!! A few questions after adjusting accordingly as you advised.

    1. I have made a logo so I could choose the font I would like to use. Now the color is not completely matching. What is the color code of the header background? It is not completely black, a bit gray. Or can I make it black?

    2. Can I reduce the padding above and under the logo? So it will be more in line with menu and social icons.

    3. How can I remove the gray border at the bottom of my homepage?

    Thanks again!

    in reply to: change font site title #25085

    Thanks for your help! I installed the google font plugin. If I go to:
    Appearance >> Customize >> Typography
    I can change all kinds of headings and paragraph, but non will change the site title and tagline.
    How can I change font, size and color of the site title + Tagline?

    Thanks again!

    in reply to: Search box #17045

    Perfect! Thanks a lot!!

    in reply to: Search box #17043

    Thank you, it worked! Only thing is that the logo is moved to the right. It was on the left of the title.

    in reply to: Search box #17041

    Thanks for your quick response! Hereby the link:

    in reply to: Search box #17039

    I took it out because it didn’t work, so I can keep the overview of everything in CSS. But I put it back in again. Could you have a look again please? Thank you so much!

    in reply to: Search box #16999

    Thanks! The layout I have changed. But unfortunately I could not change the color of the search text. When I type in something in the searchbox, I still cannot see what I have typed. Hopefully you can help again!

    in reply to: Footer area advertisement #16998

    Thanks! And can I change the color of the footer area in black? Just like the rest of my page?

    in reply to: Add logo to footer + delete line #16096

    You are right. I have put it back on the page again. Sorry!

    Hopefully you can help me with two questions:
    – Can I add an advertisement logo in the footer?
    – How can I delete the line at the bottom of each underlying page?

    Thanks for your help!

    in reply to: Can I change my FB & Twitter icons? #15759

    Oke, clear. And how can I manually change them?

    in reply to: Can I change my FB & Twitter icons? #15657

    Is this also possible in Catch Everest free version? I cannot find “theme image folder”.

    in reply to: Remove FB & Twitter icon on page #15635

    This is the URL:

    in reply to: Getting the logo in alignment with header text #14655

    Thanks! It worked out.

    in reply to: Getting the logo in alignment with header text #14553

    I found out how to reduce the space underneath and above the site title, but I didn’t find out yet how to get more space between logo and site title. Hopefully you can advice.
    Another question is how I can make the site title smaller, so the favicons and search fits beside it.

    Thanks for your help again!

    in reply to: Getting the logo in alignment with header text #14546

    I added the following CSS:
    #site-logo {
    display: inline;
    float: right;
    #hgroup.with-logo {
    clear: none;
    display: inline;
    float: left;

    And this worked out. I would like to have some more space between logo and site title and less ‘white’ above and below. Do you have tips?

    in reply to: Getting the logo in alignment with header text #14544

    Thanks for your help Sakin, unfortunately it didn’t work out. I have added the CSS, but the site title + tagline are still placed lower then the logo and FB + Twitter icons. Did I do anything wrong?

    in reply to: Getting the logo in alignment with header text #14523

    I tried all I have read in the forums, but nothing worked. I would like to have the logo, site title + tagline and FB + Twitter + search lined out in the header. Could you please advise?

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