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  • #105531

    When someone wants to make a comment on one of my posts or pages, it asks for name and then the comment. However, after you hit enter an error appears asking for Name and Email address. The name field is there but there is no email address field there. I don’t want the email address. Just the name. How do I stop this error? Also, I will sometimes get an error saying that I’m inputting too quickly.

    Please answer this so that it is quite clear in the steps that I have to do. Please do not assume that I know steps or terminology as I’m am completely new to WordPress.

    Please help as I can’t change themes now. My entire site is built around this theme.

    My site is


    @beauthai: If you want do not want to have email field on you comment section. You’ll need to create a child theme. You can find more details on creating child theme HERE. Then in your child theme’s functions.php add the following codes.

    function wpb_disable_comment_email($fields)
    	if ( isset( $fields['email'] ) ){
    		unset( $fields['email'] );
    	if ( isset( $fields['fields']['email'] ) ){
    		unset( $fields['fields']['email'] );
        return $fields;



    As I said earlier, I have no clue how to do any of this. I don’t even know what they are talking about.

    I really do think that you should do an update. My comments should be working without me having to do anything.

    When I go to my site, there is no field for email to start with so I shouldn’t be getting an error saying that I need to fill in a field that doesn’t exist. I think you need to fix this issue as an update because anyone using this theme is going to run into the same problem. I don’t know how to fix this. I do not have the skill to do so. Otherwise, I have to use a new theme and start my site all over again and I would have wasted 2 weeks work!

    This is what the comment box looks like:

    This is what happens when I fill in the box.

    and, this is what happens when I try to enter another comment on the same page,


    This is what the comment box looks like. No, email field:

    This is what happens after I fill it in:

    This is what happens when I try to comment again.


    My website support wants to know if the code can be put into the theme’s function.php file?


    @beauthai: Yes, it can be put in the theme’s functions.php. But on updating the theme, you’ll lose all the changes and you’ll have to do it again. That’s why child theme is recommended. And about other users using the theme, some wants the email field in the comment section, so removing it from the theme is not a solution. But if you don’t need one you can remove it with customization via child theme.
    And for the “submitting too quickly” issue, I guess that’s for the plugins. Try disabling the plugin if you have may be captcha plugin or something, and check if it resolves the issue.
    Please find the child theme in the link below, I’ve made the changes, activating the child theme will remove email field from the comment section.



    I still don’t think you understand. The email field is not there now. There is only a place for name and comment. When I enter the name and a comment, I get an error message saying I have to fill in the name and email. There is no email field!


    @beauthai: It seems you’ll need to use plugins for this. Please find an appropriate plugin in


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