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  • #278724

    In the topic I opened in the Zubin non-pro thread on the same issue, I was advised to buy the pro version which I now did. The issue remains, I would like to find out how I can use two separate header media images: one for the front page and one for the rest. The current options under Customization / Header Image don’t seem to support this. I can set up one image as per the above screenshot, but I would like a different option. I can see that this might be possible, because the Zubin Pro Demo pages are set up with different header media images, and I would like to find out how this is done.


    @zeusz: To use different header images for different pages and posts. Login to your WordPress admin section.
    Go to Apperance => Customize => Header Media
    Under Enable on: Select Entire Site, Page/post featured image. For every page or post where you would like to display different header image, you will need to add desired images in the featured image section of pages and posts. Let me know if this helps you resolve your issue.


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