Well this is a puzzle. I did at first suspect a plugin but disabling it made no difference. I then tried disabling all the plugins but a couple that would have stopped the site working for an important element. The problem was still there. I then re-enabled all those plugins and changed the theme to Twenty-Twenty-two and the problem was immediately fixed. Hence why I thought it must be the theme.
As suggested I have tried disabling cache plugins to no avail. I also disabled most plugins again. Problem still there.
Looking at the html/css of the page the form html is there but I now see that in the css there is the following…
#comments.comments-area {
display: none;
So the question arises as to what is inserting this. A search of the files in the site says it is in style.css of Corporacy, yet when I then go to edit that file and search for that code it is not there.
Any suggestions?